Manuscript/Mixed Material Frederick Douglass Papers: Addition I, 1851-1964; Correspondence; 1890
Image 1 of Frederick Douglass Papers: Addition I, 1851-1964; Correspondence; 1890 PriÃre a Monsieur Le ministre davoir la bontà de faire aboutir la lettre a Monsieur Le PrÃsident Heureaux de la part de Son Servent tres Affn C Coên 20190 Monsieur Douglas Ministre…
- Contributor: Sprague, Rosetta Douglass - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1890
Image 2 of Frederick Douglass Papers: Addition I, 1851-1964; Correspondence; 1890 Jan 30 1890 My dear Rose I have been somewhat uneasy about you since hearing you was not well your letter as well as that of Annie has been a relief to…
- Contributor: Sprague, Rosetta Douglass - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1890
Image 3 of Frederick Douglass Papers: Addition I, 1851-1964; Correspondence; 1890 however the wind may blow without I am very glad that Nathan did the noble part to Frederick in this hour of trial and I believe it will do much to soften…
- Contributor: Sprague, Rosetta Douglass - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1890
Image 4 of Frederick Douglass Papers: Addition I, 1851-1964; Correspondence; 1890 It surrounded by a veranda tem ten feet in width and about one hundred feet long measuring it all round This Veranda is completely roofed with galvanized Iron and is paved with…
- Contributor: Sprague, Rosetta Douglass - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1890
Image 5 of Frederick Douglass Papers: Addition I, 1851-1964; Correspondence; 1890 or writing and gett get to the Legation a little after nine oclk and remain there till four go home pretty well tired out lay down in my hammock for a while…
- Contributor: Sprague, Rosetta Douglass - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1890
Image 6 of Frederick Douglass Papers: Addition I, 1851-1964; Correspondence; 1890 expense of living It threatens to eat all my salary Well I may have written all this before but I do not know that I have Write me soon and write me…
- Contributor: Sprague, Rosetta Douglass - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1890
Image 7 of Frederick Douglass Papers: Addition I, 1851-1964; Correspondence; 1890 were on your knees Nevertheless Should you come a fathers house a fathers house a fathers welcome will be given now You would find me in very pleasant surroundings not quite such…
- Contributor: Sprague, Rosetta Douglass - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1890
Image 8 of Frederick Douglass Papers: Addition I, 1851-1964; Correspondence; 1890 Port au Prince Febry 5 1890 My dear Rosetta Your letter came late but was none the less gladly recieved I was quite uneasy about you in veiw of the epidemic prevailing…
- Contributor: Sprague, Rosetta Douglass - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1890
Image 9 of Frederick Douglass Papers: Addition I, 1851-1964; Correspondence; 1890 you speak of our old time though of a visit to Hayti On some occasions I should love to have you with me now Still I fear you would not much enjoy…
- Contributor: Sprague, Rosetta Douglass - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1890
Image 10 of Frederick Douglass Papers: Addition I, 1851-1964; Correspondence; 1890 are still lying about me saying about to be recalled Called home that I have been snubbed by the the Government here that I am violating the law of nations and the…
- Contributor: Sprague, Rosetta Douglass - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1890
Image 11 of Frederick Douglass Papers: Addition I, 1851-1964; Correspondence; 1890 you speak of seeing a letter of mine in the Star I am sorry you did not cut it out and send it to me I have written no letter for publication…
- Contributor: Sprague, Rosetta Douglass - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1890
Image 12 of Frederick Douglass Papers: Addition I, 1851-1964; Correspondence; 1890 all about the children and all about Nathan I hope he is hold his own in business and prosperous I admire his pluck hes industry and hes intelligence He deters success whether…
- Contributor: Sprague, Rosetta Douglass - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1890
Image 13 of Frederick Douglass Papers: Addition I, 1851-1964; Correspondence; 1890 but the same papers have had nothing to say against Mr Trotters holding over Sauce for the goose but not for the gander in this case Well make my love to all…
- Contributor: Sprague, Rosetta Douglass - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1890
