Manuscript/Mixed Material Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Harbour, J. L., and family, 1901-1911, undated
Image 1 of Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Harbour, J. L., and family, 1901-1911, undated CLARA BARTON GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE Harbour, J.L. & family Nov. 1901-Oct. 1911 and undated
- Contributor: Harbour, J. L., and Family
- Date: 1901
Image 2 of Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Harbour, J. L., and family, 1901-1911, undated 4 I have not the ability nor the force of character to do practical work for humanity but I sometimes count myself as a small public benefactor because of the merriment I…
- Contributor: Harbour, J. L., and Family
- Date: 1901
Image 3 of Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Harbour, J. L., and family, 1901-1911, undated 2 eagerly interested in the information. I feel inclined to offer some sort of an apology for my boisterousness when telling some of my stories on Sunday evening. My overpowering love of…
- Contributor: Harbour, J. L., and Family
- Date: 1901
Image 4 of Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Harbour, J. L., and family, 1901-1911, undated 5 born from Oskalaoosa, Iowa, you certainly met my father for there were no Harbours in Oskaloosa but my own family. Perhaps I imagine it, but it seems to me that far…
- Contributor: Harbour, J. L., and Family
- Date: 1901
Image 5 of Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Harbour, J. L., and family, 1901-1911, undated L.D.H. 2. and manner, I did it to mislead and to draw you out, for no one ever saw him who did not remember the tall, manly figure that betokened the soul…
- Contributor: Harbour, J. L., and Family
- Date: 1901
Image 6 of Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Harbour, J. L., and family, 1901-1911, undated L.D.H. 3. It is possible that this long drawn out letter may make you repent of my promise to write you at all, but your buoyant spirit will bear it and bear…
- Contributor: Harbour, J. L., and Family
- Date: 1901
Image 7 of Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Harbour, J. L., and family, 1901-1911, undated wishing to do so just now. I shall simply await your good pleasure in regard to the matter feeling confident that in the remote and contingent "sometime" you will tell me all.…
- Contributor: Harbour, J. L., and Family
- Date: 1901
Image 8 of Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Harbour, J. L., and family, 1901-1911, undated and the copy of your report you were so good as to send me, I shall wait with great interest & eagerness the coming of the picture you are to send me…
- Contributor: Harbour, J. L., and Family
- Date: 1901
Image 9 of Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Harbour, J. L., and family, 1901-1911, undated and see if he can explain it all to me. I am glad that you are well and enjoying the happiness that comes from being as constantly employed in things that help…
- Contributor: Harbour, J. L., and Family
- Date: 1901
Image 10 of Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Harbour, J. L., and family, 1901-1911, undated away by night & day until it has put three boys and a dear little girl through college. I have need of my father's sanguine temperament with which to face a task…
- Contributor: Harbour, J. L., and Family
- Date: 1901
Image 11 of Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Harbour, J. L., and family, 1901-1911, undated it by reason of the fact that for sixteen years I have sat within the four wall of my little study and written "out of my head" until my brain was almost…
- Contributor: Harbour, J. L., and Family
- Date: 1901
Image 12 of Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Harbour, J. L., and family, 1901-1911, undated [*Harbour*] Fairfax Hotel (Willard's), Washington, D.C. March 11, 1902. My dear Mr. Harbour: It isn't inclination that holds my pen still, but too much to do, and you are no stranger to…
- Contributor: Harbour, J. L., and Family
- Date: 1901
Image 13 of Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Harbour, J. L., and family, 1901-1911, undated to send better scholarship, at least, if he cannot supply better talent. I took my part, and spoke my piece with the rest from time to time, as the occasion demanded, and…
- Contributor: Harbour, J. L., and Family
- Date: 1901
Image 14 of Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Harbour, J. L., and family, 1901-1911, undated I have been going over some historical data of late, as I could catch a few moments, and I have been trying to date my first knowledge of your father and his…
- Contributor: Harbour, J. L., and Family
- Date: 1901
Image 15 of Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Harbour, J. L., and family, 1901-1911, undated cracks there are none too many of these. Apropos - "Meetings and reports" - "Tiresome", say you? From all evil and mischief, from sin, from the crafts and assaults of the Devil,…
- Contributor: Harbour, J. L., and Family
- Date: 1901
Image 16 of Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Harbour, J. L., and family, 1901-1911, undated [334 Boylston St.] [*answered August 18. 1902 J.L.Harbour*] New Hampshire Aug. 16-1902. Dear Miss Barton: I have just read in a "People of Prominence" item that you are again in your native…
- Contributor: Harbour, J. L., and Family
- Date: 1901
Image 17 of Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Harbour, J. L., and family, 1901-1911, undated you find time in your busy life to write again you may be sure that your letter will be most welcome. But I shall not count letters with you, and you will…
- Contributor: Harbour, J. L., and Family
- Date: 1901
Image 18 of Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Harbour, J. L., and family, 1901-1911, undated thoughtful kindness that prompted you to send it. If the cross were a little smaller I would be tempted to dispossess Mrs. Harbour of it and put it on my watch chain.…
- Contributor: Harbour, J. L., and Family
- Date: 1901
Image 19 of Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Harbour, J. L., and family, 1901-1911, undated of June I ought not to repine about anything and indeed I am not one of the repining kind. I would be most inconsistent for a disciple of humor to fall into…
- Contributor: Harbour, J. L., and Family
- Date: 1901
Image 20 of Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Harbour, J. L., and family, 1901-1911, undated over as Miss Clara Barton If I could envy any one, I should envy you, because of the exceeding great amount of good you have been able to do. I hope that…
