Manuscript/Mixed Material Clara Barton Papers: Diaries and Journals: 1863, Apr. 2-July 23
Image 1 of Clara Barton Papers: Diaries and Journals: 1863, Apr. 2-July 23 CLARA BARTON DIARIES AND JOURNALS Apr. 2- July 23, 1863
- Contributor: Barton, Clara
- Date: 1863-04-02
Image 2 of Clara Barton Papers: Diaries and Journals: 1863, Apr. 2-July 23
- Contributor: Barton, Clara
- Date: 1863-04-02
Image 3 of Clara Barton Papers: Diaries and Journals: 1863, Apr. 2-July 23 Capt Walter Engineer Corp. ? Clara H. Barton Washington D.C.
- Contributor: Barton, Clara
- Date: 1863-04-02
Image 4 of Clara Barton Papers: Diaries and Journals: 1863, Apr. 2-July 23 I have been sadly remis in the jottings of my journal but now that I am entering a new field I will endeavor to commence and sustain something in the form of…
- Contributor: Barton, Clara
- Date: 1863-04-02
Image 5 of Clara Barton Papers: Diaries and Journals: 1863, Apr. 2-July 23 a short distance form the office of the Chief QuarterMaster Major Van Vliet - The day was very stormy. we reported at 10 o'clock - and returned to remain at our hotel…
- Contributor: Barton, Clara
- Date: 1863-04-02
Image 6 of Clara Barton Papers: Diaries and Journals: 1863, Apr. 2-July 23 which had been given him that day at the Brokers Exchange, I wrote Col Clark and the 21st of his good fortune, also wrote Sam, and proposed to embark at 9 o'clock…
- Contributor: Barton, Clara
- Date: 1863-04-02
Image 7 of Clara Barton Papers: Diaries and Journals: 1863, Apr. 2-July 23 April 7th 1863: Tuesday night I am confounded: literally speechless with amazement! When I left Washington every one said it boded no peace, it was a bad omen for me to start.…
- Contributor: Barton, Clara
- Date: 1863-04-02
Image 8 of Clara Barton Papers: Diaries and Journals: 1863, Apr. 2-July 23 Capt. I found that he [converge?] the Mass 21st to Roanoak I think, and [Carrie?] Cutter being on board of his boat. he spoke in the highest terms of her. I thought…
- Contributor: Barton, Clara
- Date: 1863-04-02
Image 9 of Clara Barton Papers: Diaries and Journals: 1863, Apr. 2-July 23 Thursday Apr. 9th 1863 Called on Col Elwell in the morning and met his surgeon Dr. Craven Med. Dir. of the post and found in him the former surgeon of the 1st…
- Contributor: Barton, Clara
- Date: 1863-04-02
Image 10 of Clara Barton Papers: Diaries and Journals: 1863, Apr. 2-July 23 Samuel R. Barton - and wife A. Newell Barton Judson S. Brown Hon. Ira M Barton -2 Leander A. Poor Julia t Barton Miss Mary Norton Rev. C. M. Welles Wm. Donaghy…
- Contributor: Barton, Clara
- Date: 1863-04-02
Image 11 of Clara Barton Papers: Diaries and Journals: 1863, Apr. 2-July 23 question hanging on every lip - conjecture was rife. all sorts of rumors were afloat, but the one general idea seemed to prevail, that the Expedition had "fizzled", if one knows the…
- Contributor: Barton, Clara
- Date: 1863-04-02
Image 12 of Clara Barton Papers: Diaries and Journals: 1863, Apr. 2-July 23 Monday Apr. 13th 1863 This has been the warmest day we have seen here - I have not been out at all for days, and it almost seems as if I never…
- Contributor: Barton, Clara
- Date: 1863-04-02
Image 13 of Clara Barton Papers: Diaries and Journals: 1863, Apr. 2-July 23 Tuesday April 14th 1863 Removed our quarters today. taking a suit of rooms next to Col. Elwell - a great improvement, it is rainy and the wind has blown furiously all day.…
- Contributor: Barton, Clara
- Date: 1863-04-02
Image 14 of Clara Barton Papers: Diaries and Journals: 1863, Apr. 2-July 23 Thursday Apr. 16 - 1863. Day very fine. went to walk this morning, learned from a Ct man at the boat yard that the Ct 6th Regt were encamped a little distance…
- Contributor: Barton, Clara
- Date: 1863-04-02
