Manuscript/Mixed Material Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated
Image 1 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated Stanford Oct 2 1889 Dear Mrs Douglass I cannot too promptly express my obligations and gratitude to you for the singular thoughtfulness which in the midst of the absorbing preparations for your departure impelled of you to write the very kind note which enclosed the letter of my late beloved Uncle James N Buffum whose memory I cherish with every sentiment of respect I…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 2 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated Minister Plenipotentiary to all mankind Mr Bassett will not remember me but I remember him very well having met him at the Repub Headquarter in New Haven on the occasion of Mr Douglass campaign speech there last year So far as I can now see I must forego the great pleasure it would afford me to comply with your suggestion and call upon you…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 3 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated Nashville Tenn Oct 3d 1889 Hon Frederick Douglas Washington DC Dear Sir Being interested in the salvation elevation and education of colored people I write you for some information concerning their history from an early day Entracing the first in slavery by whom the place from whence they were taken when they were brought to the United States especially their experience in slavery with…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 4 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated 8th Iowa Inft and was promoted to Capt in 71st US Cold Inft I speak of this that you may have a little of my history I am now contemplating a labor which connects itself more closely with the colored people I desire to know more about them so that I may be better able to benefit them in my work Any information which…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 5 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated JOHN Z MARTIN colored GROCERIES AND FEED VICTORY BETWEEN 8TH AND 9TH STREETS Little Rock Ark Oct 6th 1889 Mr Frederick Douglass Sir I take great pleasure in writing you a few lines complimenting you on receiving so honorable an appointment it would afford me the greatest pleasure to receive a lengthy letter from you giving me a few ideas of Hayti and its…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 6 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated JOHN Z MARTIN colored GROCERIES AND FEED VICTORY BETWEEN 8TH AND 9TH STREETS address Little Rock Ark Oct 6th 1889 because I am an advocate for that which is honorable and elevating Hoping to hear from you at any time I am your fervent wellwisher John Z Martin
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 7 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated Cedar Hill Anacostia DC Kearsarge Oct 7 1889 My dear Lewis We are now within two hundred miles of Port au Prince and I suppose we shall reach there tomorrow about this time of day which will be 10 a m Our ship is slow the heat this morning is 88 I alone of my company have escaped sea sickness Mrs Douglass has been…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 8 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated will probably come off in the morning â writing on ship board is not easy so I will stop this here â I hope you will be able to make out what I have written with love to Amelia and all our circle Father how far you should help him I gave him fifty dollars before he left for Boston I think in time…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 9 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated Paris b 1210 1889 Honorable F Douglass Minister to Haiti Dear Sir I saw your nomination in a paper and want to address you all my congratulations in which my mother and husband join I trust you have not quite forgotten Mrs Lesperemont and her daughter Mrs de Sobolewska from the Boulevard Sebastopol in Paris 789
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 10 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated We are now in the Rue Debrousse No 2 near Alma Bridge and Avenue du Trocadero we had a great number of visitors during the Exhibition and hope we may see you again or your friends when in Paris We live near the place where Mr Stanton has his lodgings but nearer the river I have not heard of Dr Bradley since a long…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 11 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated winter in Poland but I dread Warshaw winters My mother is pretty well and my husband twice as big as when you saw him Both join in my kind regards for you and Mrs Douglass Yours respectfully J de Sobolewska Rue Debrousse
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 12 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated Hotel View Port au Prince Saturday October 12 1889 230 pm Cedar Hill Anacostia DC Dear Ones With trunk closed and bonnet ready I while waiting must give a little account of ourselves since leaving the good ship Kearsarge The Captain went ashore called upon Minister Thompson who returned with him We tied our bonnets put on our hats took very pleasant leave of…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 13 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated his face and the natural man was revealed We all started to walk a little way to the carriages and there stood another brave youth describing a vigorous curve into the adjoining water very composedly looking around at us the while We took an open barouche Mr Douglass and myself occupying the back seat and Minister Thompson and open eyed Mrs Parker fronting us…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 14 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated called the first time I had seen Mrs T they told us of a house a little further out still greatly superior to the Villa and which we would probably retain if we get it We are to know this PM and there the matter rests the Villa is Villa Tivoli I called it Tiv oli and Mr Ts called it Tivo li which…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 15 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated Department of State Washington October 191889 My dear Mr Douglass At the instance of the Honorable T C Platt exSenator of the United States I take pleasure in herewith introducing to you Mr Thomas Clyde Jr son of Mr William P Clyde of New York Mr Clyde visits Hayti in connection with the large business interests there of the firm of William P