Manuscript/Mixed Material Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Plays; "Aurelian or Rome's Restorer," 1879; Printed copy, annotated
Image 1 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Plays; "Aurelian or Rome's … Anna Dickinson SPEECHES WRITINGS FILE PLAYS Aurelian Printed copy annotated 1879
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 2 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Plays; "Aurelian or Rome's …
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 3 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Plays; "Aurelian or Rome's … HOWARD M HOYTS Indestructible Book Binding PATENTED APRIL 4th 1876 4th Ave cor 82nd St NY HOWARD M HOYTS Indestructible Book Binding PATENTED APRIL 4th 1876 4th Ave cor 82nd St NY
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 4 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Plays; "Aurelian or Rome's … The Property of Anna E Dickinson AURELIAN OR ROMES RESTORER A TRAGEDY BY ANNA E DICKINSON Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1879 in the Office of the Librarian…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 5 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Plays; "Aurelian or Rome's … People Represented Aurelian Emperor of Rome Tacitus First of the Nobles Claudius Pompianus Son of Tacitus Mucapor a Roman General Sejanus brother of Mucapor Antoninus Roman Nobles Marcus Valerius Cornelius Laco Otho…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 6 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Plays; "Aurelian or Rome's … FIRST ACT
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 7 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Plays; "Aurelian or Rome's … AURELIAN OR ROMES RESTORER ___________ Act One ______ A ROOM IN THE HOUSE OF TACITUS Scene first Enter Tacitus looking around Tacitus She is not here Strikes silver ball on the table…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 8 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Plays; "Aurelian or Rome's … Act 1 Aurelian or Romes Restorer 5 Faus No fool no In skins and furs nose high and finger deep With more regard to sanctity than eleganceas he himself would say Elegance…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 9 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Plays; "Aurelian or Rome's … 6 Aurelian or Romes Restorer Act 1 Faus Why what has he done for Rome Degraded our order made the rabble rich and the nobles poor banished elegance and luxury condemned feasting…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 10 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Plays; "Aurelian or Rome's … Act 1 Aurelian or Romes Restorer 7 while he toils as do slaves beneath the lash and dons a robe the poorest he in all the senatehouse might match he is the…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 11 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Plays; "Aurelian or Rome's … 8 Aurelian or Romes Restorer Act 1 Faus More incense When thy god is mine I too will swing the censer Till then spare me The fumes are over heavy They do…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 12 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Plays; "Aurelian or Rome's … Act 1 Aurelian or Romes Restorer 9 Faus Impudent as ever Zarah What would you One must live My tongue is my trade Faus Lying and cajoling wheedling people out of their…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 13 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Plays; "Aurelian or Rome's … 10 Aurelian or Romes Restorer Act 1 Fad Looking on in ecstacy Oh Faus Get you gone idiot Zarah For a mirror girl to let the handsome princess see her beauty in…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 14 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Plays; "Aurelian or Rome's … Act 1 Aurelian or Romes Restorer 11 Faus Hath she such weaknesses this creature who is too wise to talk with a woman and too cold to love a man Zarah She…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 15 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Plays; "Aurelian or Rome's … 12 Aurelian or Romes Restorer Act 1 beggar girls She a queen Fortune bestows her gifts unwittingly Zarah Not when she hath set such beauty as a snare to catch all her…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 16 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Plays; "Aurelian or Rome's … Act 1 Aurelian or Romes Restorer 13 Zarah Looks off Aurelian Faus Get thee within Zarah I fly Going Faus Pointing to jewels Clog thy wings with that freightage I will see…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 17 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Plays; "Aurelian or Rome's … 14 Aurelian or Romes Restorer Act 1 Au Tacitus my friend as I in honor ask so thou in honor answer In what respect would Rome be better if I who have…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 18 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Plays; "Aurelian or Rome's … Act I Aurelian or Romes Restorer 15 Tac Hesitating May I speak Au Smiling Else why hast thou tongue Tac Then good my emperor the people are not gods they are human…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 19 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Plays; "Aurelian or Rome's … 16 Aurelian or Romes Restorer Act I Faus With chagrin quickly recovered Even so my emperor Rising and with gaiety half kneeling If it be death to break thy laws slay me…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 20 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Plays; "Aurelian or Rome's … Act 1 Aurelian or Romes Restorer 17 Faus With asperity Tis said I know not Pointing insultingly to her foot Upon her sandal Au Most saying are lies that are not follies…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 21 