Manuscript/Mixed Material George Washington Papers, Series 3, Varick Transcripts, 1775-1785, Subseries 3G, General Orders, 1775-1783, Letterbook 1: July 3, 1775 - Sept. 30, 1776
General Orders Book 1, Leaf
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1775-07-03
General Orders Book 1, Leaf
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1775-07-03
George Washington, July 3, 1775, General Orders GENERAL ORDERS Head Quarters, Cambridge, July 3, 1775. Parole Lookout. Countersign29 Sharp. The Colonels or commanding Officer of each Regt. are ordered forthwith, to make two Returns of the Number of men…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1775-07-03
George Washington, July 4, 1775, General Orders AFTER ORDERS 4 O'CLOCK P. M. It is ordered that Col. Glover's Regiment31 be ready this evening, with all their Accoutrements, to march at a minutes warning to support General Falsam32 of…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1775-07-03
George Washington, July 4, 1775, General Orders Secretary to the General, and they are in future to be consider'd and regarded as such. The Continental Congress having now taken all the Troops of the several Colonies, which have been…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1775-07-03
George Washington, July 4, 1775, General Orders and frequently filled up to prevent their being offensive and unhealthy. Proper Notice will be taken of such Officers and Men, as distinguish themselves by their attention to these necessary duties. The…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1775-07-03
George Washington, July 5, 1775, General Orders A Serjeant and six men to be set as a Guard to the Hospital,39 and are to apply to Doctor Rand.40 Complaint having been made against John White Quarter Master of Col.…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1775-07-03
George Washington, July 6, 1775, General Orders of all the Officers, that they be exceeding diligent and strict in preventing all Invasions and Abuse of private property in their quarters, or elsewhere he hopes, and indeed flatters himself, that…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1775-07-03
George Washington, July 7, 1775, General Orders Captain Leonard of Col. Woodbridges Regiment43 and the remainder of his Company, are ordered to join the Guard at Watertown. The Cloathing provided by the Massachusetts Committee of Supplies for those Men…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1775-07-03
George Washington, July 7, 1775, General Orders and maturely consider'd this matter is to led to the above determination not only from the particular Guilt of Capt. Callender, but the fatal Consequences of such Conduct to the army and…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1775-07-03
George Washington, July 7, 1775, General Orders engaged. The Importance of which, to every man of common understanding must inspire every good Officer and Soldier, with the noblest Ardour and strictest attention, least he should prove the fatal Instrument…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1775-07-03
George Washington, July 7, 1775, General Orders under the specious promises of money, or leave of absence from the Army, a procedure so subversive of all order, discipline, and of the very Existance of the army, cannot be forgiven,…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1775-07-03
George Washington, July 8, 1775, General Orders belong, with a Certificate of the Man's Name, the Company to which he belongs, and in that case the Surgeon of the Hospital shall receive said sick and wounded and in case…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1775-07-03
George Washington, July 9, 1775, General Orders to the Order of the 4th. Instant, and to distinguish the Posts to which his Regiment is assigned in Case of alarm. The same order as to a Return of the Men,…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1775-07-03
George Washington, July 10, 1775, General Orders Corps to be answerable to the General, for an immediate obedience to this order. The General (or in his absence) The Commanding Officer at Roxbury, to send a Report every day in…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1775-07-03
George Washington, July 11, 1775, General Orders regimental Court Martial. The General Court Martial, whereof Col. William Prescott is president, to set again this day at the usual hour. All Evidences and Persons concerned to attend the court. Whenever…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1775-07-03
George Washington, July 12, 1775, General Orders themselves from Guard, under pretense of going for Provisions; it is therefore order'd that all Officers and Soldiers, bring their provision to the Guard they mount, and on no pretence quit their…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1775-07-03
George Washington, July 13, 1775, General Orders sent from Boston, or any Post occupied by the Enemy; they are to be stop'd by the first Sentry they are permitted to approach, who is to call for the Serjeant of…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1775-07-03
George Washington, July 14, 1775, General Orders horn-hill and the Sea, to be driven off; and it is recommended to the Commissary General,80 to endeavour to agree with the Owners of the said Cattle, and to purchase them for…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1775-07-03
George Washington, July 14, 1775, General Orders commanding any Guard to turn out his Guard immediately upon the near Approach of the Commander in Chief or any of the General Officers, and upon passing the Guard; The Commander in…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1775-07-03
George Washington, July 15, 1775, General Orders and ordered to be whipt on the bare back, with 30 Lashes, and discharged from the army. The General approves the Sentense and orders it to be executed to morrow morning, at…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1775-07-03
