Manuscript/Mixed Material Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1874
Image 1 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1874 Philadelphia 115 Washington Avenue and Front 1st January 1874 Dear sir Excuse the liberty that I have taken in thus addressing you my object in doing so is to enquire from you…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1874
Image 2 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1874 Men in this Country could be similarly instructed since there is now no barrier in this Great Glorious Republic to be educated and now there is a chance and an opportunity for…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1874
Image 3 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1874 1406 5th Street Washington DC Jan 11th 1874 Mr F Douglass My Dear Sir Enclosed I send you a letter addressed to R D Beckly in answer to one Published in the…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1874
Image 4 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1874 January 22 1874 Washington DC MY DEAR FATHER I have received your kind letter and was very glad to hear from you but I am so sorry that you feal so a…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1874
Image 5 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1874 mother is well and sends much love to you and wishes that you were home for we miss you very much with much Love Your daughter LOUISA do not Laugh at this
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1874
Image 6 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1874 Rochester Jan 27 1874 Fredk Douglass Tempore High handed villiany Douglass Fredk Douglas Frederick Douglass Mr Editor I congratulate upon the failure of the cowardly and snivelling attempt to extinguish the new…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1874
Image 7 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1874 I am dear Sir most truly I am dear Sir most truly yr M My dear Sir you are I am dear Sir most truly yours Fredk Douglass
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1874
Image 8 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1874 Washington City Feb 12 1874 Hon John Jay Knox Controller of Currency Washington City DC Sir In accordance with your instructions I have first completed an examination of the affairs of the…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1874
Image 9 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1874 Washington City February 12 1874 Hon John Jay Knox Controller of Currency Washington City D C Sir In accordance with your instructions I have just completed an examination of the affairs of…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1874
Image 10 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1874 Berea College Ky Feb 10th 1874 Hon Fred Douglass Dear Sir Yours of Jan 26th to my son is before me I am glad you are considering favorably our invitation to address…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1874
Image 11 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1874 Washington DC US February 21 1874 Doctor H A Gordon Your letter of the 6th met me here a day or two since I am dear Sir most truly yours I am…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1874
Image 12 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1874 Washington DC Feb 21 1874 My dear Wagoner I share as a friend your fatherly pride and satisfaction I share your fatherly pride and satisfaction Douglass Esqr Fe I share your fatherly…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1874
Image 13 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1874 Cambridge Feb 28th 1874 Hon Fredrick Douglas Sir Having not yet obtained employment and thinking that by your assistance I might possibly do so I have concluded to write to you Sometime…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1874
Image 14 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1874 Russell has vacated the office I suppose Mr Smiths influence is lost Therefore I am about to ask a favor of you which is this that you use your influence with Mr…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1874
Image 15 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1874 Denver February 28 1874 Dear Douglass I received last evening at the dusk of my 58th birthday your happy and genial letter of the 21st inst and I am as always glad…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1874
Image 16 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1874 stock of today as exhibited in our County and State pairsâthe beautiful symetry of form is in altertation of the great law of Evolution and of conforming the harmonious conditions At this…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1874
Image 17 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1874 316 and 8th NE Washington DC March 61874 Frances Sylvia Guthrie DArusmont Dear Madam I am much oblige to you for your Memorial upon Womans suffrage While I entirely differ from you…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1874
Image 18 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1874 316 A st n e March 6th 1874 W H Furniss Dean C My dear Sir Your respected note of December Strange to say has just fallen into my hands and this…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1874
Image 19 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1874 Washington DC March 774 Mr Douglas Sir We propose to furnish all materials that may be required and erect the addition to your Dwelling House complete according to plans and specification for…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1874
Image 20 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1874 Mr F Douglass Washington DC March 7 1874 Proposal for a Building addition to dwelling House By WB Downing and Bro 2133
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1874
Image 21 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1874 WB Downing Bro Carpenters and Builders No 1218 C Street NW Washington DC
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1874
Image 22 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1874 BR Freedmans Savings and Trust Company Wilmington NC Mar 17 1874 Hon Fdk Douglass President F S and T Co Dear Friend Recieve from one whose relations with you for a few…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1874
Image 23 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1874 Washington DC March 19 1874 Rev Henry Highland Garnet My Dear Sir I am sincerely obliged to you for your excellent letter I know of no source from which such an assurance…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1874
Image 24 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1874 PRINCIPAL OFFICE OF THE Freedmans Savings and Trust Company Washington DC March 30 1874 SL Harris Esqr I can probably add nothing to your knowledge of of the condition and prospects of…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1874
Image 25 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1874 PRINCIPAL OFFICE OF THE Freedmans Savings and Trust Company Washington DC March 30th 1874 SL Harris Esqr I am obliged by your letter I can probably add nothing to your knowledge
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1874
Image 26 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1874 PRINCIPAL OFFICE OF THE Freedmans Savings and Trust Company Washington DC Mch 30th 1874 J L Harris Esqr Manager Dear Sir I can as yet add nothing to your knowledge concerning the…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1874
Image 27 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1874 PRINCIPAL OFFICE OF THE Freedmans Savings and Trust Company Washington DC Mch 30th 1874 My dear Sir I am obliged by your favor of 23d An earlier answer but for absence I…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1874
Image 28 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1874 Consulat GÃnÃral des ÃtatsUnis dâAmÃrique 55 Rue de ChÃteaudun Paris 2 April Hon Frederick Douglass Washington DC My dear sir The valuable assistance you rendered me in obtaining my appointment would seem…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1874
Image 29 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1874 give in this letter And to you who have travelled so extensively in England it would be folly to dwell upon my visit of a few days I could not hope to…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1874
Image 30 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1874 I do not think much of the French character They squander an unreasonable share of their time in CafÃs smoking drinking coffee beer and wine and talking with the courtezans who infest…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1874
Image 31 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1874 I do not think much of the French character They squander an unreasonable share of their time in CafÃs smoking drinking coffee beer and wine and talking with the courtezans who infest…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1874
Image 32 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1874 you reiterating it I am convinced that the Paris Consulate is the most desirable one under our Govt and am of course pleased to be connected with it I could only wish…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1874
Image 33 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1874 recoil with disgust Of course I dont mean to reflect upon the present incumbent for that be will what shall I say unparliamentary that will do well enough It were superfluous for…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1874
Image 34 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1874 Hartford Apr 3rd 1874 DEAR FRIEND DOUGLASS I return you by mail your John Brown lecture which my wife and myself have perused with the most unbounded satisfaction Your task was doubtless…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1874
Image 35 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1874 and is a worthy tribute to the greatest honor of the nineteenth century say Our friend Bloncourt calls him âthe Jesus of the nineteenth centuryâ You do not know how I lament…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1874
Image 36 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1874 PRINCIPAL OFFICE OF THE Freedmans Savings and Trust Company Washington DC April 15 1874 Hon R B Elliot My dear sir I desire to thank you for your able eloquent and beautiful…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1874
Image 37 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1874 Washington DC Apr 20 1874 Hon RB Elliot Dear Sir Allow me to thank you for your able eloquent and beautiful tribute to the memory of our at to our love My…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1874
Image 38 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1874 Washington DC Apr 21 1874 My dear friend Your cheerful despite of your unrest My dear friend Your letter is cheerful despite your unrest You cannot ask me too many questions though…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1874
Image 39 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1874 Hoboken May 1 1874 My dear Friend You will believe me when I tell you that all these days I have been reading all the news about the bank with the greatest…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1874
Image 40 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1874 I have come to the conclusion that my new quarters are utterly unfit for me The close proximity with the inevitable piano is becoming more and more odious but there is another…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1874