Clyde…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 16 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated Boston Oct 21 1889 Hon Frederick Douglass US Minister to Hayti Port au Prince Hayti Dear Sir In looking over our old books we find under date of March 26 1862 over 37 years ago the following entry Cash for Liberator Anti Slavery Standard 450 forwarded by mail to Fred Douglass 500 950 ____ the above paid for order of our friends in Port…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 17 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated Trier Rhenish Prussia Germany Oct 27 89 Hon Fred Douglass USt Minister Haiti Honorable and Esteemed Sir The GermanAmerican Club of Rhinland whose Secretary I am sends you at your Appointment as Minister its best and most hearty Congratulations Will you be so kind and send us a short sketch and Biography of your life This sketch will be translated and published in the…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 18 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated Inclosure 1890 Jan 5 Balthasar to Douglass for your favor we shall send you some Copies of Millers New Atlas of the World or some other useful works in English French or German Hoping to hear soon from you I remain Honorable esteemed Sir Your obidient Servant Peter Balthasar NB When sending Postage please have your letter Registered and address Mr Peter Balthasar Trier…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 19 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated Marseille 27 Octobre 1889 J GAUNE IngÃnieur Civil REPRESENTATIONS INDUSTRIELLES 145 Rue de Rome 145 MARSEILLE Monsieur FrÃderick Douglass Ministre plÃnipotentiaire d EtatsUnis à HaÃti Monsieur le Ministre Permettez à un inconnu de venir vous exprimer le bonheur quil a ressenti en apprenant que le Gouvernement des EtatsUnis venait de recompenser vos talents et les immenses services rendues par vous a la cause de…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 20 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated Votre nomination portera certainement des fruits et peu à peu envers et contre tous la race de couleur par lÃducation linstruction en la pratique de la libertà arrivera a de mettre de niveau avec la race blanche et comme les enfants bruns ou blonds dune même mÃre on pourra dire que tous les hommes sont frÃres Si je me permets de vous Ãcrire cest…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 21 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated 7 St Cambridge Nov 1st 1889 Dear Friend We were sorry to know of your setting out for Hayti through the papers only and without a word of farewell from you Had we known the date and name of the ship we should so have liked to have letters on board by way of a bon voyage However we all wished a voyage for…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 22 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated you want to see me Our family is large My aunt who has had charge of my family during the two years we have been away is keeping house for me so I have more leisure than I have had for many years Mother is still with us as well takes on three borders to help in expenses Henry and Maude have pupils and…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 23 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated winter that I have long wanted to get at The weeks fly by all too swiftly and before we feel that the winter is begun it will be spring Do tell us how life goes on with you in the new place Of course you must know that I am full of interest in all things that mean anything to you Do tell me…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 24 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated St Louis Bank Note Company INCORPORATED 1875 STEELPLATE LITHOGRAPHY WESTERN BANK NOTE CO Chicago 38 Laclede Building St Louis November 1 1889 Hon Frederick Douglass United States Minister to the Republic of Hayti Port au Prince Hayti Dear Sir Mr C H Mekeel of this City will lay before the Government of Hayti a proposition for furnishing an issue of Postage Stamps of new…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 25 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated Hon F D 2 In connection with our Chicago House the Western Bank Note Company we have engraved and printed Bonds for various States and Cities including the States of Mississippi Alabama and Georgia and the Cities of Chicago Louisville New Orleans and others Our work in this line for Railways and Corporations is accepted and listed on the New York Stock Exchange and…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 26 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated Washington City DC United States of America November 3rd 1889 His Excellency President Hypolite Haytien Republic Your Excellency I have the great honor to offer my services to you and your Country in a Military Capacity and having been educated in the Military and Naval Services of the United States commanded an Artillery Battalion during the war here and on the staff of our…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 27 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated must be a certain amount of Esprit du Corps among officers and Privates to make any army effective and reliable and this I am certain can be accomplished as I have heard that your officers are men of force character and honor while the Privates are brave obedient and devoted to your interests and with these elements to deal with an army can be…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 28 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated W L Garrison Co Dealers in Commercial Paper Western Mortgages 132 Federal Street Boston Nov 4 1889 Dear Mr Douglass This will introduce to you Mr Edmund W Kellogg a grandson of William Bassett of Lynn He visits Hayti in the interest of the ThomasHouston Electric Co perhaps the largest electrical company in the United States He needs no better credentials than his lineage…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 29 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated brother Frank and met many old friends of yours Mrs Nichol Eliza Wigham Miss Estlin the Mawsons were especially interested to hear of you I beg to be remembered kindly to Mrs Douglass Very sincerely yours Wm Lloyd Garrison
