Manuscript/Mixed Material Blackwell Family Papers: Elizabeth Blackwell Papers, 1836-1946; Subject File, 1847-1910; French notes
Image 1 of Blackwell Family Papers: Elizabeth Blackwell Papers, 1836-1946; Subject File, 1847-1910; French notes Blackwell Family Subject File French Notes Elizabeth Blackwell
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1836
Image 2 of Blackwell Family Papers: Elizabeth Blackwell Papers, 1836-1946; Subject File, 1847-1910; French notes The Causes and Cure of Prostitution Page 1 Why it is an evil 2 2 It accidental or nonessential character 3 3 Education Custom 4 Riches 14 5 Poverty 6 Standing Army…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1836
Image 3 of Blackwell Family Papers: Elizabeth Blackwell Papers, 1836-1946; Subject File, 1847-1910; French notes 2 1 Why it is an evil Definition Varieties of custom in relation to sexual intercourse Polygamy Polyandry Promiscuity Monogamy is this necessarily connected with prostitution and fornication Methods of dealing with…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1836
Image 4 of Blackwell Family Papers: Elizabeth Blackwell Papers, 1836-1946; Subject File, 1847-1910; French notes 3 2 Its accidental or nonessential character Race Religion Climate Nizzia laCasta Smollet Bordighera no known prostitutes if any such sub rosa against village opinion Samaria Ireland varied testimony Candahar weariness of…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1836
Image 5 of Blackwell Family Papers: Elizabeth Blackwell Papers, 1836-1946; Subject File, 1847-1910; French notes ment qui merite detre cite est lArsakion ou l eote des filles un peu severe peutetre mais dune grandeur et dune simplicite de lignes quon ne saurait trop louer Cet Arsakion est…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1836
Image 6 of Blackwell Family Papers: Elizabeth Blackwell Papers, 1836-1946; Subject File, 1847-1910; French notes 8 Example of false peur statistics from Brazil P1375 BM 4 Riches Brothels are kept up by married men 360 bitten â 198 treated not treated â 156 treated â of these…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1836
Image 7 of Blackwell Family Papers: Elizabeth Blackwell Papers, 1836-1946; Subject File, 1847-1910; French notes 10 Formidable operations continued Wright Bridgeport how it has failed twice â and anger says the patient would not submit to treatment Trepans for pus at the motor centre of the arm…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1836
Image 8 of Blackwell Family Papers: Elizabeth Blackwell Papers, 1836-1946; Subject File, 1847-1910; French notes 12 6 Standing Army Young Berard horror of doctor experience friend corrupting inflamed Leopold brutality corruption
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1836
Image 9 of Blackwell Family Papers: Elizabeth Blackwell Papers, 1836-1946; Subject File, 1847-1910; French notes 14 Riches or station its irresistible character to women Introduction houses 9 guineas a weeknorth south Bank what they lead to shop girls Is a rich profligate especially guilty Responsibilities of the…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1836
Image 10 of Blackwell Family Papers: Elizabeth Blackwell Papers, 1836-1946; Subject File, 1847-1910; French notes Association societies 7 Finland Association to abolish prostitution see Bulletin Continental 15 Sep 81 page 83
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1836
Image 11 of Blackwell Family Papers: Elizabeth Blackwell Papers, 1836-1946; Subject File, 1847-1910; French notes Feb 4 1899 Prostitution a male vice where the man appraises the use of his body at a money tariff or its equivalent
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1836
Image 12 of Blackwell Family Papers: Elizabeth Blackwell Papers, 1836-1946; Subject File, 1847-1910; French notes 21 Increased by Regulation Polygamy Lord report Bordeaux Trials Rue Duphot Zackrzewkas letter from Berlin Letter from Utah in Woman Journal Sep 1081 23
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1836
Image 13 of Blackwell Family Papers: Elizabeth Blackwell Papers, 1836-1946; Subject File, 1847-1910; French notes 25 On protection of Minors Hansard on bill in 75 and 80 C Hopwoods letter Meredith
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1836