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Plays; "Aurelian or Rome's … 18 Aurelian or Romes Restorer Act I Zarah Folly my princess folly A dirty road serves when it leads to the goal One can stoop pointing to diamond to pick that sort…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 22 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Plays; "Aurelian or Rome's … Act I Aurelian or Romes Restorer 19 Otho Een so That thou being firm in the saddle will soon show thy legions what ace thou wilt ride Au I will I pledge…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 23 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Plays; "Aurelian or Rome's … 20 Aurelian or Romes Restorer Act I Otho Wonderingly No more Au No more And harkye boy I love you loved your father slain in battle He was a soldier spite of…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 24 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Plays; "Aurelian or Rome's … Act I Aurelian or Romes Restorer 21 Tac She she What day in the calendar is this that Aurelian asks of a she Au Tis the first Tac The day or the…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 25 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Plays; "Aurelian or Rome's … 22 Aurelian or Romes Restorer Act I Au Ye are well met at Rome Claudius passes on to Tac who embraces him Tac Welcome my son Au The seas were smooth and…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 26 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Plays; "Aurelian or Rome's … Act 1 Aurelian or Romes Restorer 23 As we will bring to this war the same requisites we brought to former wars we may look for the same results So soon as…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 27 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Plays; "Aurelian or Rome's … 24 Aurelian or Romes Restorer Act 1 Au And gathered up the spoils not to restore to the afflicted empire but by them and on its ruins to build a power that…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 28 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Plays; "Aurelian or Rome's … The Property of Anna E Dickinson SECOND ACT
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 29 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Plays; "Aurelian or Rome's … Act 2 Aurelian or Romes Restorer 26 Act Second Scene First SCENE IN FRONT OF AURELIANS TENT NEAR TO PALMYRA SOME SOLDIERS AND YOUNG OFFICERS PLAYING DICE LOUNGING ETC OTHO AND SEJANUS…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 30 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Plays; "Aurelian or Rome's … Act 2 Aurelian or Romes Restorer 27 Otho Tis true Every city has been betrayed every gate opened by its own citizens Hitherto Aurelian hath won no glory since to his rage…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 31 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Plays; "Aurelian or Rome's … Act 2 Aurelian or Romes Restorer 28 Sej Ask Mamercius there He was of one of the legions of Gallienus licans that did run from her Mam She hath the evil eye…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 32 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Plays; "Aurelian or Rome's … Act 2 Aurelian or Romes Restorer 20 Turning to Tacitus Though he hath numbered scarce twenty years of time speaks he with the parsimony of sixtyand by their greedy looks he is…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 33 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Plays; "Aurelian or Rome's … Act 2 Aurelian or Romes Restorer 30 Tac Looking at Au Nor I Au Turning What likest thou not Tac Pardon Aurelian I have said it oft Au It must be a…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 34 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Plays; "Aurelian or Rome's … Act 2 Aurelian or Romes Restorer 31 breaks Aurelian right well knows I spoke no out of princely pride but out of an old mans observation Een your philosopher while b words…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 35 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Plays; "Aurelian or Rome's … Act 2 Aurelian or Romes Restorer 32 Tac Thou hast sent her fresh messages since teaching obedience to Egypt and Bythinia Au Aye and send again today One kind of answer will…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 36 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Plays; "Aurelian or Rome's … Act 2 Australian or Romes Restorer p 33 boy still lives but that he has not grown past infancy and that his mothers nature springs to his eyes thou wilt make me…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 37 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Plays; "Aurelian or Rome's … Act 2 Aurelian or Romes Restorer p 34 Tac He is Goes up Au I have work for him Tac Goes he with thee Au For special service He hath rare subtlety…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 38 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Plays; "Aurelian or Rome's … Act 2 Aurelian or Romes Restorer 35 proven Turning back to Claud Thou wilt ride to Palmyra with the embassy Wilt enter with itâ wilt hear what it may sayâ what may…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 39 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Plays; "Aurelian or Rome's … Act 2 Aurelian or Romes Restorer 36 Second Scene MAGNIFICENT ROOM IN ZENOBIAS PALACE NOBLES COURTIERS LADIES ETC Charicles Of a verity great is the fortune of Aurelian great and terrible his…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 40 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Plays; "Aurelian or Rome's … Act 2 Aurelian or Romes Restorer 37 possession of yesterday Its citizens were born not to cowardice and treachery but to valor and to honor By these she has lived through these…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868