- Contributor: Harbour, J. L., and Family
- Date: 1901
Image 21 of Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Harbour, J. L., and family, 1901-1911, undated of city life. I cannot understand how any sane man or woman can really prefer the city to the country. My mind is made up in regard to spending my later years…
- Contributor: Harbour, J. L., and Family
- Date: 1901
Image 22 of Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Harbour, J. L., and family, 1901-1911, undated I fear me that we shall conduct ourselves in an abandoned manner for neither of us has any regard for the proprieties of life. I shall be sure to come away with…
- Contributor: Harbour, J. L., and Family
- Date: 1901
Image 23 of Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Harbour, J. L., and family, 1901-1911, undated and Pennsylvania for five weeks. I hope to find my way to Glen Echo some time in Feby for I shall probably be having engagements not very far from Washington while I…
- Contributor: Harbour, J. L., and Family
- Date: 1901
Image 24 of Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Harbour, J. L., and family, 1901-1911, undated genuinely interested in my success. The pretty little cross dangles from my watch chain, and I am very proud of it. You know that I am always glad to hear from you.…
- Contributor: Harbour, J. L., and Family
- Date: 1901
Image 25 of Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Harbour, J. L., and family, 1901-1911, undated am able to make you a little visit in February. I think that I am going to like some things about my new work very much but there are some "outs" about…
- Contributor: Harbour, J. L., and Family
- Date: 1901
Image 26 of Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Harbour, J. L., and family, 1901-1911, undated 2 I was in Portsmouth, N.H. last night, am here in Vermont to-night and to-morrow I appear in Somerville, Mass. I invade Pennsylvania and New York state the 28th of this month…
- Contributor: Harbour, J. L., and Family
- Date: 1901
Image 27 of Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Harbour, J. L., and family, 1901-1911, undated Gibbs & Wheeler, Proprietors Junction House good Livery Connected White River Junction, Vt ________190 4 if the stern decrees of fate did not compel me to work, I daresay I would be…
- Contributor: Harbour, J. L., and Family
- Date: 1901
Image 28 of Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Harbour, J. L., and family, 1901-1911, undated Ansd May 23, 1903 3 Bowdoin Avenue. Dorchestor, Mass. May 23, 1903. My dear Miss Barton: I wonder if your ears burned last night. If they did it was no doubt because…
- Contributor: Harbour, J. L., and Family
- Date: 1901
Image 29 of Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Harbour, J. L., and family, 1901-1911, undated [*Isn't this lovely?*] Melrose, Mass., March 15, 1903. Dear Mr. Harbour, What a unique and delightful entertainment you gave us Thursday afternoon! I have not enjoyed a humorous lecture as much since…
- Contributor: Harbour, J. L., and Family
- Date: 1901
Image 30 of Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Harbour, J. L., and family, 1901-1911, undated MRS. HARRIET PRESCOTT SPOFFORD. I think that there can be no one in the world who tells an amusing story so well as Mr. Harbour. The pleasant memory of his humor takes…
- Contributor: Harbour, J. L., and Family
- Date: 1901
Image 31 of Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Harbour, J. L., and family, 1901-1911, undated -3- for them than watching a petty fight, and the press can emply itself better than in manufacturing smart sayings. I am sorry to have occupied so much space with this needless…
- Contributor: Harbour, J. L., and Family
- Date: 1901
Image 32 of Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Harbour, J. L., and family, 1901-1911, undated your favor. I want to write a letter sketch about you and your work for a young people's paper in the west and I want one of your photographs for it. Indeed,…
- Contributor: Harbour, J. L., and Family
- Date: 1901
Image 33 of Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Harbour, J. L., and family, 1901-1911, undated 2 and my head and fingers must supply the wherewithal to keep them there for four years although the youngest, who is but seventeen, walked off with a one-year scholarship in Harvard…
- Contributor: Harbour, J. L., and Family
- Date: 1901
Image 34 of Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Harbour, J. L., and family, 1901-1911, undated case, as I did not wish to trouble you. I believe that Mr. Harbour has told you how delightfully situated we are on this large farm among the hills. I hope to…
- Contributor: Harbour, J. L., and Family
- Date: 1901
Image 35 of Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Harbour, J. L., and family, 1901-1911, undated on the 12th of February for a stay of some day and I may be there for a day or into about the middle of January. I am trying to inveigle some…
- Contributor: Harbour, J. L., and Family
- Date: 1901
Image 36 of Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Harbour, J. L., and family, 1901-1911, undated offer of a six weeks trip in Calafornia next season and I would like to close with the offer if Calafornia were not so far away. I shall be sure to come…
- Contributor: Harbour, J. L., and Family
- Date: 1901
Image 37 of Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Harbour, J. L., and family, 1901-1911, undated 2 that there is still an abundance of the milk of human kindness in the world and that the cream on it is mighty thick at your house. And we got the…
- Contributor: Harbour, J. L., and Family
- Date: 1901
Image 38 of Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Harbour, J. L., and family, 1901-1911, undated 4 and that is what I prefer to do. When I have educated my children I intend getting hold of just such a quiet and retired place as you have and ending…
- Contributor: Harbour, J. L., and Family
- Date: 1901
Image 39 of Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Harbour, J. L., and family, 1901-1911, undated moral show in Massachusetts that night. I speak at a banquet -- not a clam affair -- in Philadelphia on Thursday night of this work, and I had thought to go on…
- Contributor: Harbour, J. L., and Family
- Date: 1901
Image 40 of Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Harbour, J. L., and family, 1901-1911, undated [*Ansd by Post card July 16 1904 33 Harbour*] Peterboro , N.H. July 4-1904 Dear Miss Barton: I have been promising myself the pleasure of a lit- tle talk with you for…
- Contributor: Harbour, J. L., and Family
- Date: 1901