Manuscript/Mixed Material Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 4, Sanco-Young
Image 1 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 4, Sanco-Young SLAVE NARRATIVES A Folk History of Slavery in the United States From Interviews with Former Slaves TYPEWRITTEN RECORDS PREPARED BY THE FEDERAL WRITERS PROJECT 1936J 938 ASSEMBLED BY THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Image 2 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 4, Sanco-Young VOLUME XVI TEXAS NARRATIVES PART 4 Prepared by the Federal Writers1 Project of the Works Progress Administration for the State of Texas
- Date: 1936-01-01
Image 3 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 4, Sanco-Young INFORMANTS Sanco Kazique Scales Clarissa Scott Hannah Sells Abrara Selman George Shepherd Callie Simmons Betty 3immons George Simpson Ben Smith Giles Smith Janes W Smith Jordon Smith Millie Ann Smith Susan Sneed…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Image 4 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 4, Sanco-Young ILLUSTRATIONS Facing page Mazique Sanco 1 Clarissa Scales 3 Abram Sells 9 George Selraan 15 Callie Shepherd 17 Betty Simmons 19 George Simmons 24 Giles Smith 30 James W Smith 33 Jordon…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Image 5 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 4, Sanco-Young Facing page Mary Thompson 100 Penny Thompson 103 Albert Todd 106 Reeves Tucker 116 Lou Turner 118 Sol Walton 128 Rosa Washington 134 Sam Jones Washington 138 William Watkins 141 Emma Watson…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Image 6 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 4, Sanco-Young Facing page Sallie Wroe 223 Litt Young 227 Louis Young 232 Teshan Young 235
- Date: 1936-01-01
Image 7 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 4, Sanco-Young 420258 EXSLAVE STGEIES Texas Pafe One 9 UAZIQJJ3 SAKCO was horn a slave of Mrs Louisa Green in Columbia South Carolina on February 10 1849 Shortly after Mazique was freed he enlisted…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Image 8 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 4, Sanco-Young Exslave Stories Texas Page Two t 11 1 only stayed there a few months and hired out to Major Leggf and worked for him several years I felt I wasnt learning enough…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Image 9 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 4, Sanco-Young 420256 r XSLAVB STORIES EXTexas f CLARISSA SCALES 791 was born a slave of William Vaughan on his plantation at Plum Creek Texas Clarissa maxried when she was fifteen She owns a…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Image 10 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 4, Sanco-Young ENSLAVE STORIES Page Two fa Texas de slipgap what as a rail took down from de bottom de fence so de hawgs could run under Injuns used to pass our cabin in…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Image 11 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 4, Sanco-Young Page Three Exslave Stories Texas Benjie dies on February 15thf dis year 1937 and de govment gives iae 1000 de month I has de lifl farm of nineteen acres out near Oak…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Image 12 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 4, Sanco-Young 420267 EXSLAVE STOBIES Texas Page One HANNAH SCOTI was born in slavery in Alabama She does not know her age but says she was grown when her last masterf Bat Peterson set…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Image 13 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 4, Sanco-Young Bxslave Stories Txas Page Two mama say something fbout White Pa sellin us for debt and he gits a hunerd dollars for me Whoosh it sho1 ws a heap difent from Alabama…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Image 14 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 4, Sanco-Young Exslave Stories Texas Page Three Pa but old Bat wouldnt lt us go He come to our quarters dat nigjhtand tell mama if she or us chillen try to run off he111…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Image 15 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 4, Sanco-Young 43013G JS3USLAVE STORIES Texas Page One ABRAM SELLS was born a slave on the Rimes Plantation which was located about 18 miles southeast of Newton Texas He does not know his age…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Image 16 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 4, Sanco-Young Exslave Stories Texas Page Two Us chillen hang round close to the big house and us have a old man that went round vrith us and lock after us white chillen and…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Image 17 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 4, Sanco-Young Exslave Stories Texas Page Three 11 fe has lots of meat at times Old granddaddy allus ketchim rabbit in some kind of trap mostly make outrn a holler log f em round…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Image 18 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 4, Sanco-Young Exslave Stories Texas ge Four They tan the leather at home nd make the shoe at home allus some old nigger that kin make shoe of deerskin They was more like raocsin…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Image 19 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 4, Sanco-Young EzslaveStorics Texas Page Five old xigious niggers and let them finish with the singin1 and prayin and porting After peach cleared a scnool was fstablish ana a wnite man come from tae…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Image 20 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 4, Sanco-Young 3xslave Stories Texas Page Six sickness H f MeiQhr the war Course I does I merfber how some of them march off in their uniforms lookin1 so grand nd how some