Image 15 of Clara Barton Papers: Diaries and Journals: 1863, Apr. 2-July 23 Saturday April 18 - 1863 This has been the warmest day yet. quite early David brot in Rev. Mr Caldwell, the Chaplain who occupided a portion of his State room on the…
- Contributor: Barton, Clara
- Date: 1863-04-02
Image 16 of Clara Barton Papers: Diaries and Journals: 1863, Apr. 2-July 23 Monday April 20th 1863 A pretty warm day varying according to opinion from 80° to 100° no evidence of a move, and yet I must think some move will be made at…
- Contributor: Barton, Clara
- Date: 1863-04-02
Image 17 of Clara Barton Papers: Diaries and Journals: 1863, Apr. 2-July 23 Wednesday April 22nd 1863 The Arago anchored in the stream at 11 oclock and sent up her mail. D and I went to walk and on our return found letters from his…
- Contributor: Barton, Clara
- Date: 1863-04-02
Image 18 of Clara Barton Papers: Diaries and Journals: 1863, Apr. 2-July 23 Friday April 24th 1863 Delightful morning - learned of the appointment of Wm Elwell on Gen Hunters staff, as Lieut wrote Mr Brown a long letter rather decide to remain David is…
- Contributor: Barton, Clara
- Date: 1863-04-02
Image 19 of Clara Barton Papers: Diaries and Journals: 1863, Apr. 2-July 23 Sunday April 26, 1863 Arose early to finish my letters and received a most beautiful note from the Col before breakfast. Wrote Sam & Amelia received a call from Col Van Wyck,…
- Contributor: Barton, Clara
- Date: 1863-04-02
Image 20 of Clara Barton Papers: Diaries and Journals: 1863, Apr. 2-July 23 Letters received and sent by the Arago, second trip Received. Rev. C. M. Welles - N.Y. J.S. Brown - Washington Saml & Amelia Barton - " Mary Norton - [for?], Hightstown J.M.…
- Contributor: Barton, Clara
- Date: 1863-04-02
Image 21 of Clara Barton Papers: Diaries and Journals: 1863, Apr. 2-July 23 Tuesday April 28th 1863 The wind all passed away with the rain and the sun is shining gloriously this morning, went to breakfast, and the Col. sent for me to come and…
- Contributor: Barton, Clara
- Date: 1863-04-02
Image 22 of Clara Barton Papers: Diaries and Journals: 1863, Apr. 2-July 23 Thursday April 30 1863 Fine again - Attended to Col. Man's hand and sewed on my dress; David had intended to go on the boat to lay the telegraph wire, but for…
- Contributor: Barton, Clara
- Date: 1863-04-02
Image 23 of Clara Barton Papers: Diaries and Journals: 1863, Apr. 2-July 23 Saturday May 2, 1863 Fine again: decided to write some letters. Miss Mary & Will went to Beaufort to see Mrs. Sage I wrote Mrs Copp and Sam and sent some letters…
- Contributor: Barton, Clara
- Date: 1863-04-02
Image 24 of Clara Barton Papers: Diaries and Journals: 1863, Apr. 2-July 23 Monday May 4, 1863. Rained in torrents -- Mary and I washed such fixings as we chose, which kept us both busy till 1PM -- Capt Cruso of the Flora came from…
- Contributor: Barton, Clara
- Date: 1863-04-02
Image 25 of Clara Barton Papers: Diaries and Journals: 1863, Apr. 2-July 23 Wednesday May 6, 1863 Another fine morning, and after a little arranging about the house ironing my black silk dress and sitting down to repair it, a boat steamed in sight proved…
- Contributor: Barton, Clara
- Date: 1863-04-02
Image 26 of Clara Barton Papers: Diaries and Journals: 1863, Apr. 2-July 23 Friday May 8 1863 Coldest morning yet. Still looking for the Arago. - Arranged some little matters. A call from Bev. Mr. Williams - at noon Jo. Elwell came in to announce…
- Contributor: Barton, Clara
- Date: 1863-04-02
Image 27 of Clara Barton Papers: Diaries and Journals: 1863, Apr. 2-July 23 Sunday 10 May 1863 Very fine + warm. still cannot write, and no one will consent to my going home. Went on board the Cosmopolitan, was much gratified by the comfortable appearance…
- Contributor: Barton, Clara
- Date: 1863-04-02
