Manuscript/Mixed Material Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Miscellany; Unidentified manuscripts; 3 of 5
Image 1 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Miscellany; Unidentified manuscripts; 3 … Anna Dickinson Speeches Writings File Miscellaneous Unidentified Ms SPEECHES WRITINGS FILE
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 2 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Miscellany; Unidentified manuscripts; 3 … 128 the statement that Miss Dickinson on the lecture platform was able eloquent and effective X X that her advocacy of one side of several great questions having two sides made her…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 3 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Miscellany; Unidentified manuscripts; 3 … 129 Dan you see he gone on Having made up their minds that she could not succeed they thought they were showing critical sagacity in saying so It would be interesting to…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 4 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Miscellany; Unidentified manuscripts; 3 … 131 Indeed he had not fit in mind either Soldier or dastard hero to stand for reparation satisfaction and satisfaction or snake to squirm and sting He had a vision of and…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 5 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Miscellany; Unidentified manuscripts; 3 … 132 And the inspirational as well as personal sifting of fact and truth and putting is so sound and wholesome I regret tearing the loaf However the old proverb holds Enough is…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 6 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Miscellany; Unidentified manuscripts; 3 … 2 endeavor she must give up her undertaking or face her enemies She cannot leave her cause to her friends and here in parenthesis is a line from one of these papers…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 7 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Miscellany; Unidentified manuscripts; 3 … 4 one of the foremost actors of England wrote a letter to one of the NewYork papers the Tribune giving a favorable opinion of Miss Dickinsons acting For two weeks no notice…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 8 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Miscellany; Unidentified manuscripts; 3 … 135 You will note these western papers do not deal in euphemisms with them a spade is a spade That is well â What you say â did not like critics Really…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 9 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Miscellany; Unidentified manuscripts; 3 … 135 23 tutor The faculty of creating is born with us but if the actor possesses it the counsel of persons of taste may then guide him Counsel you note not bombs…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 10 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Miscellany; Unidentified manuscripts; 3 … 136 As the Cincinnati Gazette put it __ And its putting proved that the present alleged head of the Tribune no longer held a hand as of old in this Ohio paper…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 11 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Miscellany; Unidentified manuscripts; 3 … 136 As the Cincinnati Gazette put it __ And its putting proved that the present alleged head of the Tribune no longer held a hand as of old in this Ohio paper…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 12 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Miscellany; Unidentified manuscripts; 3 … 136 as the Cincinnati Gazette put it _ and its putting proved that the present alleged head of the Tribune no longer held a hand as of old in this ohio paper…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 13 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Miscellany; Unidentified manuscripts; 3 … 137 By the by said one that paper reminds me that I have read some mighty handsome notices of you written by him when he was Agate of the Gazette Yes_ That…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 14 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Miscellany; Unidentified manuscripts; 3 … Henry 8 axe crown 139 me of larceny grand larceny at that If for it the instigator and not his hireling could have been furnished to me it would have been a…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 15 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Miscellany; Unidentified manuscripts; 3 … 141 facts so patent that a blind man could distinguish if he could not see Bulletin 42181 to the effect that She had as fair and honest a reception as any woman…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 16 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Miscellany; Unidentified manuscripts; 3 … 143 The great New York dailies an unquestioned power in influencing public opinion in the section of the country where they are published have for months been amusing themselves X X by…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 17 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Miscellany; Unidentified manuscripts; 3 … Chicago Park 12 April 1879 143 of criticism x x Criticism does not mean persecution which is what Miss Dickinson has been compelled to endure from these New York papers ever since…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 18 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Miscellany; Unidentified manuscripts; 3 … 143 weapons xxThey were 3 bound to kill her The cause of this malicious warfare is known only to the parties that who waged it Miss Dickinson at last tackled her assailants…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 19 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Miscellany; Unidentified manuscripts; 3 … 144 Why didnt you go west I did and had experiences Many of them satisfying admirable beautiful You know I am not talking about the West I will some day It is…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 20 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Miscellany; Unidentified manuscripts; 3 … 146 candidate and its after conduct however acquired or by whom acquired I showed them its journal kept by me of My affairs they found it an atrocity of speech of playwriting…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 21 