Manuscript/Mixed Material Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: General Correspondence, 1841-1892; Johnston, John; 1891, Apr.-June
Image 1 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: General Correspondence, 1841-1892; Johnston, … FeinbergWhitman Box 11 Folder 39 General Correspondence Johnston John AprJune 1891
- Date: 1891-04
Image 2 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: General Correspondence, 1841-1892; Johnston, … 54 Manchester Road Bolton England April 1st 1891 My Dear Old Friend Thank you for your kind post card of March 19th wh came duly to hand on Mar 30th Glad to…
- Date: 1891-04
Image 3 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: General Correspondence, 1841-1892; Johnston, … 3 greatly did I enjoy a tramp over the hills fells in the stimulating vitalising North East wind tempered by the benignant sunshine now daily gaining in power If you continue better…
- Date: 1891-04
Image 4 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: General Correspondence, 1841-1892; Johnston, … see notes Aug 14 1891 POSTAGE REVENUE 2½d BOLTON 58 AP 91 Walt Whitman 328 Mickle St Camden New Jersey U S America
- Date: 1891-04
Image 5 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: General Correspondence, 1841-1892; Johnston, … NEW YORK A PAID APR E 11 ALL 91 CAMDENNJ APR 11 9AM 1891 RECD
- Date: 1891-04
Image 6 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: General Correspondence, 1841-1892; Johnston, … see notes Aug 14 1891 POSTAGE REVENUE 2½d BOLTON 58 AP4 91 Walt Whitman 328 Mickle St Camden New Jersey U S America J J
- Date: 1891-04
Image 7 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: General Correspondence, 1841-1892; Johnston, … ALL CAMDEN N J APR 13 6AM 1891 NEW YORK APR 12 91 PAID K ALL
- Date: 1891-04
Image 8 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: General Correspondence, 1841-1892; Johnston, … 54 Manchester Road Bolton England April 4th 1891 Another post card from you my dear kind old friend on the 2nd inst â the third I have received from you in four…
- Date: 1891-04
Image 9 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: General Correspondence, 1841-1892; Johnston, … We have had a very stormy week here bitterly cold east winds with snow sleet rain quite a relapse into winter after the touch of spring we had J WW are both…
- Date: 1891-04
Image 10 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: General Correspondence, 1841-1892; Johnston, … Condition was no worse at any rate tho this last received pc was dated Mar 21 that of the 24th received before that of the 21st said that you were easier and…
- Date: 1891-04
Image 11 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: General Correspondence, 1841-1892; Johnston, … 3 this weeks Black White wh contains a portrait of and article on Bismarck one of Europes Grand Old Men now in his 78th year and a number of The Young Man…
- Date: 1891-04
Image 12 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: General Correspondence, 1841-1892; Johnston, … PS I reopen my letter at the last moment to acknowledge the rest of your kind pc of Mar 24th only 8 days ago which says Still no worse even suspicion of…
- Date: 1891-04
Image 13 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: General Correspondence, 1841-1892; Johnston, … off now but many more Thanks again thanks for this last act of thoughtful kindness I will send the pc to JWW at once I know that he will be as rejoiced…
- Date: 1891-04
Image 14 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: General Correspondence, 1841-1892; Johnston, … see note July 5 1891 POSTAGE REVENUE 2½d BOLTON 56 AP15 91 Walt Whitman 328 Mickle St Camden New Jersey U S America J J
- Date: 1891-04
Image 15 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: General Correspondence, 1841-1892; Johnston, … CAMDENNJ APR 25 6 AM 1891 RECD NEW YORK A PAID APR H 24 ALL 91
- Date: 1891-04
Image 16 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: General Correspondence, 1841-1892; Johnston, … 54 Manchester Road Bolton England April 14th 1891 My hearts best gratitude to you beloved master friend for your magnificent letter of March 30th 31st which reached me on Sunday last Ap…
- Date: 1891-04
Image 17 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: General Correspondence, 1841-1892; Johnston, … 3 real good news it contained about you For it is gladsome tidings for us to know that you are getting along fairly considering that you have no vehement pain night or…
- Date: 1891-04
Image 18 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: General Correspondence, 1841-1892; Johnston, … 5 5 to participate with you in the pleasures of the delicious air the sunshine upon the River the groups of little children the workmen the teamsters the ceaseless movements to fro…
- Date: 1891-04
Image 19 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: General Correspondence, 1841-1892; Johnston, … 7 by this mail Wed April 15th We had another Whitman gathering at The College last night April 14th Some of the friends came to my house JWW read your Lincoln Lecture…
- Date: 1891-04
Image 20 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: General Correspondence, 1841-1892; Johnston, … 9 confirms the previous good news about your improved condition He says that Dr Longaker seems to have done you a great deal of good that he hopes before long to be…
- Date: 1891-04
