Manuscript/Mixed Material James Madison to Robert I. Evans, June 15, 1819.
Image 1 of James Madison to Robert I. Evans, June 15, 1819. TO ROBERT J. EVANS. MAD. MSS. Montpellier, June 15, 1819 Sir, —I have recd. your letter of the 3d instant,1 requesting such hints as may have occurred to me on the subject…
- Contributor: Evans, Robert I. - Madison, James
- Date: 1819-06-15
Image 2 of James Madison to Robert I. Evans, June 15, 1819. To be consistent with existing and probably unalterable prejudices in the U. S. the freed blacks ought to be permanently removed beyond the region occupied by or allotted to a White population.…
- Contributor: Evans, Robert I. - Madison, James
- Date: 1819-06-15
Image 3 of James Madison to Robert I. Evans, June 15, 1819. The colonizing plan on foot, has as far as it extends, a due regard to these requisites; with the additional object of bestowing new blessings civil & religious on the quarter of…
- Contributor: Evans, Robert I. - Madison, James
- Date: 1819-06-15
Image 4 of James Madison to Robert I. Evans, June 15, 1819. and the concurrence of Masters, must, for the most part, be obtained by purchase. Can it be hoped that voluntary contributions, however adequate to an auspicious commencement, will supply the sums necessary…
- Contributor: Evans, Robert I. - Madison, James
- Date: 1819-06-15
Image 5 of James Madison to Robert I. Evans, June 15, 1819. and to establish in a foreign land all the slaves in the U. S. as their Masters may be willg. to part with them, be taxed on the good people of the…
- Contributor: Evans, Robert I. - Madison, James
- Date: 1819-06-15
Image 6 of James Madison to Robert I. Evans, June 15, 1819.
- Contributor: Evans, Robert I. - Madison, James
- Date: 1819-06-15
Image 7 of James Madison to Robert I. Evans, June 15, 1819. This will require 200 mils. of Acres at 3 dolrs. per Acre; or 300 mils. at 2 dollrs. per Acre a quantity which tho' great in itself, is perhaps not a third…
- Contributor: Evans, Robert I. - Madison, James
- Date: 1819-06-15
Image 8 of James Madison to Robert I. Evans, June 15, 1819. as they generally are by tender ties with others under other Masters, would be kept from the list of emigrants by the want of the multiplied consents to be obtained. It is…
- Contributor: Evans, Robert I. - Madison, James
- Date: 1819-06-15
Image 9 of James Madison to Robert I. Evans, June 15, 1819. find among them its earliest & warmest patrons. It ought to have great weight that the vacant lands in question have for the most part been derived from grants of the States…
- Contributor: Evans, Robert I. - Madison, James
- Date: 1819-06-15
Image 10 of James Madison to Robert I. Evans, June 15, 1819. to any plan of general emancipation, they ought to be brought into comparison with those inseparable from other plans, and be yielded to or not according to the result of the comparison.…
- Contributor: Evans, Robert I. - Madison, James
- Date: 1819-06-15
Image 11 of James Madison to Robert I. Evans, June 15, 1819.
- Contributor: Evans, Robert I. - Madison, James
- Date: 1819-06-15