Manuscript/Mixed Material Blackwell Family Papers: Elizabeth Blackwell Papers, 1836-1946; General Correspondence, 1850-1910; Beale, Arthur A.
Image 1 of Blackwell Family Papers: Elizabeth Blackwell Papers, 1836-1946; General Correspondence, 1850-1910; Beale, Arthur A. BLACKWELL FAMILY ELIZABETH BLACKWELL GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE BEALE ARTHUR A 1896 and undated
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1836
Image 2 of Blackwell Family Papers: Elizabeth Blackwell Papers, 1836-1946; General Correspondence, 1850-1910; Beale, Arthur A. 175 Clapham Rd SW Jan 3rd 96 Bristol friend on animals Dear Dr Blackwell Pray forgive my apparent rudeness discourtesy in not answering your letter invitation It was due to a great…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1836
Image 3 of Blackwell Family Papers: Elizabeth Blackwell Papers, 1836-1946; General Correspondence, 1850-1910; Beale, Arthur A. to go out of Town a permanent weekly engagement The next time you come to Town I should be delighted to meet you again to discuss business of Trust By the by…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1836
Image 4 of Blackwell Family Papers: Elizabeth Blackwell Papers, 1836-1946; General Correspondence, 1850-1910; Beale, Arthur A. IV Plato versus Aristotle V Where Materialism Fails VI Have we a duty to animals VII Evolution above below VIII Do Bacteria primarily Cause disease IX The Unity of Truth in Science…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1836
Image 5 of Blackwell Family Papers: Elizabeth Blackwell Papers, 1836-1946; General Correspondence, 1850-1910; Beale, Arthur A. Suggestions for Lectures The new and delightful quarters of the London School of Economics and Political Science at the corner of Adelphiterrace were thronged on Saturday night at the opening of the…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1836
Image 6 of Blackwell Family Papers: Elizabeth Blackwell Papers, 1836-1946; General Correspondence, 1850-1910; Beale, Arthur A. Dec 14th 96 175 Clapham Road SW Dear Dr Blackwell I assure you the pleasure was quite mutual next time we meet I feel it will be as friends devoted to the…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1836
Image 7 of Blackwell Family Papers: Elizabeth Blackwell Papers, 1836-1946; General Correspondence, 1850-1910; Beale, Arthur A. feel I have hit something definite I have felt that the A V Anti vivisection movement in some way is wrong quite ineffectual to stem the tide of materialism cruelty thinking so…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1836
Image 8 of Blackwell Family Papers: Elizabeth Blackwell Papers, 1836-1946; General Correspondence, 1850-1910; Beale, Arthur A. I maintain that by opposing Vivisection we strengthen it This by your remarks is I believe your own conviction Now what is to be done Starve the vice feed a better system…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1836
Image 9 of Blackwell Family Papers: Elizabeth Blackwell Papers, 1836-1946; General Correspondence, 1850-1910; Beale, Arthur A. necessary in fact that there are means better surer and not harmful If the Zoophilist could be worked on these lines as you yourself said Look to the good forget the bad…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1836
Image 10 of Blackwell Family Papers: Elizabeth Blackwell Papers, 1836-1946; General Correspondence, 1850-1910; Beale, Arthur A. though I am not one myself I wonder if something of this sort could be started through the Incorporated Medical Practitioners Association which was founded for ethical purposes This soc I fear…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1836
Image 11 of Blackwell Family Papers: Elizabeth Blackwell Papers, 1836-1946; General Correspondence, 1850-1910; Beale, Arthur A. Jan 21st 97 Edinburgh Student 175 Clapham Road SW Dear Dr Blackwell The enclosed I received from Edinburgh it speaks for itself What would you advise now Yours sincerely Arthur A Beale
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1836
Image 12 of Blackwell Family Papers: Elizabeth Blackwell Papers, 1836-1946; General Correspondence, 1850-1910; Beale, Arthur A. P M G Jan 9th 97 Vivisection at Edinburgh University This is at an organization called Medical Christians object to vivisection in the physiological class where experiments involving the dissection of living…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1836
Image 13 of Blackwell Family Papers: Elizabeth Blackwell Papers, 1836-1946; General Correspondence, 1850-1910; Beale, Arthur A. Clipping encl in Beale letter Jan 21 1897
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1836
Image 14 of Blackwell Family Papers: Elizabeth Blackwell Papers, 1836-1946; General Correspondence, 1850-1910; Beale, Arthur A. Letters to the Editor PROFESSOR RUTHERFORD AND THE ANTI VIVISECTIONISTS 3 Granby Road Craigmillar Park January 27 1897 SIRâIn your leader today speaking of the members and directors of AntiVivisection Societies you…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1836
Image 15 of Blackwell Family Papers: Elizabeth Blackwell Papers, 1836-1946; General Correspondence, 1850-1910; Beale, Arthur A. HOUSEMAID 18 wanted young general would suit lady train plain washing country small family E117 Scotsman Office HOUSEMAID experienced under wanted Â16 titled family another Â14 assist in laundry Registry 15 Shandwick…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1836