Manuscript/Mixed Material Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; Beskida, A. A.
Image 1 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; Beskida, A. … Blackwell Family GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE Beskida AA Blackwell Alice Stone
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 2 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; Beskida, A. … Užhered 31 October 1921 a Mrs Alice Stone Blakwell Boston 25 Mass 3 Monadnock Str Dear Madam It is more than kind of You to remember our internates and help to them…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 3 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; Beskida, A. … the townschools of MukaÄeve In next future I shall send to YOU the photographs of Your pupils our society will be very thankful to You if it would be possible to receiv…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 4 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; Beskida, A. … A A Beskida Nr 2I5 26IX1921 aD KarpatheRussia CSR Mrs Alice Stone Blackwell 3 Menadneck Street Boston 25 Mass Madam Before some days I have received your last letter with the kindly…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 5 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; Beskida, A. … Mihorod Oct 5 1920 Dear Madame We beg to acknowledge the receipt of your favour of Sept 8 1920 as well as the receipt of 17777 esk for Catherine Breshkovskys orphanage The…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 6 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; Beskida, A. … Mrs Alice Stone Blackwell at Boston Madam With the beginning New Year I permit me to wish You All the Best strongly health at first that it may be allowed to You…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 7 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; Beskida, A. … I beg You also to give my best wishes to Mr Robinson Many times have I written to Him but unfortunately receive not the reponses I fear to be the letters perhaps…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 8 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; Beskida, A. … A A BeskÃda Užhozad 26 XII 922 120668 To Mrs Alice Stone Blackwell Boston Dear Madame I beg yo inform You that Your check of 757 RÄ had come in For the…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 9 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; Beskida, A. … A A Beskida receipt 1150618 Uzhorod Oct 15th 1922 To Ms Alice Blackwell Dear Madame I beg to inform you that your check of 909 Kronen 30 had come in In the…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 10 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; Beskida, A. … No 517y22 19 April 1922 Mrs Alice StoneBlackwell Boston 25 Mass 3 M Str Dear Madam Your letter from 21 III with the inclosed 2000 ck check I have received and allow…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 11 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; Beskida, A. … N91 30I923 Uzhorod OBSHCHESTVO SHKOLNAIA POMOSHCH UZHGOROD To Mrs Alice Stone Blackwell 3 Monadnock Str Boston 25 Mass Dear Madame I communicate you the reception of your checks for 106050 kr 35…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 12 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; Beskida, A. … OBSHCHESTVO SHKOLNAIA POMOSHCH UZHGOROD Uzhhorod 4IX923 n 651 To Mrs Alice Stone Blackwell Dear Madame I communicate you the reception of your check for 3280 Kronen 100 and declare from the name…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 13 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; Beskida, A. … Uzhorod 12823 To Ms Alice Stone Blackwell Dear Madame I communicate you the reception of your check for 580 Kronen and declare from the name of the Scool Relief Society my thankfulness…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 14 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; Beskida, A. … A A Beskida Uzhorod 3III927 in 83 To Mrs Alice Stone Blackwell Dear Madame I communicate you the reception of your checks for 3830 and 1871 kronen and declare from the name…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 15 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; Beskida, A. … Uzhorod 18 IV 29 No 222 To Mrs Alice Stone Blackwell Deare Madame I communicate you the reception of your checks for 838 ke 26 and 606 ke 20 and declare from…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 16 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; Beskida, A. … A Beskida SCHOOLRELIEF SOCIETY SCHOOL FUND FOR KARPATO RUSS UZHOROD Radvanskaja 47 CZECHOSLOVAKIA December 6 1927 Dear Madam Receiving your letter with the enclosed 233 and thank you for it I am…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 17 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; Beskida, A. … SCHOOLRELIEF SOCIETY SCHOOL FUND FOR KARPATO RUSS UZHOROD Radvanskaja CZECHOSLOVAKIA II Thank your kindheartedness over again I am yours for ever obliged and respectful A A Beskida
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 18 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; Beskida, A. … Uzhorod School
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848