Image 14 of Frederick Douglass Papers: Addition I, 1851-1964; Correspondence; 1890 You told me of the death of Dr Patton It was a bad piece of news to me for though I do not think he was quite up to the mark on…
- Contributor: Sprague, Rosetta Douglass - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1890
Image 15 of Frederick Douglass Papers: Addition I, 1851-1964; Correspondence; 1890 in the way A better use could be made of any money thats may be in your hands Do you know what is the matter between Joseph and his family He writes…
- Contributor: Sprague, Rosetta Douglass - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1890
Image 16 of Frederick Douglass Papers: Addition I, 1851-1964; Correspondence; 1890 March 6th 1890 My dear Rosetta Many many thanks for your good long and deeply interesting letter just to hand I wish I had time to send you a letter equally wh…
- Contributor: Sprague, Rosetta Douglass - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1890
Image 17 of Frederick Douglass Papers: Addition I, 1851-1964; Correspondence; 1890 and you quite thankful for what you get Since the terrible La grippe has been abroad I could have been thankful even for one little saying that you were all well Letters…
- Contributor: Sprague, Rosetta Douglass - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1890
Image 18 of Frederick Douglass Papers: Addition I, 1851-1964; Correspondence; 1890 I still believe in him omit Not every boy can be a scholar and not every scholar is a success in life If Herbert wld work and think like his father he…
- Contributor: Sprague, Rosetta Douglass - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1890
Image 19 of Frederick Douglass Papers: Addition I, 1851-1964; Correspondence; 1890 March 22 1890 My dear Rosa I am overwhelmed with grief Matie was very dear to me your letter is very full I thank you for it You know my views of…
- Contributor: Sprague, Rosetta Douglass - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1890
Image 20 of Frederick Douglass Papers: Addition I, 1851-1964; Correspondence; 1890 and will take this letter to Nevasse where it will be met by another Steamer and taken to New York She leaves in a few hours and I have therefore such little…
- Contributor: Sprague, Rosetta Douglass - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1890
Image 21 of Frederick Douglass Papers: Addition I, 1851-1964; Correspondence; 1890 that Charley could be with me Though I am no longer stronge I might be able out of my weakness to give him some strength in in the great affliction which has…
- Contributor: Sprague, Rosetta Douglass - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1890
Image 22 of Frederick Douglass Papers: Addition I, 1851-1964; Correspondence; 1890 Port au prince April 12 1890 My dear Rose I shall be very much disappointed if I do not recieve a letter from you by the next steamer from New YorkI was…
- Contributor: Sprague, Rosetta Douglass - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1890
Image 23 of Frederick Douglass Papers: Addition I, 1851-1964; Correspondence; 1890 which showed him to be in a very dispondent p condition It He says if I fail him now he is lost He ought to feel in no such way No fails…
- Contributor: Sprague, Rosetta Douglass - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1890
Image 24 of Frederick Douglass Papers: Addition I, 1851-1964; Correspondence; 1890 of any to be endured here Thus far however I have kept up pretty well and have been able to be on duty every day I have had two accidents that have…
- Contributor: Sprague, Rosetta Douglass - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1890
Image 25 of Frederick Douglass Papers: Addition I, 1851-1964; Correspondence; 1890 But if this was as stated it was not kind in Jenny to give us such a send off here especially as she asked the privilege of going with us and was…
- Contributor: Sprague, Rosetta Douglass - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1890
Image 26 of Frederick Douglass Papers: Addition I, 1851-1964; Correspondence; 1890 22 yrs old when mama was born Port au Prince June 24 1890 My dear Rose The first thought that came into my head this fine morning was that this is your…
- Contributor: Sprague, Rosetta Douglass - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1890
Image 27 of Frederick Douglass Papers: Addition I, 1851-1964; Correspondence; 1890 should find sickness death or disaster staring me in the face Good news from home has not been my luck lately but I still keep hoping on I see that Mr Bruce…
