Manuscript/Mixed Material Anna E. Dickinson Papers: General Correspondence, 1859-1911; Edmunds, Fanny B., undated
Image 1 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: General Correspondence, 1859-1911; Edmunds, Fanny B., undated Anna Dickinson GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE Edmunds Fanny B undated
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1859
Image 2 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: General Correspondence, 1859-1911; Edmunds, Fanny B., undated Maverick House Monday March 27 My own dear Ammily You have behaved like a regular little brick I was about to say saint but thought better of it substituted brick as more…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1859
Image 3 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: General Correspondence, 1859-1911; Edmunds, Fanny B., undated minutes after it was put into my hands it was in ashes It was better so it wasnt a safe letter to keep then a leaf from such an unhappy heart as…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1859
Image 4 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: General Correspondence, 1859-1911; Edmunds, Fanny B., undated I dont know what to say about your going to England I have no doubt that you are the very best judge in the matter It seems to me that on some…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1859
Image 5 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: General Correspondence, 1859-1911; Edmunds, Fanny B., undated You were a good girl to write me all about Pete I am not surprised though of course I am distressed to have my fears confirmed Is there anything that can be…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1859
Image 6 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: General Correspondence, 1859-1911; Edmunds, Fanny B., undated we have had the most intolerable March wind that ever visited us and in consideration of the cold I have kept myself more than usually quiet I did go to see your…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1859
Image 7 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: General Correspondence, 1859-1911; Edmunds, Fanny B., undated I must hurry this off or it will be too late for the mail for the address I fished out of Mr Hathaway Write me if it reaches you Write me how…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1859
Image 8 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: General Correspondence, 1859-1911; Edmunds, Fanny B., undated Maverick house March 17 My own darling little animile Your letter has just come into the midst of my feverish morning nap put me in a frame of mind I was never…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1859
Image 9 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: General Correspondence, 1859-1911; Edmunds, Fanny B., undated loved you so much worried about you so much as of late I cant write you this morning much as I feel inclined but one thing I want to say that is…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1859
Image 10 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: General Correspondence, 1859-1911; Edmunds, Fanny B., undated can do you no good it will do you good to have me to worry about to make your life a burden to you the only way you can get rid of…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1859
Image 11 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: General Correspondence, 1859-1911; Edmunds, Fanny B., undated as soon as I do my darling my darling I canât write for tears if I could only bless you I think I wouldnât mind dying to do it God bless my…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1859
Image 12 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: General Correspondence, 1859-1911; Edmunds, Fanny B., undated Maverick house May 27 My own little Animile It was a great relief to my overcharged feelings to get a letter from you at last I had tried to promise myself that…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1859
Image 13 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: General Correspondence, 1859-1911; Edmunds, Fanny B., undated the better of every consideration about once in so often Your letter is the first bit of definite information I have had about you now you dont tell a word about when…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1859
Image 14 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: General Correspondence, 1859-1911; Edmunds, Fanny B., undated fore you go altogether I am hopelessly at sea in the matter God knows I dont care very much about my life with you so far out of it as you will…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1859
Image 15 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: General Correspondence, 1859-1911; Edmunds, Fanny B., undated I should fly at them strangle them on the spot Thank God that you have shaken yourself free of them at last And so Edwin holds his own there Well that is…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1859
Image 16 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: General Correspondence, 1859-1911; Edmunds, Fanny B., undated Suffrage business I dare presume that through everything Mary is plainly but richly dressed in an alpacca skirt a grosgrain basque Little Jay No there will be no wedding If she marries…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1859
Image 17 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: General Correspondence, 1859-1911; Edmunds, Fanny B., undated another to me of late partly to bring them down as Mary would never have started without me If Bernard hadnt lured me along with hollow promises of work I should have…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1859
Image 18 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: General Correspondence, 1859-1911; Edmunds, Fanny B., undated You havent quite forgotten Tearone nor the rampage he he went on one night when as it turned out he had been engaged for months True you know then how I feel…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1859
Image 19 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: General Correspondence, 1859-1911; Edmunds, Fanny B., undated Dont wait to write a long letter but send me just a line to tell me when from what port you sail if one is to see you here for a day…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1859
Image 20 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: General Correspondence, 1859-1911; Edmunds, Fanny B., undated Sheboygan 6 June Tuesday My darling Anna What does it mean when I cant hear a word from you I have written twice before now in no little anxiety I assure you…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1859