Image 21 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: General Correspondence, 1841-1892; Johnston, … 11 to know that you are attended by such a sincere unaffected good young fellow as your Sailorboy bless him But I must close as I have other duties awaiting my attention…
- Date: 1891-04
Image 22 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: General Correspondence, 1841-1892; Johnston, … 54 Manchester Road Bolton England May 6th 1891 My Dear Old Friend Your kind post card of April 20th arrived here during my absence in Scotland I thank you for your kindness…
- Date: 1891-04
Image 23 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: General Correspondence, 1841-1892; Johnston, … 3 my heart fairly yearns for you oh how I fret myself at my own inability to do anything for you For what can I do except write you a letter now…
- Date: 1891-04
Image 24 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: General Correspondence, 1841-1892; Johnston, … 5 At Corbyâa pretty little Cumberland village where my married sister livesâ I saw my first swallows of this spring darting high overhead or skimming the sunlit waters of the beautiful River…
- Date: 1891-04
Image 25 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: General Correspondence, 1841-1892; Johnston, … 7 But the peculiar feature about it is the Hiring system The farmers the servants all congregate on a certain portion of the High St when the master sees a servant whom…
- Date: 1891-04
Image 26 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: General Correspondence, 1841-1892; Johnston, … 9 gather wildflowers why there is the very bank where we used to pluck primroses bathe boat fish slide c What a hold these old days have upon one what a host…
- Date: 1891-04
Image 27 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: General Correspondence, 1841-1892; Johnston, … 11 Examination this week I notice that John Burroughs is announced to contribute an article on Wild Flowers to St Nicholas soon This has been a truly magnificent day soft balmy airs…
- Date: 1891-04
Image 28 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: General Correspondence, 1841-1892; Johnston, … 54 Manchester Road Bolton England May 13th 1891 8 30 pm My Dear Walt Whitman I have just finished the work of a busy day I thought I would write you a…
- Date: 1891-04
Image 29 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: General Correspondence, 1841-1892; Johnston, … 3 may be so my dear brave old Friend I met Wallace in the street this afternoon we had 10 minutes talk a good deal of it about you wondering how you…
- Date: 1891-04
Image 30 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: General Correspondence, 1841-1892; Johnston, … see notes May 22 1891 BOLTON 56 MY13 91 POSTAGE AND IND REVENUE ONE PENNY POSTAGE REVENUE One HALFPENNY Walt Whitman 328 Mickle St Camden New Jersey U S America J J
- Date: 1891-04
Image 31 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: General Correspondence, 1841-1892; Johnston, … NEW YORK A PAID MAY D 22 ALL 91 CAMDENNJ MAY 22 4PM 1891 RECD
- Date: 1891-04
Image 32 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: General Correspondence, 1841-1892; Johnston, … 54 Manchester Road Bolton England May 16th 1891 My Dear Old Friend My warmest thanks to you for your kindness in sending me us news of you by your pc of May…
- Date: 1891-04
Image 33 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: General Correspondence, 1841-1892; Johnston, … NEW YORK MAY 27 CAMDEN NJ MAY 28 6 AM 1891 RECD 3 with the pocket L of G on which you had so kindly inscribed his name on which some of…
- Date: 1891-04
Image 34 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: General Correspondence, 1841-1892; Johnston, … 54 Manchester Road Bolton Lancashire England May 19th 1891 My Dear Old Friend Just a line or two to acknowledge the receipt this morning of your kind pc of May 8th to…
- Date: 1891-04
Image 35 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: General Correspondence, 1841-1892; Johnston, … 3 that does not prevent your sitting up in the big chair writing to us sending your love your benediction across the seas to us in token of your abiding affection for…
- Date: 1891-04
Image 36 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: General Correspondence, 1841-1892; Johnston, … 5 If so will you please convey my kindest regards best wishes to him We hope most earnestly that the 31st will find you in better health than you have had lately…
- Date: 1891-04
Image 37 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: General Correspondence, 1841-1892; Johnston, … 7 my photographs reproduced in an article by such a warmhearted friend such a ready penman as our dear H L T And it is an honour too of wh I am…
- Date: 1891-04
Image 38 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: General Correspondence, 1841-1892; Johnston, … see notes May 30 1891 BOLTON 56 92 MY20 91 Walt Whitman 328 Mickle St Camden New Jersey U S America J J
- Date: 1891-04
Image 39 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: General Correspondence, 1841-1892; Johnston, … NEW YORK D PAID MAY C 27 ALL 91 CAMDENNJ MAY 28 8AM 1891 RECD
- Date: 1891-04
Image 40 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: General Correspondence, 1841-1892; Johnston, … Cross Reference GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE Johnston John May 27 1891 See Verso GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE Wallace J W May 26 1891 30 x 18
- Date: 1891-04