Manuscript/Mixed Material Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1877, Apr.-June
Image 1 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1877, Apr.-June Nantucket Mass April 1st 1877 Marshal Douglass Dear Sir It was with sincere pleasure that I read of your appointment to the office of Marshal of the District not that you were…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1877-04
Image 2 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1877, Apr.-June have the honor of being introduced by your self to our new President Mrs Barney and Miss Gardener unite with me in kindest regards and good wishes for your continued health and…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1877-04
Image 3 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1877, Apr.-June Nantucket Mass April 1st 1877 Wright Mary G Congratulates on appt x confirm it as Marshall Ans 41077
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1877-04
Image 4 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1877, Apr.-June Rochester NY Apl 577 Fred Douglass Esq Dr Sir If you have thought that old age the office at Washington leaves you free to retire from the fight for the freedom of…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1877-04
Image 5 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1877, Apr.-June to the lust for power of the white race Better fight social freedom out on this line S C then any other Chamberlain is a leader worthy of your race to follow…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1877-04
Image 6 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1877, Apr.-June beware of compromise it is your death blow He that will not fight for freedom is fit for nothing but a slave I wish I could only impress your mind with the…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1877-04
Image 7 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1877, Apr.-June Rochester NY April 5 1877 Citizen States that old age office at Washn is no excuse for retiring from the struggle for the freedom of ones race Depicts the evils consequences should…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1877-04
Image 8 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1877, Apr.-June Plymouth Mass April 6th 1877 Frederick Douglass Esqr My Dear Sir Amid the sad and pleasant memories that crowd upon an old man in his eighty ninth year there is kindly left…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1877-04
Image 9 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1877, Apr.-June for your late honorable appointment this from our hearts both for personal and typical reasons The time should come when there shall be for the attainment of office or honors in our…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1877-04
Image 10 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1877, Apr.-June Plymouth Mass April 6th 1877 Thomas William Tenders his congratulations and those of his two grand daughters on appointment confirmation as Marshal c Ans 41077
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1877-04
Image 11 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1877, Apr.-June Personal United States Legation Constantinople April 10th 1877 Dear Sir It is not often that I write to people about what is their business not mine My doing so in this instance…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1877-04
Image 12 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1877, Apr.-June one of your secretaries Mr Williams your principal deputy Mr Phillips who I believe has practically conducted the office for many years having declined to serve under you Assuming these things all…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1877-04
Image 13 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1877, Apr.-June distance the first lawyer in the state A more honest man does not live His lifelong sympathies will incline him to assist you to the utmost of his power Provided his assistance…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1877-04
Image 14 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1877, Apr.-June Office of the Public Printer Washington April 19 1877 My Dear Mr Douglass I am somewhat surprised this morning at an attack made upon me this morning in the Republican by W…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1877-04
Image 15 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1877, Apr.-June Office of the Public Printer Washington April 19 1877 will admonish him to cultivate an acquaintance with truth and justice before he enters too far upon the labors of a public censor…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1877-04
Image 16 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1877, Apr.-June Phila April 19 1877 Dear Mr Douglass In November last I wrote a letter to you but when I glanced over it after it was written it seemed so uninteresting that I…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1877-04
Image 17 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1877, Apr.-June dared to thrust aside the pushers and to recognize ability and high personal character has by that action given an inspiration to intelligence and uprightness than which no man could bestow a…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1877-04
Image 18 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1877, Apr.-June Dear me I thought suppose that I do badly how will poor Mr Douglass feel I worried about it for I was very uncertain as to how I would get on That…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1877-04
Image 19 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1877, Apr.-June Not get to see you and glad because I wished to speak of you in the lecture and I could not have done that freely if you had been present and also…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1877-04
Image 20 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1877, Apr.-June Fanny Jackson April 19 1877
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1877-04
