Book/Printed Material Buffalo Commerical Advertiser, [newspaper]. April 17, 1865.
Image 1 of Buffalo Commerical Advertiser, [newspaper]. April 17, 1865. BUFFALO COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER. VOLUME XXXL WHEELIR, MATTHEWS & WARREMj " Hie. NO. 161 Main Stroot, (Com- Mv. B-Mliingi.) rraHEBS ASD FBOFBIBTOBS OF MB ^tj^SToMMEBCIAI, ADVBKTISM! T^Theo'dost daily paper In the citx-delivered or…
Image 2 of Buffalo Commerical Advertiser, [newspaper]. April 17, 1865. (Sflmmtfdal jl^wrfto*.| The Booth Family. Holiday Evening, April 17, 1865. | The startling events of Friday night, ancM the ascertained fact that the assassin of thei % President was John Wilkes Booth,…
Image 3 of Buffalo Commerical Advertiser, [newspaper]. April 17, 1865. f i r Monday Evening, April 17, 1365. LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS, Proclamation by lUe Mayor. Mayor's Office, Botfalo, April 17,18(15. A few days ago, the country was rejoicing over a Be- ries…
Image 4 of Buffalo Commerical Advertiser, [newspaper]. April 17, 1865. Xlie Character ol EinOoln. 1bMon Spectator, which in*-S gently upon all subjects, and which has evmc- the chloroform of despotism. Mr. Lincoln is aj much stnpiderand slower sort of politician, but we…