Image 21 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: General Correspondence, 1859-1911; Edmunds, Fanny B., undated some reason for not wishing to have your name used in that way you know Wendells Roberts are both there if you have I would much rather you say so quite plainly…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1859
Image 22 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: General Correspondence, 1859-1911; Edmunds, Fanny B., undated to me than you are not sick for I believe I love you about as well as I love anything human I deny its being cheerful to remain in ignorance of your…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1859
Image 23 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: General Correspondence, 1859-1911; Edmunds, Fanny B., undated only tears ah my God my face is blistered my eyes blinded with them at this moment Yet now that I feel that you must be getting home perhaps for I do…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1859
Image 24 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: General Correspondence, 1859-1911; Edmunds, Fanny B., undated been the trouble has been that I did not realize what this seeming would be till too late or I would at any cost of effort have prevented it would have roused…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1859
Image 25 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: General Correspondence, 1859-1911; Edmunds, Fanny B., undated journey to St Albans was very ill there I was ill when your letters reached me there when one from Sue came to my dark room the bed that held so little…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1859
Image 26 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: General Correspondence, 1859-1911; Edmunds, Fanny B., undated told me I must make haste if I wanted to see him alive He was alive when I got here staid here between the two worlds for six weeks dying on Sat…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1859
Image 27 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: General Correspondence, 1859-1911; Edmunds, Fanny B., undated I have had to go again to see Mary for she is still sick tho much better father got home from his journey too tired to start on another I had to…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1859
Image 28 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: General Correspondence, 1859-1911; Edmunds, Fanny B., undated without dire consequences Well so much for what can be told for the rest I have been wellnigh crushed by the most unexpected overwhelming trouble that ever came to me in my…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1859
Image 29 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: General Correspondence, 1859-1911; Edmunds, Fanny B., undated I will tell you if you care to hear I only touched upon it now to let you see that not only sickness death but paralyzing trouble has held me silent I…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1859
Image 30 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: General Correspondence, 1859-1911; Edmunds, Fanny B., undated to you I dont know but I might have cried out to you but always I would recall you as I saw you that day looking stately though so sweet with the…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1859
Image 31 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: General Correspondence, 1859-1911; Edmunds, Fanny B., undated desolate at the thought God knows I loved you well enough to be glad that you had outlived that need And so recalling you as you were that day at the rare…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1859
Image 32 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: General Correspondence, 1859-1911; Edmunds, Fanny B., undated you to doubt my love for you for you who have been not only all goodness to me but all that I ever asked in the object I should have I see…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1859
Image 33 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: General Correspondence, 1859-1911; Edmunds, Fanny B., undated then across the church he looked worn bent old Some one told me that Mrs Rockwood has been with him speaking in the West but I think this can hardly be so…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1859
Image 34 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: General Correspondence, 1859-1911; Edmunds, Fanny B., undated scoundrel Harry White has cruelly walked out of his engagement with her leaving her greatly in debt debts that she has insured for him his family It is natural to say as…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1859
Image 35 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: General Correspondence, 1859-1911; Edmunds, Fanny B., undated great deal I hear is his best self but I have had no opportunity to see him I have been tied so closely or too ill Lou Moulton I have seen a…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1859
Image 36 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: General Correspondence, 1859-1911; Edmunds, Fanny B., undated through another like it I have no idea that I should have lived through this if it hadnt been for you Doct Thomas My stay with you last summer fall his treatment…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1859
Image 37 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: General Correspondence, 1859-1911; Edmunds, Fanny B., undated enough I expect to go to N Y some day after the 20th I have a friend a pretty widow who has returned from Germany bought a house there she insists upon…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1859
Image 38 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: General Correspondence, 1859-1911; Edmunds, Fanny B., undated me the Radical Clubs dreadful things here might amuse her I would do my best I am going to write her a bit of a note today if I can though I…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1859
Image 39 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: General Correspondence, 1859-1911; Edmunds, Fanny B., undated unchanged to you how ever changed in myself care for all that is a part of your life Dont judge me too hardly though if you are angry I can never complain…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1859
Image 40 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: General Correspondence, 1859-1911; Edmunds, Fanny B., undated proved even better greater sweeter than my first loving dream of you Believe in me write me one little word for at heart though sorely troubled I have always been as I…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1859