Image 14 of Blackwell Family Papers: Elizabeth Blackwell Papers, 1836-1946; Subject File, 1847-1910; French notes January 1901 By Will of Henry Villard 10000 to the New York Infirmary for Women Children 5000 New York Medical College Hospital for Women From the Womans Journal January 5th 1901
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1836
Image 15 of Blackwell Family Papers: Elizabeth Blackwell Papers, 1836-1946; Subject File, 1847-1910; French notes months imprisonment
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1836
Image 16 of Blackwell Family Papers: Elizabeth Blackwell Papers, 1836-1946; Subject File, 1847-1910; French notes Notes on Nice The effect of gambling spirit loteries tirages subsidies of the entire press loafers adventurers speculation Corrupted sentiment of women Quest ce que fait Cest tou jour le car quand…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1836
Image 17 of Blackwell Family Papers: Elizabeth Blackwell Papers, 1836-1946; Subject File, 1847-1910; French notes May 28 Talk with Glenister honest but strikingly mannish Those creatures poor young man his point of view suggests an Habitual prostitutes bill Notes on the London Conferences Importance of Englands action…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1836
Image 18 of Blackwell Family Papers: Elizabeth Blackwell Papers, 1836-1946; Subject File, 1847-1910; French notes Rev John M davenport 3 Crown Villas Kennington Oval S E Rev John EBMayon St John College Cambridge Store areade 1718 Sent shield to French addition to Emily Ellen Marian Kitty Du…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1836
Image 19 of Blackwell Family Papers: Elizabeth Blackwell Papers, 1836-1946; Subject File, 1847-1910; French notes Points for address on The Enforcement of the Common Law in relation to Vice Invite the meeting for facts gathered of the two conferences viz 1 Col Hendersons plan 2 Doctors plan…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1836
Image 20 of Blackwell Family Papers: Elizabeth Blackwell Papers, 1836-1946; Subject File, 1847-1910; French notes men arrived at diametrically opposite conclusion from the same data Not dwell on the point as to whether as moral respect with all these one sided rigid precautions there are only 20…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1836
Image 21 of Blackwell Family Papers: Elizabeth Blackwell Papers, 1836-1946; Subject File, 1847-1910; French notes needed is aid from public conscience will to direct the force Invite therefore to form Committee on the principles of the Common law for state practical objects Conclude with definition of Common…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1836
Image 22 of Blackwell Family Papers: Elizabeth Blackwell Papers, 1836-1946; Subject File, 1847-1910; French notes months imprisonment
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1836
Image 23 of Blackwell Family Papers: Elizabeth Blackwell Papers, 1836-1946; Subject File, 1847-1910; French notes Bradshaw the traitor french notes of Dr Elizabeth
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1836
Image 24 of Blackwell Family Papers: Elizabeth Blackwell Papers, 1836-1946; Subject File, 1847-1910; French notes Bradshaw le traitre Je suis un voyageur consciencieuse et jai de la foi en M Murray Je visite toutes les Ãglises je gravis grimpe toutes les montagnes jadmire tous les tableaux et…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1836
Image 25 of Blackwell Family Papers: Elizabeth Blackwell Papers, 1836-1946; Subject File, 1847-1910; French notes absolue au guide des chemins de fers contientaux mais ce rêve est fini Ãvanoui Bradshaw le perfide Le publique impartiel jugera nos griefs Il y fut a de quatre à cinq ans…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1836
Image 26 of Blackwell Family Papers: Elizabeth Blackwell Papers, 1836-1946; Subject File, 1847-1910; French notes jusquà six heures une compagne dun profond sur quoi Cela dit mon nel triste ami Me congedea jusquà la rue alut jusque au bas des escaliers et meure dans la soir En…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1836
Image 27 of Blackwell Family Papers: Elizabeth Blackwell Papers, 1836-1946; Subject File, 1847-1910; French notes de la Tout dit La couronne Ãtait la derniÃre auberge de la France que jaurai choisi volontairement pour un logement de nuit mais il nây avait rien à faire Je me trouvai…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1836