of…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Image 21 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 4, Sanco-Young 420099 EXSLAVE STORIES Texas J Page One GEORGE SELMAN was born in 1952 five miles east of Alto Texas His father was horn in Virginia and his mother in South Carolina and…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Image 22 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 4, Sanco-Young EXSLAVE STORIES Texas Page Two was the cook called all us children out under the big trees and give us supper Aunt Dicey 1 This was in summer tut nobody ever fed…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Image 23 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 4, Sanco-Young 42049 EXSLATTS STORIES Texas Page One 17 CALLIS SKHFH3RD g 84 Jives at 4701 Spring Ave Dallas Texas She was born near Grilmers Texas in 1852 a slave of the Stevens family…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Image 24 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 4, Sanco-Young Pa Exslave Stories Texas 18 Some de niggers donft like de treatment what dey white folks gives fem and dey run away to de woods Ifd hear de nigger dogs arunnin and…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Image 25 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 4, Sanco-Young 220111 Ox WUSiAVS STORKS Texas Page One i HBOTT SIMMQHS 100 OP more was born a slave to leftwidge Carter In Macedonia Alabama She was stolon when a child sold to slave…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Image 26 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 4, Sanco-Young Exslave Sterles Page Twe 0 Bey aerer lets me rawd where dat puncheen Is no mere When Massa Sangferd vai ruint and dey gain take de store w y from him dey…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Image 27 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 4, Sanco-Young Page Three gsslave Stories fexas dey was 253 niggars oat of dam nigger yards in Memphis what gits on dat boat Day puts da niggers upstairs and goes down da river far…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Image 28 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 4, Sanco-Young E slave Stories ekas H De Page Hour c oloael he a good mssa to us He lews us to woric do patch of ground for ourselves and maybe have a pig…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Image 29 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 4, Sanco-Young Sx8lTe Stories Page JT f9X8M llrin1 but I had bout fourteen w Dey was pretty hard on de niggers 1 Iffen us haw de baby us only lowed to stay in de…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Image 30 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 4, Sanco-Young 420105 SXSuftra STOHIBS Texas PageOne GEOBGB SIMMONS oorn in Alabama in 1854 was owned by Mr Steve Jaynes wiio lived near Beaumont Texas George nas a good many memories of slavery years…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Image 31 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 4, Sanco-Young Exslave Stories Texas Page Two QK Some of dere slaves woxild run away and hide in de woods and mosf of fem was kotcned with dogs Finy dey took to puttin bells…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Image 32 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 4, Sanco-Young Page Three Exslave Stories Texas buckets 01 water we tninks he does bat what you think we learns He has a rubber bag under nis robe and is putt in1 dat water…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Image 33 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 4, Sanco-Young 420299 EXSLAVB STORIES Texas Page One BEN SIMPSOW 90 was born in Norcross Georgia a slave of the Stielszen family He had a cruel master and was afraid to tell the truth…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Image 34 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 4, Sanco-Young Exslave Stories Texas Page Two He come plumb to Austin through that snow He taken up farmin1 and changes he name to Alex Simpson and changes our names too logs and builded…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Image 35 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 4, Sanco-Young Exslave Stories Texas Page Three But befo1 long after that him I swore if I ever got aloose Id kill him he fails to come home and some people finds him hangin1…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Image 36 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 4, Sanco-Young 480018 ENSLAVE STORIES Texas Page One t GILES SMITH 79 now residing at 3107 Blanchard St Port Worth Texas was born a slave f MajsrHardw n a plantation near Union Union Springs…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Image 37 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 4, Sanco-Young Bxslave Stories Texas rnd Sunday off Page Two Old Jerry says t us f Tell yous what us do go to the clear in1 this afternoon and Sunday and finish far the…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Image 38 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 4, Sanco-Young SxslaveSteries Texas Page Three f beut Mr Frank Talbet whnm am taJcin1 some niggers to Texas and I goes with him to the Brazes River bottom and works there two years Ifs…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Image 39 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 4, Sanco-Young 4S0224 EXSUWB STQHIKS Texas Page One 4 JAKES W SMITH 7f was born a slave of the Hallman family in Palestine Texas James became a Baptist minister in 1895 and preached until…
- Date: 1936-01-01
Image 40 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. 16, Texas, Part 4, Sanco-Young Exslave Stories Texas Page Two Yest suh he wanted dera to have a good time but no foolishiaent jus1 good clean fun mostest eveiy Saturday night There am dancin1 and singin1 He…
- Date: 1936-01-01