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 30 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated National Colored Chautauqua President Dr JC Price Secretary Prof WI Lewis Livingston College Columbia Salisbury N Carolina Tennessee FIRST ANNUAL ASSEMBLY LAKE JACKSON LEON COUNTY FLORIDA Columbia Tenn Nov 5th 1889 Hon Frederick Douglass My honored sir We respectfully call your attention to our letter head and also take great pleasure in informing you of the hopeful progress this move is making As far…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 31 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated National Colored Chautauqua President Dr JC Price Secretary Prof WI Lewis Livingston College Columbia Salisbury N Carolina Tennessee FIRST ANNUAL ASSEMBLY LAKE JACKSON LEON COUNTY FLORIDA 2 demands an effort at our hands and an effort of this character will touch where there has been no touching In selecting our vice Presidents we feel that we are but discharging a fillial duty when we…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 32 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated 3 National Colored Chautauqua President Dr JC Price Secretary Prof WI Lewis Livingston College Columbia Salisbury N Carolina Tennessee FIRST ANNUAL ASSEMBLY LAKE JACKSON LEON COUNTY FLORIDA You have labored too long and of sufficiently high order of service for any vain longings after hollow pomp Revering you for public activity in behalf of your people and country for a period of forty years…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 33 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated Whosoever directly or indirectly opposes the American Common School is an enemy of education liberty and progress Opposition to the Common School is treason to our country RASMUS B ANDERSON University of Wisconsin Asgard Madison Wis Nov 6 1889 His Excellency Hon Fred Douglass Dear Sir Congratulating you upon your appointment in my humble opinion one of the best appointments made by the present…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 35 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated Yonkers NY 10 Nov 1889 My dear Friend F Douglass I suppose you have been too busy to wonder I had not written sooner Some way in the whirl of many visits many letters that must be written about going coming time passed on After you left I think it was next day Mrs Greene Mrs Gordon I went down to Mt Vernon had…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 36 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated but she had left we were afraid we might also leave sooner than Mrs S might think On waiting a little while at the office Mr Sprague came in settled the matter by sending me out to Meridian Hill in the buggy with his assistant young lady driving while Mrs Greene who knew the way better went by street cars They had been having…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 37 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated Coneygar Villa Bridport Nov 14th 89 Dear Mr Douglass We want to hear that you Mrs Douglass are pretty well after all the worries agitation that you had on going to Hayti We saw in a letter from the New York correspondent of the Manchester Examiner a most terrible account of the present state of things in the US the old color prejudice seems…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 38 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated I was quite ashamed of my color or want of it when I read of the intolerable behaviour of the very mean white trash of the North even to yourself This letter said that the unChristian Young Mens Association refused to admit Colored gentlemen that the President had dismissed the old Colored servants from the White House that 800 workmen in a large concern…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 39 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated I hope that you find your position at Hayti such as to satisfy you with having accepted it that your House is in a healthy situation Is the country beautiful are you in sight of the sea Do you find many companionable people who may in time become friends do write describe your surroundings life that we may to some extent realize you there…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 40 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated We are going on much in the old way hope to be able to join the family party at my sisters Mrs Blakes at Xmas I have been making slow but steady progress towards health have dispensed with a nurse in the house for six weeks or more I am really pretty well only have difficulty in moving I have walked once to the…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 41 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated on the esplanade with these exceptions I have not been beyond our own garden our near neighbour Mr Alfred Calfores drive By the way Mr A Calfore has just been appointed Mayor for the next year I heard from Mrs Crofts a week or two ago she gives but a poor account of herself her months holiday in Scotland was quite wasted as far…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 42 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated of print republished that has given him some work in rewriting altering some things on wch he does not think quite as he did 30 years ago He finds composition more irksome than it used to be it takes more time wearies him more so I dont want him to undertake much of it He has only preached twice since he resigned the pulpit…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 43 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated AL Maynard Principal Miss Annie Storey Secretary Mrs Dora Maynard Assistant Miss Lucy Larremore Miss Lizzie E Fraction Assistant Office of A L Maynard Principal of Mount Pleasant Public School Elected 1881 Lockhart Texas Nov 15th 1889 Hon Frederick Douglass Port Au Prince Hayti Dear Sir I have in my school a very smart little fellow who is seven years old today His name…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 44 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated Compagnie GÃnÃrale Transatlantique Services Postaux Services Postaux De LAtlantique De La MÃditerranÃe Pacifique par Panama AlgÃrieTunisieMaroc EtatsUnisAntilles ItalieSicileCorse Mexique Espagne VÃnÃzuela et Colombie Adresse Postale Adresse TÃlÃgraphique Agence PortauPrince le 16 Novembre 1889 Monsieur le Chargà daffaires de France à PortauPrince Monsieur Jai lhonneur de porter à votre connaissance que pendant mon sÃjour en Europe ma chaloupe à vapeur a Ãtà mise durant 20…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 45 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated Rising Sun Md 11th mo 18th 1889 To the Hon Frederick Douglass Esq Much Esteemed Friend Feeling a warm Interest in the welfare of thyself family I have concluded to write thee a few lines of congratulation remembrance I most Sincerely hope thy position may be congenial Pleasant Profitable I am very glad that the Republican party is again intrusted with the Executive Legislative…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 46 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated obligà Monsieur le chargà daffaires de me faire rembourser PÃnilles a agrÃer Monsieur lassurance de mon entier dÃvouement L Tallen Wey agent f par de le eir gh of gen