Image 21 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1877, Apr.-June I should certainly have discharged this very agreeable duty much sooner if it had not been that for some time I have been quite sick I can not yet say whether my…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1877-04
Image 22 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1877, Apr.-June there are greater honors yet in store for you You cannot tell what an inspiration your appointment has been to the School The boys are diving into their studies more earnestly then…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1877-04
Image 23 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1877, Apr.-June Rathgar Dublin April 21 1877 Dear Sir Will you kindly look at enclosed circular I hope it may recommend itself to your sympathy We should feel our list to be incomplete without…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1877-04
Image 24 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1877, Apr.-June is of less importance We think the testimonial will be graceful appropriate and certainly a little help is really neededâalthough Mr Robinson would be the last man to say so Yours respectfully…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1877-04
Image 25 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1877, Apr.-June PRIVATE Marius R Robinson of Salem Ohio formerly editor of The AntiSlavery Bugle was with his equally devoted wife among the earliest and most faithful Abolitionists On one occasion he was tarred…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1877-04
Image 26 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1877, Apr.-June Botica Central Pto Plata April 30 1877 Honble Fred Douglass Washington DC Dear Sir Friend Some time already I have been promising myself to send you this letter and as delay is…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1877-04
Image 27 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1877, Apr.-June stiff breeze here and then the passage was a very pleasant one With regards to news we have none ie nothing to interest you The Railway company is being at work so…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1877-04
Image 28 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1877, Apr.-June Rochester May 8th 1877 Fredk Douglass Dear friend Enclosed find draft No 8046 on the St Nicholas Bank of New York for 22190 being the interest on Mary Ann Jeffreys mortgage due…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1877-04
Image 29 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1877, Apr.-June Washington DC May 12 1877 Hon Frederick Douglass Washington DC Dear Sir You will probably remember me in connection with a lecture which you delivered some years ago at Jacksonville Illinois on…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1877-04
Image 30 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1877, Apr.-June I wish to add that in Col L D Ingersoll of this City Correspondent of the Chicago Post you will find an able and earnest friend I have been a witness today…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1877-04
Image 31 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1877, Apr.-June Lyons France May 12 1877 Hon Fredk Douglass US Marshall Washington DC My Dear Friend It is true I am about to ask you a favor as you will see from the…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1877-04
Image 32 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1877, Apr.-June in tendering you my congratulations upon your appointment to so important and desirable a position as that of US Marshal for the District of Columbia Knowing as you cannot help but do…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1877-04
Image 33 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1877, Apr.-June After returning a few days to Lyons he left again for Germany to assume his new duties and is now there with his family I have therefore been practically Consul here for…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1877-04
Image 34 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1877, Apr.-June expect nothing and your efforts add those of other friends were likely to remain fruitless until this was done I have however today authoritatively learned that his resignation of the Consulship of…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1877-04
Image 35 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1877, Apr.-June As you see I am making an almost deathstruggle for this place and I shall await with great anxiety the result My regards to your family and best wishes for your continued…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1877-04
Image 36 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1877, Apr.-June by the Chief Magistrate of the Nation I have learned of your goodness in going to see the Secretary of State in company with Prof Langston and saying a good word for…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1877-04
Image 37 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1877, Apr.-June to discharge my duties in a manner to justify the good opinion which you would seem to have of me When I wrote you some months ago I supposed that Gen Osterhaus…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1877-04
Image 38 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1877, Apr.-June ABRAHAM LINCOLN POST 13 Department of New York GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC HEADQUARTERS 58 West 14th Street New York May 14th 1877 Hon Fredk Douglas Marshall District of Columbia Dear Sir…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1877-04
Image 39 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1877, Apr.-June Washington DC May 22 1877 Hon Frederick Douglass Dear Sir In these days when it appears to be growing dark again to the colored man I wish to inform you that in…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1877-04
Image 40 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1877, Apr.-June JOHN L SEARS WILL C HUTCHENS JOHN L SEARS CO No 51 W PRATT ST DOORS SASHES BLINDS c Baltimore May 24 1877 Frederick Douglass Esq Dear Sir Sometime since I had…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1877-04