Image 28 of Clara Barton Papers: Diaries and Journals: 1863, Apr. 2-July 23 Tuesday 12 May 1863 Very fine day. The "arago" left at 3 P.M. Mailed letters to Sam + Amelia. Mr. Brown Mrs Stout Mr Pratt. Mrs Davis + Capt Hickox called, while…
- Contributor: Barton, Clara
- Date: 1863-04-02
Image 29 of Clara Barton Papers: Diaries and Journals: 1863, Apr. 2-July 23 Thursday, (scribbled out) 14 May 1863 not quite right this morning D + Leander tried to go to Tybee Island to try to lay cable, but were defeated. I arranged the Col's…
- Contributor: Barton, Clara
- Date: 1863-04-02
Image 30 of Clara Barton Papers: Diaries and Journals: 1863, Apr. 2-July 23 Saturday May 16th 1863 Still very stormy. the Mallone a perfect wreck, soon a boat from NY came bringing a mail, I received a letter from Mary Gage, and the Col sent…
- Contributor: Barton, Clara
- Date: 1863-04-02
Image 31 of Clara Barton Papers: Diaries and Journals: 1863, Apr. 2-July 23 Sunday May 17th 1863 Day fine. Performed some domestic labors in the morning - breakfast sent in, recd a call from Chaplain Van Wyck bringing a letter from the Col. desiring me…
- Contributor: Barton, Clara
- Date: 1863-04-02
Image 32 of Clara Barton Papers: Diaries and Journals: 1863, Apr. 2-July 23 Tuesday May 19. 1863. - Found early this morning that the Ben Deford (Steamer) would leave at 5 for NY. I wrote to Chas Newcomb. Henry Wilson, Asst Secty of War and…
- Contributor: Barton, Clara
- Date: 1863-04-02
Image 33 of Clara Barton Papers: Diaries and Journals: 1863, Apr. 2-July 23 Thursday May 2[2]1nd 1863 Sewed this morning. Harriot moved in to her apartment, Seems very much pleased, - recd a call from Col Russ and Adjutant Reynolds of 8 Maine at 11…
- Contributor: Barton, Clara
- Date: 1863-04-02
Image 34 of Clara Barton Papers: Diaries and Journals: 1863, Apr. 2-July 23 Saturday. May 23. 1863 The day was fine. The "Arago" expected. The col's laugh did not harm him. I wrote Thad & Meighan & Sam & Amelice, sent by the Cosmopolitan going…
- Contributor: Barton, Clara
- Date: 1863-04-02
Image 35 of Clara Barton Papers: Diaries and Journals: 1863, Apr. 2-July 23 Monday May 25. 1863 took breakfast with Mrs. Gage and went to the boat. negroes rowed us out at low tide. came home and wrote some letters - recd a call from…
- Contributor: Barton, Clara
- Date: 1863-04-02
Image 36 of Clara Barton Papers: Diaries and Journals: 1863, Apr. 2-July 23 Wednesday, May 27th 1863 Very rainy - still writing, the wind blows a hurrycane. the waves are lashing the beach, and about noon who should arrive by perils of sea & land…
- Contributor: Barton, Clara
- Date: 1863-04-02
Image 37 of Clara Barton Papers: Diaries and Journals: 1863, Apr. 2-July 23 Friday May 29. 1863 Very bright. Mrs Gage went to the boat at 8 she sailed at 9 1/2 - I forgot my letters, Seander took them to the tug - Capt…
- Contributor: Barton, Clara
- Date: 1863-04-02
Image 38 of Clara Barton Papers: Diaries and Journals: 1863, Apr. 2-July 23 Sunday May 31, 1863 Very warm morning. Harriot away - took care of our quarters breakfasted with Capt Lamb some one called on Mrs Davis I got shut out of my room…
- Contributor: Barton, Clara
- Date: 1863-04-02
Image 39 of Clara Barton Papers: Diaries and Journals: 1863, Apr. 2-July 23 Tuesday June 2. 1863 Had begged off from going to Beaufort today, and washed and ironed some cloths in Capt Lambs room it has been very warm, David has entered upon his…
- Contributor: Barton, Clara
- Date: 1863-04-02
Image 40 of Clara Barton Papers: Diaries and Journals: 1863, Apr. 2-July 23 after dinner we sat out a few minutes on the verandah. Mrs. Lander wished to rest. Dr Rogers joined us, and Mr Page - and finally the Colonel ordered the carriage for…
- Contributor: Barton, Clara
- Date: 1863-04-02