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 47 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated The elections have gone rather unfavorable to the Republican party But if we must have these repulses this is the best time time to have them as we will have time to strengthen our weak Points rectify mistakes before we have another National contest I am rejoiced to see many manifestations of the improvement energy of those so long ground down under the Iron…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 48 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated Jacksonville Fla Nov the 19 1889 Mr F Douglas Dear Sir it is with much Pleasure that I write This Letter to you Dear Sir I Hope you will Read This with much care I am A Poor Widdo And 3 Poor Children And I am Not Abel to Done Any work much so I am Compel to Beg for Help so I Ask…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 49 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated Ago and I Has allmoss lost my Helth Please forgive me for Writing This Letter to you But in the Name of God please Help me A poor Weddo my Name is Rachiel Mc Millom my Pos Ofc Jaxville Fla oakland PO Send in care TJ Clark Jacksonville Fla Oakland PO T J Clark is Wm of 65 F AM
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 50 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated Nov 20th 1889 My Dear Father It gave me much pleasure to receive your letter written on the 8th inst in yesterdays mail my mind the past week having been unusually busy thinking about you in that far away land and wondering about your health and surroundings I have seen nothing from Mrs Parkers pen in any of the papers that I can obtain…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 51 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated called to see me yesterday with Mrs Brewster from Harpers Ferry Mrs G told me she had a letter from you dated the eighth she will probably be here until after Thanksgiving Willie Cook will be given a benefit concert in Dr Shippens Church Friday week and Mrs G desires to attend I received a letter from Joe last week he says his father…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 52 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated days last week and this is Thursday and the rain is coming down just as steadily as if it had not been raining since last Sunday Frederika practices a little the last month she has been kept busy with her books preparing for her examination Willie Cook promised to assist her while here but he has failed to appear What papers do you get…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 53 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated Washington DC November 29 1889 Dear Father I suppose I am about the last one to congratulate you on your safe arrival but as there was so many writing I knew you had a plenty of that Rosie recieved your letter a couple of days ago which found her quite ill in bed and under the Doctors care she has been ill for the…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 54 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated lost something from Washington since you have left and I for one hope that you will soon return for I realy do not think that this Government can place any more honors on you than you have already recieved from all nations I had the pleasure of meeting Mr Townsend who came to my office a few days ago to find a house I…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 55 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated Legation of the United States Port au Prince December 2 1889 Honorable AFirmin Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Port au Prince Sir I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the note which you addressed to me on the 28th ultimo in response to mine in which on the 20th of the same month I invited your attention to the award of…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 56 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated requires the payment in full of the 60000 sixty thousand dollars on or before the 4th instant There is indeed as you justly remark no room for argument or discussion on any of these points But your Government in view of the distress brought upon it by the revolution through which it has just passed a distress which has as you affirm depleted its…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 57 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated that Government will not urge the award without any postponement at all For in spite of the hardships and losses which have come to Haiti by reason of her civil disturbances and of which due note is taken the Government of the United States still recognizes the stability of the Government of Haiti and its duty to fulfill its valid engagements It is not…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 58 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated must have had twelve months notice and still less reasonable do i find the request to put off the payment of an award due today for ten years or for a period of time covering the present presidential term and extending three years beyond it I avail myself of this occasion Mr Minister to renew to you the assurances of my high consideration signed…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 59 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated Circular S D 12 15 89500 MALT AND BEER CIRCULAR Department of State Washington December 15 1889 To the Consular Offices of the United States in Mexico Central and South America and the West Indies Gentlemen Some of the leading maltsters and brewers of the United States have requested the Department to procure information relative to the malt and beer trade in your respective…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 60 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated Circular S D 12 7 89â1000 Department of State