Manuscript/Mixed Material George Washington Papers, Series 3, Varick Transcripts, 1775-1785, Subseries 3A, Continental Congress, 1775-1783, Letterbook 5: Nov. 2, 1779 - Feb. 27, 1781
Image 1 of George Washington Papers, Series 3, Varick Transcripts, 1775-1785, Subseries 3A, Continental Congress, 1775-1783, …
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1779-11-02
Image 2 of George Washington Papers, Series 3, Varick Transcripts, 1775-1785, Subseries 3A, Continental Congress, 1775-1783, … To THE PRESIDENT OF CONGRESS Head Quarters, West point, November 2, 1779. Sir: Since I had the honor of addressing your Excellency last, I have received a letter from a confidential Correspondent…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1779-11-02
Image 3 of George Washington Papers, Series 3, Varick Transcripts, 1775-1785, Subseries 3A, Continental Congress, 1775-1783, … To THE BOARD OF WAR Head Quarters, West Point, November 2, 1779. Gentlemen: Since mine of the 12th ulto. in which I took the liberty of mentioning the want of Commissions for…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1779-11-02
Image 4 of George Washington Papers, Series 3, Varick Transcripts, 1775-1785, Subseries 3A, Continental Congress, 1775-1783, … To THE PRESIDENT OF CONGRESS Head Quarters, West Point, November 3, 1779. Sir: I have taken the liberty to inclose, for the consideration of Congress, the memorial of Col Hazen in behalf…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1779-11-02
Image 5 of George Washington Papers, Series 3, Varick Transcripts, 1775-1785, Subseries 3A, Continental Congress, 1775-1783, … To THE PRESIDENT OF CONGRESS Head Quarters, West-point, November 5, 1779 Sir: When the plan of the Inspectorship was concluded upon by resolve of the 18th February last it was determined that…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1779-11-02
George Washington to Continental Congress, November 14, 1779 To THE PRESIDENT OF CONGRESS Head Quarters, West-point, November 6, 1779. Sir: I have been duly honored with your Excellency's favor of the 7th, and that of the 29th of last month.…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1779-11-02
George Washington to Continental Congress, November 14, 1779 the measures which I then mentioned, several Others which appeared to me essential for the occasion, and which would be naturally expected of me, have been pursued, and every disposition made, which…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1779-11-02
George Washington to Continental Congress, November 14, 1779 of the subject, will, as it strikes me, be most for our interest and for the interest and honor of the common cause. We are now on the eve of Winter, and…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1779-11-02
George Washington to Continental Congress, November 18, 1779 P.S. The Honble. the Marine Committee, expecting a cooperation with the Count D'Estaing's fleet, were pleased to suspend the sailing of the Frigates from Boston and to direct them and the Continental…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1779-11-02
George Washington to Continental Congress, November 18, 1779 material, and accordingly directed it to be made, the better to enable Congress to govern their views and requisitions to the several States. They will perceive by this, that our whole force…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1779-11-02
George Washington to Continental Congress, November 18, 1779 will cease; but on the contrary it is much to be feared, from the increased and increasing difficulties in getting men, that they will be still greater. Having shown what would be…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1779-11-02
George Washington to Continental Congress, November 18, 1779 precarious and uncertain a footing to depend on, for the exigency of our affairs, I took the liberty in February 1778 in a particular manner, to lay before the Committee of Arrangement…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1779-11-02
George Washington to Continental Congress, November 18, 1779 Soldiery, the desertions they produce, and for other reasons which will readily occur; That on or before the first of October annually, an abstract or return similar to the present one, be…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1779-11-02
George Washington to Continental Congress, November 18, 1779 that the diminution of the Army, by the expiration of the inlistments of a part of the Troops, according to the foregoing state, should not in my opinion, lessen the calculations and…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1779-11-02
George Washington to Continental Congress, November 18, 1779 periods for joining and serving, which I have taken the liberty to mention, appear to me the most proper for a variety of considerations. It being in January when it is proposed…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1779-11-02
George Washington to Continental Congress War Board, November 19, 1779 and on which it seemed they had determined. I have the honor, etc. P.S. From several parts of my letter Congress will conclude, that it must have been intended to have reached…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1779-11-02
George Washington to Continental Congress, November 20, 1779 contemplation] and which we may not be able to procure hereafter on better conditions. Besides a principal expence is already incurred by putting the furnaces in blast. I wish it was in…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1779-11-02
George Washington to Continental Congress, November 20, 1779 by Major Clarkson. I also had the honor since, on the night of the 17th, to receive your Favor of the 11th. I regret much the failure of the expedition against Savannah,…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1779-11-02
George Washington to Continental Congress, November 20, 1779 remain in near their present force at New York, and be governed by a spirit of Enterprize. From my Letter of the 18th and the Abstract referred to above, Congress will readily…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1779-11-02
George Washington to Continental Congress War Board, November 23, 1779, two same date On the 7th Instant, Colo Armand, who was on the Enemy's lines received information, that Major Barmore was at Quarters three miles below Delancey's bridge. This induced him to form a design…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1779-11-02