- Contributor: Sprague, Rosetta Douglass - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1890
Image 28 of Frederick Douglass Papers: Addition I, 1851-1964; Correspondence; 1890 can say or do against me I think considering that all my family have knowledge of my intention to come home for a brief vacation it is creditable that no breathe of…
- Contributor: Sprague, Rosetta Douglass - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1890
Image 29 of Frederick Douglass Papers: Addition I, 1851-1964; Correspondence; 1890 This package will be my last letter from Port au Prince for the present I expect much happiness in ever more seeing you and your little flock as usual all the members…
- Contributor: Sprague, Rosetta Douglass - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1890
Image 30 of Frederick Douglass Papers: Addition I, 1851-1964; Correspondence; 1890 US Consulate San Domingo West Indies August 18th 1890 To the Honorable Fredk Douglass Washington DC My dear Mr Douglass The usual formal correspondence concerning the transfer of this office will of…
- Contributor: Sprague, Rosetta Douglass - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1890
Image 31 of Frederick Douglass Papers: Addition I, 1851-1964; Correspondence; 1890 open this office He made a very urgent application for furniture but his only reply was a very courteous word of acknowledgement Similar appeals had been made during the previous fifteen years…
- Contributor: Sprague, Rosetta Douglass - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1890
Image 32 of Frederick Douglass Papers: Addition I, 1851-1964; Correspondence; 1890 sadly neglected You know better than I how susceptible the people of this vicinity are to appearances and I am sure that a set of wellappearing desks chairs letter files c would…
- Contributor: Sprague, Rosetta Douglass - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1890
Image 33 of Frederick Douglass Papers: Addition I, 1851-1964; Correspondence; 1890 I hope before very long to have the pleasure of comparing notes with you Hoping that your vacation will prove a restful and otherwise pleasant experience and that your active life may…
- Contributor: Sprague, Rosetta Douglass - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1890
Image 34 of Frederick Douglass Papers: Addition I, 1851-1964; Correspondence; 1890 Nov 8th 1890 My dear Rosetta there was a welcome letter though it told me sad news I am very glad you could go to Georginia in her illness I have a…
- Contributor: Sprague, Rosetta Douglass - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1890
Image 35 of Frederick Douglass Papers: Addition I, 1851-1964; Correspondence; 1890 to be much in the sun while here the little I am in plays the mischief with my brain and makes my head ache I am very glad to know that you…
- Contributor: Sprague, Rosetta Douglass - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1890
Image 36 of Frederick Douglass Papers: Addition I, 1851-1964; Correspondence; 1890 to like Haytian cooking The meat for the most part is tough and defies mastication My house Tivolli Villa is a house with which I know of nothing to compare it It…
- Contributor: Sprague, Rosetta Douglass - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1890
Image 37 of Frederick Douglass Papers: Addition I, 1851-1964; Correspondence; 1890 and cockroaches are among my torments and yet I am determined to fight it out out on this line as long as I can It is strange considering the Welcome I received…
- Contributor: Sprague, Rosetta Douglass - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1890
Image 38 of Frederick Douglass Papers: Addition I, 1851-1964; Correspondence; 1890 Port au Prince Hayti Dec 14th 1890 My dear Rob I have only time after my arrival to tell you I am here safe and sound The first three days of the…
- Contributor: Sprague, Rosetta Douglass - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1890
Image 39 of Frederick Douglass Papers: Addition I, 1851-1964; Correspondence; 1890 to learn anything of the condition of the legation or of what I shall first have to apply my energies There will be much to do and the first more than can…
- Contributor: Sprague, Rosetta Douglass - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1890
Image 40 of Frederick Douglass Papers: Addition I, 1851-1964; Correspondence; 1890 I find Port au Prince the same as I left it warm fruitful moist and dirty The streets full of holes and the people taking their ease at their doors with here…
- Contributor: Sprague, Rosetta Douglass - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1890