George Washington, July 16, 1775, General Orders with astonishment, that not only Soldiers, but Officers unauthorized are continually conversing with the Officers and Sentrys of the Enemy; any Officer, Non Commissioned Officer or Soldier, or any Person whatsoever, who…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1775-07-03
George Washington, July 16, 1775, General Orders exactly in manner directed by the proclamation of the Continental Congress: It is therefore strictly enjoin'd on all Officers and Soldiers, (not upon duty) to attend Divine Service, at the accustomed places…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1775-07-03
George Washington, July 17, 1775, General Orders GENERAL ORDERS Head Quarters, July 17, 1775. Parole Boston. Countersign Salem. There is reason to apprehend, that the General orders are not regularly published to the Non Commissioned Officers, and Soldiers of…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1775-07-03
George Washington, July 18, 1775, General Orders tried to morrow, by the Court Martial whereof Col. Nixon is President; all Evidences and Persons concern'd, to attend the court. GENERAL ORDERS Head Quarters, before Boston, July 18, 1775. Parole Wilmington.…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1775-07-03
George Washington, July 20, 1775, General Orders Crimes wherewith he was accused, and therefore do acquit the prisoner Col. Scammons to be immediately released from his arrest. If after what has happened, the Enemy in Revenge of their late…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1775-07-03
George Washington, July 20, 1775, General Orders Certain Drums in, and near Cambridge, very improperly beat the Revellie this morning before day; Although the Troops are ordered to be under Arms, half an hour before day light, it does…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1775-07-03
George Washington, July 22, 1775, General Orders GENERAL ORDERS Head Quarters, Cambridge, July 22, 1775. Parole Nantasket. Countersign Mississippi. A Court of Enquiry to sit forthwith, President Doctor Foster,95 Doctor Warren,96 and Doctor Eustace,97 Members, to examine into a…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1775-07-03
George Washington, July 22, 1775, General Orders Independents. compose another Brigade,3 to be commanded by Brigadier Genl. Spencer. That these two Brigades compose the right wing or division of the army; and be under the command of Major General…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1775-07-03
George Washington, July 23, 1775, General Orders done accordingly, some inconveniences may arise to certain Individuals by this change, but as the good of the service requires it to bc made an alert and ready compliance is expected. All…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1775-07-03
George Washington, July 23, 1775, General Orders the right shoulder; the Corporals by one of green . The people employed to make spears, are desired by the General to make four dozen of them immediately, thirteen feet in length,…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1775-07-03
George Washington, July 24, 1775, General Orders Michael Bury, Capt. Parkers17 Company, and Col. Prescotts18 Regiment tried by the same General Court Martial for “refusing his duty and enlisting in another company”. The Court condemn the prisoner, and order…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1775-07-03
George Washington, July 24, 1775, General Orders Notwithstanding the orders of the 11th. Instant, expressly forbiding all Officers and Soldiers, from quitting their Guard before they are regularly relieved and dismissed. The General is informed such unsoldierlike practices, are…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1775-07-03
George Washington, July 26, 1775, General Orders GENERAL ORDERS Head Quarters, Cambridge, July 25, 1775. Parole Hallifax. Countersign York Continual Complaints being made that Soldiers of regiments and Companies, after inlisting in one Company and regiment, have gone and…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1775-07-03
George Washington, July 27, 1775, General Orders It being represented that the present Hospital, is not large enough to contain the sick, Lieut. Governor Oliver's house,21 is to be cleared for that purpose, and care to be taken that…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1775-07-03
George Washington, July 28, 1775, General Orders a Complaint exhibited upon Oath, in the public news papers against Mr. Benjamin Whiting, now a prisoner in the College. All Evidences and Persons concerned to attend the Court. For the future…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1775-07-03
George Washington, July 29, 1775, General Orders GENERAL ORDERS Head Quarters, Cambridge, July 29, 1775. Parole Dartmouth. Countersign Corke. A Serjeant and six Men to parade at the Head quarter s at eleven OClock to escort certain prisoners and…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1775-07-03
George Washington, July 31, 1775, General Orders William Winslow of Capt. Perkin's43 Company of Artillery tried by the same Court Martial for “stealing a Cannon Cartridge of powder”, is acquitted. GENERAL ORDERS Head Quarters, Cambridge, July 30, 1775. Parole…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1775-07-03
George Washington, August 1, 1775, General Orders and true, is to give his Receipt for the quantity deliver'd into his hands, which receipt will be a good Voucher, in the passing the accompt of the different Colony Commissaries, heretofore…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1775-07-03
George Washington, August 1, 1775, General Orders Light House, and for the Number of Prisoners they took there, and doubts not, but the Continental Army, will be as famous for their mercy as for their valour. Two Subs. two…
- Contributor: Washington, George
- Date: 1775-07-03