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Miscellany; Unidentified manuscripts; 3 … 1472 I never said farewell to the platform nor even goodbye x x x I simply shut my mouth because I thought I had nothing to say that compelled speech x x…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 22 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Miscellany; Unidentified manuscripts; 3 … 149 that peals for Justice show their wounds of combat These found the pipes not passage ways of melodius honesty not clubs of discord and destruction Suppose a number of these organs…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 23 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Miscellany; Unidentified manuscripts; 3 … 151 objections He reading some scoundrel Scoundrel_a mean rascal_Base _ Disgraceful work in the Tribune affecting a Roman Tragedy Aurelian _ written by me for John McCullough on his order and retainer…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 24 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Miscellany; Unidentified manuscripts; 3 … 151 12 Its cotemporary the NY Star 31579 Commenting Miss Anna Dickinson makes a proper protest against the unfair and ungentlemanly treatment she has received at the hands of the Tribune When…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 25 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Miscellany; Unidentified manuscripts; 3 … 151 23 a work his mission there to convince MrCullough that the play was good for nothing xxx Miss Dickinson properly wroth without writing any sort of development from this contact by…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 26 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Miscellany; Unidentified manuscripts; 3 … 151 23 LRR Miss Dickinson will herself give some readings of it in the
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 27 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Miscellany; Unidentified manuscripts; 3 … 152 cities and I retain a vivid remembrance of great the record of great and enthusiastic audiences and very strong and substantial approval of the press Will you let Hobart and Dudly…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 28 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Miscellany; Unidentified manuscripts; 3 … 154 Golden Rule Boston 6261880 The impression it made upon us as a peice of noble in conception and masterful in execution incomparably stronger than any play yet produced in this country…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 29 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Miscellany; Unidentified manuscripts; 3 … 156 This judgment of Nasbys who ought to know what a and great drama is nearly as of well as though they he had Emily always lived at the East Moutons was…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 30 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Miscellany; Unidentified manuscripts; 3 … 156 and of Emily Boutons as par example the Detroit Free Press in its summary of her in the double role of reader and dramatic authorxx Her tragedy Aurelian is a noble…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 31 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Miscellany; Unidentified manuscripts; 3 … 157 her possession of the dramatic instinct xxxx There was at no time apparent that hardness and coldness of which her NewYork critics complain on the contrary she was all fire and…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 32 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Miscellany; Unidentified manuscripts; 3 … 157 her possession of the dramatic instinct xxxx There was at no time apparent that hardness and coldness of which her NewYork critics complain on the contrary she was all fire and…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 33 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Miscellany; Unidentified manuscripts; 3 … 159 play a masterpiece of workmanship and the Times concludes its long notice by declaring that American literature has been enriched by a tragedy written on the plane to which Shakespeare alone…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 34 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Miscellany; Unidentified manuscripts; 3 … something besides traditions and comparisons by creating a great original part already cut out to his hand by the playwright
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 35 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Miscellany; Unidentified manuscripts; 3 … 160 Post Feb 5 dear me said a Boston man sniffed at Why I belong on the Post and this is a little of what Fitch said in it in the Post…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 36 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Miscellany; Unidentified manuscripts; 3 … 162 leader for many years 0 In the interval while Mr Wannamaker for his own ultimate profit fried fat in Pennsylvania and Mr Dudley and others struggled with the purse strings of…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 37 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Miscellany; Unidentified manuscripts; 3 … 164 the substitute of the New York State Com under General Knapp The remaining nights to the number of 30 to be filled as I chose For this 125 a night with…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 38 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Miscellany; Unidentified manuscripts; 3 … 166 professionally my necessarily vital interest in it and in the verdict of official reprobation of this inhuman court As I pointed indicated the Buffalo Commercial April 14 79 had shown _…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 39 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Miscellany; Unidentified manuscripts; 3 … 169 Republican 12182 xxxx This to be again referred selected for cause Miss Anna Dickinson is to have resolved never again to appear on the lecture platform nor on the dramatic stage…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868
Image 40 of Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1868-1907; Miscellany; Unidentified manuscripts; 3 … 170 Grant Warner Milton or Conkling You pays your money and you takes your choice _ What certain men desire to attain they gain by misdirection _ The Phila Press or Times…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
- Date: 1868