Manuscript/Mixed Material Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; Stone, Francis
Image 1 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; Stone, Francis BLACKWELL FAMILY ALICE STONE BLACKWELL STONE FRANCIS
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 2 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; Stone, Francis WEST BROOKFIELD MASS INCORPORATED 1848 TOWN OF WEST BROOKFIELD MASSACHUSETTS OFFICE OF THE SELECTMEN Ware Mass Feb 3 1928 Dear Cousin Alice Your letter with the check enclosed came day before yesterday…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 3 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; Stone, Francis got no larger verdict won Here is an ad that I think would be all right 700 acre estate in West Brookfield Mass situated on a hill running to an elevation of…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 4 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; Stone, Francis and he wanted to trade Brooklyn NY property but I dont think I want to try my hand at trading as so often it turns out bad The other was from a…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 5 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; Stone, Francis Francis Stone Ware Mass Feb 27 1929 Dear Cousin Alice Your letter of Feb 22nd about the ads came the answers to the ads are coming in Yesterday I got 16 letters…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 6 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; Stone, Francis gets settled and I can find someone to do the things that have to be done here I will be glad to accept your offer Of course I do not expect Bowman…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 7 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; Stone, Francis Ware Mass Sept 7 1929 Dear Cousin Alice Your check came the other day for which I thank you very much I also got your check last month with your nice letter…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 8 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; Stone, Francis over in the ox pasture about 14 mile from home while I was chasing some heifers hit my knee on a rock cutting it clear across more than 6 inches to the…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 9 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; Stone, Francis Francis Stone
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 10 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; Stone, Francis Merry Christmas
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 11 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; Stone, Francis Amid the cold of winters snow May Christmas shed a warming glow Upon your heart anew As you once more its tiding hear That carry blessings of good cheer The Christ is…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 12 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; Stone, Francis
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 13 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; Stone, Francis Sincere greetings and best wishes For Christmas and the New Year
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 14 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; Stone, Francis Plainview Neb Dec 22 1930 Dear Cousin Alice I will just give you the addresses so you will get them quicker than if I would write you a letter Mrs T M…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 15 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; Stone, Francis Francis Stone And the flickering shadows softly come and go Louis Eric
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 16 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; Stone, Francis Dear Cousin Just a card at this Christmas time to let you know we often think of you We were interested in the trip of the Seth Parker Schooner as it left…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 17 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; Stone, Francis Plainview Neb Dec 22 1935 Dear Cousin Alice I see your address is Cambridge now I hope you are well We are all right here I sure would like to get back…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 18 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; Stone, Francis Cousin Alice Plainview Neb Dec 14 1949 Dear Cousin Alice Merry Xmas to you Bertha died in August of course Bowman 5 years ago So the old the youngest have passed on…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 19 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; Stone, Francis Plainview Neb Sept 23rd 1938 Dear Cousin Alice I hope you are OK thru the storm that you just had back there I am watching the papers radio for reports I was…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 20 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; Stone, Francis boarded with us after he came out here in 1887 until he got married in 1897 Yours Truly Francis Stone
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848
Image 21 of Blackwell Family Papers: Alice Stone Blackwell Papers, 1848-1957; General Correspondence, 1871-1950; Stone, Francis Francis Stone
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1848