Manuscript/Mixed Material Blackwell Family Papers: Elizabeth Blackwell Papers, 1836-1946; General Correspondence, 1850-1910; Crompton, Henry
Image 1 of Blackwell Family Papers: Elizabeth Blackwell Papers, 1836-1946; General Correspondence, 1850-1910; Crompton, Henry Blackwell Family Elizabeth Blackwell General Correspondence From Henry Crompton
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1836
Image 2 of Blackwell Family Papers: Elizabeth Blackwell Papers, 1836-1946; General Correspondence, 1850-1910; Crompton, Henry 42 Square WC 12 May 1890 My Dear Dr Blackwell Thank you very much for your kind letterI am only too glad to be of any assistance in such a work as…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1836
Image 3 of Blackwell Family Papers: Elizabeth Blackwell Papers, 1836-1946; General Correspondence, 1850-1910; Crompton, Henry It would give my wife and myself great pleasure if you would come to usor I could call upon you when you return to town In all you say on the last…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1836
Image 4 of Blackwell Family Papers: Elizabeth Blackwell Papers, 1836-1946; General Correspondence, 1850-1910; Crompton, Henry and put it in practice The difference is expressed by several couples of words Abstract and concrete Science and art Theory and practice Spiritual and temporalthe step from one to the other…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1836
Image 5 of Blackwell Family Papers: Elizabeth Blackwell Papers, 1836-1946; General Correspondence, 1850-1910; Crompton, Henry Not appliersconsequently to be judgedI think very few people at all appreciate the immense difficulty of the step from theory to practice from the abstract to the concrete There is a valuable…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1836
Image 6 of Blackwell Family Papers: Elizabeth Blackwell Papers, 1836-1946; General Correspondence, 1850-1910; Crompton, Henry suppose were clearly than the rest one sees the vivid reality more accurately another has trained his faculties of abstract conception reasoning better There are few from whom we may not get…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1836