Manuscript/Mixed Material Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: Literary File, 1841-1919; Prose, 1841-1892; Undated; “Hegel,” draft
Image 1 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: Literary File, 1841-1919; Prose, … FeinbergWhitman Box 36 Folder 21 Literary File Prose Hegel undated AMSdraft
- Date: 1841
Image 2 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: Literary File, 1841-1919; Prose, … 136 Introduction to Hegel prose AMS lp 18 12 x 17 12 cm Written in pencil on two scraps of paper pasted together on the back is the word Alfred with very…
- Date: 1841
Image 3 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: Literary File, 1841-1919; Prose, … Hegel to Introduce If some mind pondering and subtle and at the same time all embracing all tolerating 1 seeks in theory On observing the curious contradictions of history the earnest zeal…
- Date: 1841