George Washington to Continental Congress War Board, November 23, 1779, two same date I have also received Mr. Stoddards14 letters of the 12th. and 13th. with the Commissions for the Massachusetts line and those for Colonel Warners Regt. I have delivered the latter to Capt.…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1779-11-02
George Washington to Continental Congress War Board, November 23, 1779, two same date I think Resolves of Congress, similar to the drafts of which you were pleased to transmit me Copies, well calculated for the end proposed. For while it is necessary that there should…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1779-11-02
George Washington to Continental Congress War Board, November 23, 1779, two same date receipt of your last, to issue to the troops of six of the States. This seems to have decided the point: But had the case been otherwise, I would not have wished,…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1779-11-02
George Washington to Continental Congress, November 24, 1779 and 705 Rank and File. I have the Honor etc.17 To THE PRESIDENT OF CONGRESS West point, November 24, 1779. Sir: I have been duly honoured with Your Excellency's several Favors of…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1779-11-02
George Washington to Continental Congress, November 24, 1779 at the places of Rendezvous assigned, and took measures for putting an end to every other expence. Congress I trust will pardon me for this anticipation of matters on my part; I…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1779-11-02
George Washington to Continental Congress, November 24, 1779 notwithstanding the most active exertions of Colo Clarke, who commands them, and all parties engaged to effect it. I hope however, that what cloathing was here and to be distributed here will…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1779-11-02
Image 27 of George Washington Papers, Series 3, Varick Transcripts, 1775-1785, Subseries 3A, Continental Congress, 1775-1783, … some procrastinations and delays, and they may make shifts for a little time, that may keep matters a going; but the business of this, being to satisfy the demands of nature in…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1779-11-02
Image 28 of George Washington Papers, Series 3, Varick Transcripts, 1775-1785, Subseries 3A, Continental Congress, 1775-1783, … To THE PRESIDENT OF CONGRESS West Point, November 27, 1779. Sir: In the Letter I had the honor of addressing to Your Excellency on the 24th, I mentioned the general Outlines of…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1779-11-02
George Washington to Continental Congress, November 29, 1779 To THE PRESIDENT OF CONGRESS Peekskill, November 29, 1779. Sir: Since I had the honor of addressing Your Excellency on the 20th. I have received sundry reports, tho' not through the Channel…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1779-11-02
George Washington to Continental Congress, November 29, 1779 and to act if possible on a more defensive plan. From the great distance from hence to Charles Town, from Virginia's lying in the way and from the inclement season, I am…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1779-11-02
Image 31 of George Washington Papers, Series 3, Varick Transcripts, 1775-1785, Subseries 3A, Continental Congress, 1775-1783, … And as it frequently happens at this season, that Vessels are blown off the Coast and kept at sea for a considerable time, I should suppose it will be necessary for the…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1779-11-02
George Washington to Continental Congress, December 2, 1779 To THE PRESIDENT OF CONGRESS Head Quarters, Morris Town, December 2, 1779. Sir: Since I had the honor of addressing you on the 20th ulto. I have seen Lt. Colonel Washington of…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1779-11-02
George Washington to Continental Congress Medical Committee, December 4, 1779 suggest to them the expediency of furnishing Colonel Washington with the means of purchasing a number of the proper kind of Horses equal to that of those returned unfit. I would beg…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1779-11-02
George Washington to Continental Congress War Board, December 6, 1779 the earliest attention to the enquiry ordered. I have the honor etc.70 To THE BOARD OF WAR Head Quarters, Morris Town, December 6, 1779. Gentlemen: I have been honoured with your letter…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1779-11-02
George Washington to Continental Congress War Board, December 6, 1779 between that period, and the time of making the several arrangements and I now forward such as have happened since with my privity. There may be others but I am inclined to…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1779-11-02
Image 36 of George Washington Papers, Series 3, Varick Transcripts, 1775-1785, Subseries 3A, Continental Congress, 1775-1783, … and I was never able to ascertain it till within a few days. It took place the 22d of Octor. It will probably be necessary for Lt. Col Adams to receive the…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1779-11-02
George Washington to Continental Congress, December 7, 1779 To THE PRESIDENT OF CONGRESS Head Quarters, Morris town, December 7, 1779. Sir: I have the honor to inform Congress, that I have received a letter, from a confidential correspondent in New…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1779-11-02
George Washington to Continental Congress, December 7, 1779 in Counterfeits. It asserts, as a matter of certainty, that several Reams of the paper, made for the last emissions struck by Congress, have been procured from Philadelphia. The writer had taken…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1779-11-02
Image 39 of George Washington Papers, Series 3, Varick Transcripts, 1775-1785, Subseries 3A, Continental Congress, 1775-1783, … of our situation as may be fatal to our Affairs. There is indeed a probability of their making detachments, but there is far from being a certainty. Though it should be their…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1779-11-02
Image 40 of George Washington Papers, Series 3, Varick Transcripts, 1775-1785, Subseries 3A, Continental Congress, 1775-1783, … To THE PRESIDENT OF CONGRESS Head Quarters, Morris Town, December 8, 1779. Sir: From the silence of our Articles of War with respect to the right, which parties in arrest have, of…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1779-11-02