Image 28 of Blackwell Family Papers: Elizabeth Blackwell Papers, 1836-1946; Subject File, 1847-1910; French notes Le bas Un bas sestimait plus quun autre serviteur Et voulait dÃlaisser le mollet de son maÃtre Le croyant digne dêtre En un impost meilleur Un soir quil exaltait sa grÃce et…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1836
Image 29 of Blackwell Family Papers: Elizabeth Blackwell Papers, 1836-1946; Subject File, 1847-1910; French notes To accomplish the above mentioned important objects the present appeal is made Surely no man who is blessed with with a mother sister wife or daughter will hesitate to do what he…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1836
Image 30 of Blackwell Family Papers: Elizabeth Blackwell Papers, 1836-1946; Subject File, 1847-1910; French notes To accomplish the above mentioned important objects the present appeal is made Surely no man who is blessed with with a mother sister wife or daughter will hesitate to do what he…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1836
Image 31 of Blackwell Family Papers: Elizabeth Blackwell Papers, 1836-1946; Subject File, 1847-1910; French notes To accomplish the above mentioned important objects the present appeal is made Surely no man who is blessed with with a mother sister wife or daughter will hesitate to do what he…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1836
Image 32 of Blackwell Family Papers: Elizabeth Blackwell Papers, 1836-1946; Subject File, 1847-1910; French notes viÃlle et des plaisir Oui et mourut de gaietà veiller et des plaisir et de la dissipation en mouris de six mois annÃe ditje annÃe ditje Une jolie la Ãou aux veillard…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1836
Image 33 of Blackwell Family Papers: Elizabeth Blackwell Papers, 1836-1946; Subject File, 1847-1910; French notes son addresse il cest possible quice a demain la nous pinssious pouvous completing liuouter achiver la chose Je crivailla le nour de morian berge au dos de ma carte la laisson daus…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1836
Image 34 of Blackwell Family Papers: Elizabeth Blackwell Papers, 1836-1946; Subject File, 1847-1910; French notes Nous faisons pÃlerinage à tous les objets saints du departement Cest un grand retard pour nous Monsieurun triste retard Et une privation religieuse replique le frÃre Ambroise ajouta lautre avec un soupir…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1836
Image 35 of Blackwell Family Papers: Elizabeth Blackwell Papers, 1836-1946; Subject File, 1847-1910; French notes Des mouies dunes et des vastes etendus des landes ondulantes meurent succeded place des au temps des fermes et des prairies autour prÃs dAbbeville Les habitations deviennent de plus en plus rares…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1836
Image 36 of Blackwell Family Papers: Elizabeth Blackwell Papers, 1836-1946; Subject File, 1847-1910; French notes jeune paysanne entourà dun vetue de sou manteau et de son capuchon ou un vielle contonnier hale qui travaille sur le chemin a louvrage sur la route La chaleur devient presque insupportable…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1836
Image 37 of Blackwell Family Papers: Elizabeth Blackwell Papers, 1836-1946; Subject File, 1847-1910; French notes Partira aussitot quand les lettres seront arrivÃs venus de la station ditil en montrant avec son pipe le chariot du cour Le voilà il est la qui attend cette vieille patache de…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1836
Image 38 of Blackwell Family Papers: Elizabeth Blackwell Papers, 1836-1946; Subject File, 1847-1910; French notes attrayant et il avail plutot lair dun bateau à charbon avec un omnibus passà sur le pont que daucune autre chose que je pouvais me rapeller Comme je regardais ces choses un…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1836
Image 39 of Blackwell Family Papers: Elizabeth Blackwell Papers, 1836-1946; Subject File, 1847-1910; French notes coquettais du coin de son tablier et admit quelle avait visità frequemment le sus dit lieu Et Mademoiselle fut charmÃe de la ville la trouva pittoresque et agrÃable Elle haussa les Ãpaules…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1836
Image 40 of Blackwell Family Papers: Elizabeth Blackwell Papers, 1836-1946; Subject File, 1847-1910; French notes et le coussin que ses genoux royales ont touchÃs Aussi un gant brodà portà par sa Majestà royale pendant au le service et trouve prÃs de la chaise de sa Majestà aprÃs…
- Contributor: Blackwell Family
- Date: 1836