Washington December 21 1889 To the Consular Officers of the United States Gentlemen In view of the the fact that consular offices are frequently called upon by this Department to make reports obtain seeds plants and trees or to perform other services requiring the expenditure of money at the instance and for the use of…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 61 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated To this suggestion of the Department the following reply has been received under date of the 19th ultimo DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Washington November 19 1889 Hon James G Blaine Secretary of State Sir I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of the 12th instant in reference to defraying the expenses of the consular officers of the United States when engaged…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 62 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated Christmas Day Revered and dear friend With your weight of cares and perplexities my thought has often gone in sympathy to you To how few has it been given to serve their race and nation so long and so worthily May Gods grace return you to your country 771
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 63 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated your family and friends in safety Your friend H E Davis To the Hon Frederick Douglass Port au Prince Hayti Spiceland Indiana Dec 25 1889
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 64 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated Orange Valley N J Dec 25th 89 My Dear Mr Douglass Your very kind appreciative letter has touched me very much It reached me this morning is by far my best Christmas I trust it is not wrong for me to give some portions of it to the public The Alumni of Howard University are to give me a reception soon after I reach…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 65 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated decision that there was only one way to do And they finally did it very gracefully ExSenator Pomeroy declared that such perfect unanimity was a miracle alluding to the divergences of the first meeting when it was thought best to have an election Well my dear Brother I shall go to my work with a full heart a strong faith I think the God…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 66 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated I went up to Middlebury Vt last week addressed the people on Forefathers Day My subject was Pride of Nationality from the question put to St Paul Art thou a Roman I tried to show what God raised this nation up for the American idea as to man to enforce it as our duty to realize it for all men Death has chosen a…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 67 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated Circular SD 12 89 1000 Department of State Washington December 27 1889 To the Consular Officers of the United States Gentlemen It has come to the knowledge of the Department that certain consular officers have not given proper attention to instructions received in the form of circulars but have regarded and treated such communications as entitled to less respect and observance than those addressed…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 68 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated Government he is invited freely to lay the facts before the Department with such suggestions as he may deem pertinent Wellconsidered criticisms on the practical working of the consular regulations and instructions are valuable and often lead to beneficial amendment but the Department will not tolerate disobedience or neglect of its instructions whether special or general written or printed Any neglect or failure therefore…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 69 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated President The members of the Diplomatic and Consular corps of different nationalities now residing near your Government have come to your Palace to pay their respects to Your Excellency and tender their best wishes for the health and happiness of yourself and the same for the members of your family and also to express their fervent aspirations for the success of Your Excellencys Government…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 70 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated Discours prononcà par le Ministre des EtatsUnis au Palais National de Port au Prince le 31 DÃcembre 1889 A M A Firmin Ministre des Relations ExtÃrieures PrÃsent
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 71 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated 1889 DEPARTMENT OF STATE WASHINGTON Saturday Dear Mr Douglass The President would be greatly pleased if you would accept the mission to Hayti You might not be willing to go there in midsummer but the President could be glad to hold the place open for you until the cool days of autumn should make The Honorable Fredrick Douglass etc etc etc 2754
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 72 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated make PortauPrince a perfectly safe if not an agreeable place of residence Your influence in the Presidents opinion would be the most potential we could send thither for the peace welfare and prosperity of that warring and dissatisfied people I shall be glad to hear from you after you shall have fully considered the Presidents invitation Sincerely James G Blaine
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 73 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated 1889 Mr Minister I am here to present to your Excellency the letter of credence signed by the Secretary of State of the United States accrediting me as Charge d Affaires to reside near your Government an official copy of which letter I had the honor to transmit to Your Excellency several weeks ago It is also my duty to present the letter of…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10
Image 74 of Frederick Douglass Papers: General Correspondence, 1841-1912; 1889, Oct.-Dec., undated occupy the honorable and responsible position to which I am accredited by my Government I shall constantly aim to promote the cordial relations and good correspondence which should subsist between neighboring countries based upon similar principles of liberty and civilization I have pleasant memories of this goodly city of Santo Domingo It is now nearly a score of years since I walked its peaceful…
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1889-10