Manuscript/Mixed Material Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; “Ge-Go” miscellaneous
Image 1 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; “Ge-Go” miscellaneous GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE Blackwell Family Ge Go Blackwell Alice Stone
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 2 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; “Ge-Go” miscellaneous Willard Cary Geer or Willard Cary of stage and his wife Martha E Geer Jamaica Plain
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 3 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; “Ge-Go” miscellaneous Ill bring your
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 4 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; “Ge-Go” miscellaneous My wishes are warm and my regard deep for you today and always I feel it is privilege to be a friend Most sincerely Elizabeth B Gentleman 4833 West Lane Bethesda 14…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 5 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; “Ge-Go” miscellaneous Home address G 3227 Robin Road Louisville 13 Kentucky
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 6 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; “Ge-Go” miscellaneous 19321 Firwood Kilmun Dear Miss Blackwell just a line to thank you so much for your very great kindness to us each week We hope you keep well this trying weather Kindest…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 7 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; “Ge-Go” miscellaneous H A Gibbs M D 12 Gardner Street Allston District Boston Mass December 20 1938 My Dear Miss Blackwell Will you allow me to respond to your Christmas greeting with this personal…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 8 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; “Ge-Go” miscellaneous H A Gibbs 12 Gardner St Allston Mass
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 9 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; “Ge-Go” miscellaneous HOWARD A GIBBS MD Pres 376 Boylston Street BOSTON MASS KATHARINE GIBBS ALLEN Secy Treas Perkins Institution WATERTOWN MASS The Gibbs Family Association Blandford Branch My Dear Miss Blackwell Your of July…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 10 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; “Ge-Go” miscellaneous the glycothymoline in bathing the eye a teaspoonfuls to half a cup of hot water I have just returned from a five days try to Western Mass and am looking forward to…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 11 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; “Ge-Go” miscellaneous I must close now thanking you again for your kindness Yours Truly Annie Gilraine 382 Commonwealth Ave Boston Mass
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 12 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; “Ge-Go” miscellaneous Chandler Co Boston Mass Dear Madam We are sending your Skirt today and you will find that we had to change the plaits as we could not fix the pocket right unless…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 13 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; “Ge-Go” miscellaneous Miss Gilbert
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 14 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; “Ge-Go” miscellaneous Givler 6 February 1927 My dear Miss Blackwell Let me thank you for drawing the attention of Bostonians to that most moving and appealing prayer for times of Social Distress which you…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 15 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; “Ge-Go” miscellaneous tremendously and laid the paper aside in order to cut it out I have lost both the paper and the facts of date of publication and whether it was in The Herald…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 16 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; “Ge-Go” miscellaneous Mrs RC Givler Dear Mrs Brown Please forgive my oversight in allowing the promised date to pass and thank you for offering me the priviledge of contributing my small share of appreciation…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 17 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; “Ge-Go” miscellaneous Godlasky May 528 BX 911 Sioux Falls S Dak Dear Alice Stone Blackwell I do thank you ever so much for the most gorgeous easter greeting They are the most beautiful Ive…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 18 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; “Ge-Go” miscellaneous Isaac Goldberg 199 Townsend St Roxbury Mass May Seventh 1 9 2 0 My dear Miss Blackwell Of the Bolivian poets Ricardo Jaimes Freyre is particularly notable Chirveches is important too Jaimes…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 19 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; “Ge-Go” miscellaneous 1675 Elliot St Denver Colo Feb 19 06 Mrs A S Blackwell Dear comrade Enclosed find money order for the sum of 5 dollars as payment for the twenty books you send…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 20 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; “Ge-Go” miscellaneous R Goldberg much I have enjoyed the sessions of the Convention and wish you noble band of women with whom I am in sympathy great results from this Convention With many thanks…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 21 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; “Ge-Go” miscellaneous Sp Am Poets American Association For International Conciliation Executive Committee Nicholas Murray Butler Stephen Henry Olin Lyman Abbott Robert Bacon George Blumenthal Robert A Franks Seth Low James L Slayden James Speyer…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 22 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; “Ge-Go” miscellaneous Peter Goldsmith 76 Mrs S Eleanor Gregg 3 Monadnock Street Boston Mass Dear Madam Is it too late to send mittens to the work of Catherine Breshkovsky I saw your appeal in…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 23 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; “Ge-Go” miscellaneous CB
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 26 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; “Ge-Go” miscellaneous Peter Goldsmith 96
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 27 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; “Ge-Go” miscellaneous The Unity of the Sciences SPIRITUAL and POLITICAL JULIA GOLDZIER Principal of the Correspondence School of Scientific Unity 26 E 45th St Bayonne N J Nov 25 1913 Dear Womans Journal Someday…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 28 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; “Ge-Go” miscellaneous Sta Barbara marzo 11 de 1923 A la CompaÃera Alice Stone Blackwell Boston CompaÃera Salud Para que por su digno conducto llegue al CompaÃero Librado Rivera me es grato saludarlo fraternat mente…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 29 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; “Ge-Go” miscellaneous que yo ignoro tambien muchas cosas me despido enviandole un fraternal saludo Salud y Rev Social JD Gonzalez PD Le repito mi direccion Calle Guerrero 54 Jose Domingo Gonzalez Sta Barbara Chih…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 30 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; “Ge-Go” miscellaneous adicto He leÃdo en un Periódico que la CompaÃera del Ilustre MÃrtir Ricardo Flórez Magon no qui zo aceptar como obsequio un dinero que de buena volun tad le hacia el Gobierno…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 31 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; “Ge-Go” miscellaneous Juan B Delgado
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 32 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; “Ge-Go” miscellaneous B A Goodridge BY 235 Shawmut Ave Boston Dec 18 1882 Dear Miss Blackwell The beautiful gift coming from three valued classmates was a pleasant surprise to Mrs Goodridge myself I shall…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 33 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; “Ge-Go” miscellaneous Taylorsville Ill June 5 1882 Dear A S Blackwell Womans Journal 5 Park St Boston Dear Madam I enclose some verses for your department The partially new signature is owing to the…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 34 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; “Ge-Go” miscellaneous Gordon Wellesley Inn Wellesley Mass Nov 16 1930 My dear Miss Blackwell This is the first opportunity I have had to thank you for my share of the pleasure you gave us…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 35 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; “Ge-Go” miscellaneous and my gratitude to her for making it possible to add to my circle some very dear New England friends and in a certain measure would my life among them I have…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 36 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; “Ge-Go” miscellaneous Buffalo 93920 Dear Miss AJ Blackwell I have been condemned to bed for more than two weeks that was the reason of why I have delayed in answering I hope you did…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 37 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; “Ge-Go” miscellaneous J Gorelik New York May 11920 32 Bay 20th St Bath Beach Brooklyn Miss Alice Stone Blackwell Boston Dear Miss Blackwell I have received your letter and immediately gladly remited to you…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 38 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; “Ge-Go” miscellaneous 2 to diffuse the Review and I would really very much appreciate it and would be very grateful for your aid Due to the fact that you are an active member of…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 39 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; “Ge-Go” miscellaneous 39a St James Il Roxbury December 29 1930 Dear Alice Stone Blackwell How lovely of you to send the card and always to remember me Let me congratulate you over the book…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 40 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; “Ge-Go” miscellaneous Your fathers stood directly in the middle of the floor She walks round and round and round him and finally made her government I made a story of it for the Herald…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848