Manuscript/Mixed Material Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Van Schelle, Albert, 1898-1908
Image 1 of Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Van Schelle, Albert, 1898-1908 CLARA BARTON GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE Van Schelle, Albert Sept. 1898 - Dec. 1908
- Contributor: Van Schelle, Albert
- Date: 1898
Image 2 of Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Van Schelle, Albert, 1898-1908 [*A. van Schelle re his wedding. Sept. 27 - 98 -------------- 00*] [*file*] Grand Haven 27 / 7ber 98. Dear Miss Barton, I take pleasure in adding a few lines to Miss…
- Contributor: Van Schelle, Albert
- Date: 1898
Image 3 of Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Van Schelle, Albert, 1898-1908 days we have spent with you in Santiago and feel deeply grateful for all the proofs of kindness and courtesy you have bestowed upon us during our stay in Cuba. Hoping we…
- Contributor: Van Schelle, Albert
- Date: 1898
Image 4 of Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Van Schelle, Albert, 1898-1908 I remain, Dear Mr Barton, Your Sincere and devoted, A. Van Schelle in a woman's life, and it is only fitting that the tutelary goddess should look benignly from the hearthside of…
- Contributor: Van Schelle, Albert
- Date: 1898
Image 5 of Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Van Schelle, Albert, 1898-1908 in Belgium. Will you kindly extend the invitation to any and all of our co-workers who may find it possible to come? Because I am in another land than my own by…
- Contributor: Van Schelle, Albert
- Date: 1898
Image 6 of Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Van Schelle, Albert, 1898-1908 Brussels 15th / 7ber 1900 My Dear President. I have duly received your amiable letter introducing Mr Frank D. Higbee of New York City. I shall be pleased to put myself at…
- Contributor: Van Schelle, Albert
- Date: 1898
Image 7 of Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Van Schelle, Albert, 1898-1908 you both to America, and that I shall entertain you in my own house as I would have been glad to have been entertained in yours. With the most cherished memories of…
- Contributor: Van Schelle, Albert
- Date: 1898
Image 8 of Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Van Schelle, Albert, 1898-1908 [*27*] CROIX ROUGE DE BELGIQUE [Red Cross symbol] sous le haut patronage DE LL. MM. LE ROI & LA REINE Comité-Directeur. Bruxelles, le 23/1 1904 Dear President, It gives me pleasure to…
- Contributor: Van Schelle, Albert
- Date: 1898
Image 9 of Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Van Schelle, Albert, 1898-1908 BOSTON WASHINGTON NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA Officers CLARA BARTON President Mrs. J. SEWALL REED Vice-President ROSCOE G. WELLS Assistant to President H.H. HARTUNG, M.D. Treasurer & Medical Director MARY I. KENSEL Secretary The…
- Contributor: Van Schelle, Albert
- Date: 1898
Image 10 of Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Van Schelle, Albert, 1898-1908 [*27 61*] CROIX ROUGE DE BELGIQUE [Red Cross symbol] sous le haut patronage DE LL. MM. LE ROI & LA REINE Comité-Directeur. Bruxelles, le 2d June 1907 Miss Clara Barton, President National…
- Contributor: Van Schelle, Albert
- Date: 1898
Image 11 of Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Van Schelle, Albert, 1898-1908 not far off and I will endeavour to put you in communication with some influential group My wife is helping me to put your noble views in practical shape and joins me…
- Contributor: Van Schelle, Albert
- Date: 1898
Image 12 of Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Van Schelle, Albert, 1898-1908 3 several years, supported by private means and is now flourishing — Briefly this is what we have done: An Institution has been formed under the name of "Dispensaire Clémentine" (so called…
- Contributor: Van Schelle, Albert
- Date: 1898
Image 13 of Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Van Schelle, Albert, 1898-1908 first aid & treatment to be given in case of accidents & wounds so as to be able to assist sufferers & make themselves useful in cases of emergency when medical attendance…
- Contributor: Van Schelle, Albert
- Date: 1898
Image 14 of Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Van Schelle, Albert, 1898-1908 7. my auspices either to have information re. the management & working of the Dispensaire in Antwerp or to get into direct communication with its patrons is certain to receive a hearty…
- Contributor: Van Schelle, Albert
- Date: 1898
Image 15 of Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Van Schelle, Albert, 1898-1908 6 The lady Presidents of the Dispensaire Clémentine are Baroness J. Osy de Zegwaert & Mme Robert Osterrieth both of which I know well & a number of the ladies of the…
- Contributor: Van Schelle, Albert
- Date: 1898
Image 16 of Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Van Schelle, Albert, 1898-1908 [*27*] CROIX ROUGE DE BELGIQUE [Red Cross symbol] sous le haut patronage DE S.M. LE ROI Comité-Directeur Bruxelles, le 4 July 1907. My Dear President On this glorious day I send [for]…
- Contributor: Van Schelle, Albert
- Date: 1898
Image 17 of Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Van Schelle, Albert, 1898-1908 suggestion, you could apply to the Honorable Mayor of the city of London who will be pleased to send you photographs and particular instructions about the work accomplished since the adoption of…
- Contributor: Van Schelle, Albert
- Date: 1898
Image 18 of Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Van Schelle, Albert, 1898-1908 that is my ambition. They have applied to you, and are waiting for your reply. Belgium is the first to respond to the call. It will not be long before I shall…
- Contributor: Van Schelle, Albert
- Date: 1898
Image 19 of Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Van Schelle, Albert, 1898-1908 respond the call. It will not be long before I shall be called to Paris and there also your voice will be heard. When Mr Hitz arrives we shall decide as to…
- Contributor: Van Schelle, Albert
- Date: 1898
Image 20 of Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Van Schelle, Albert, 1898-1908 [*Gen'l Van Schelle. Ansd Jan 20 1909*] [*27 1st aid*] CROIX ROUGE DE BELGIQUE COMITÉ DIRECTEUR M. Clara Barton. President The National First Aid Association of America Glen Echo. Maryland. U.S.A. [*Van…
- Contributor: Van Schelle, Albert
- Date: 1898
Image 21 of Clara Barton Papers: General Correspondence, 1838-1912; Van Schelle, Albert, 1898-1908 GLEN ECHO DEC 24 A.M. 1908 MD
- Contributor: Van Schelle, Albert
- Date: 1898