Manuscript/Mixed Material Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: Notes and Notebooks, 1847-1891; Notebooks, 1855-1884; 1872 , notebooks on Homer
Image 1 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: Notes and Notebooks, 1847-1891; … FeinbergWhitman Notes and Notebooks Notebooks 1872 Notebooks on Homer 2U DCN42 Box 38 Folder 3
- Date: 1872
Image 3 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: Notes and Notebooks, 1847-1891; … Marble bust of Homer imaginary found at Baià and now in British Museum Baià an ancient town of Italy 10 miles west of Naples a favorite watering bathing resort of the Romans
- Date: 1872
Image 4 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: Notes and Notebooks, 1847-1891; … Odyssey Male Female Ulysses Minerva Telemachus Penelope the Gerenian Knight Nestor Calypso Menelaus Nausicaa the chief suitor Antinous Arete the herald Medon Euryclea the old nurse Jupiter Mercury the bard Demodocus the…
- Date: 1872
Image 5 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: Notes and Notebooks, 1847-1891; … The Odyssey is compact tells a straight story full of wonder variation without we knowing any nothing of its predecessors may be called the mother of the earlier the middle age even…
- Date: 1872
Image 6 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: Notes and Notebooks, 1847-1891; … Byzantine Empire ie Eastern Empire Greek commenced AD 395 ended 1453 by Turk conq Constantinople Justinian Emperor Byzantium 527565 During his reign the latest schools of the Pagan philosophers were shut up…
- Date: 1872
Image 7 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: Notes and Notebooks, 1847-1891; … 2 Property of Homer L Frankel Homeros Illiad Odyssey Trojan war date uncertain event itself uncertain table quotes by Grote 1183 the supposed epoch of the Grecian war Grote about either year…
- Date: 1872
Image 8 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: Notes and Notebooks, 1847-1891; … Translations Translation of Wm Mumford of Richmond VA 2 vols 8 vv Boston 1846 praised highly in Appletons Cycloalso with qualifications by Prof Felton I have read this translation it is only…
- Date: 1872
Image 9 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: Notes and Notebooks, 1847-1891; … Chios in Ionia Grecian mythes term often used by Grote mytheGreekfabulastory first Greek poets the old original fellows declaiming their pieces at the festivals or games or before princes c Rhapsodes mythe…
- Date: 1872
Image 10 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: Notes and Notebooks, 1847-1891; … Dorians Sparta was the core of the Dorian race Grote vol 2 com at p118 following During antiquity for several hundred years BC a long time after many other poems works c…
- Date: 1872
Image 11 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: Notes and Notebooks, 1847-1891; … Homerids or Homeridae 650 yrs BC down to 350 BC An association of guild in the Ionic island of Chios the compositions of each separate Homerid or the combined efforts of many…
- Date: 1872
Image 12 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: Notes and Notebooks, 1847-1891; … There is a hot contest over the point whether Homers poems were or were not committed to writing previous to the time of Pisistratus much has been said on both sides Prof…
- Date: 1872
Image 13 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: Notes and Notebooks, 1847-1891; … Lipp Gazeteer Art Greece p 782 The epoch embracing the years 480 to 336 BC is the most illustrious in Grecian annals During this period all its greatest writers orators sculptors architects…
- Date: 1872
Image 14 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: Notes and Notebooks, 1847-1891; … Achilles Iliad Iliad abstract First Book quarrel of Agamemnon Achilles the sorrow complaint of Chryses priest of Apollo The council agora quarrel of Agamemnon Achilles wrath withdrawal of the latter Thetis petitions…
- Date: 1872
Image 15 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: Notes and Notebooks, 1847-1891; … Prof Feltons remarks on Iliad Ancient Modern Greece vol 1 p 89 Lect 6 fanciful portraitures of Homers travels into Egypt while a young man Also of his appearance at festivals as…
- Date: 1872
Image 16 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: Notes and Notebooks, 1847-1891; … Homeric Eating The business of Eating Drinking goes on as prominently as any thing else in the Iliad Odyssey âIn the latter Ulysses is represented as a great eater only ready to…
- Date: 1872
Image 17 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: Notes and Notebooks, 1847-1891; … Grecian Executions Ithica the Adriatic island and home of the ancient warrior and king Ulysses of the days of hero worship has evidently changed its character and it has for a long…
- Date: 1872
Image 18 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: Notes and Notebooks, 1847-1891; … it was polled there would be a change Democratic footings GENERAL JUBAL A EARLY Though rather late for a gentleman w was both early and late in the rebellion General announces in…
- Date: 1872
Image 19 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: Notes and Notebooks, 1847-1891; … Homeric Eating The business of Eating Drinking goes on as prominently as any thing else in the Iliad Odyssey In the latter Ulysses is represented as a great eater only ready to…
- Date: 1872
Image 20 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: Notes and Notebooks, 1847-1891; … One poet commentator old Greek Stesichorus having spoken severely of Helen is smitten with blindness by golike godlike as a punishment from heaven he then recants in a poem affirms that Helen…
- Date: 1872
Image 21 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: Notes and Notebooks, 1847-1891; … Aegean Sea a great northern inlet of Eastern Meditterranean tch between Greece Asia Minor Troy thons Dict p 679 Asia tending from s along the an sea to small districts ferent cities…
- Date: 1872
Image 22 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: Notes and Notebooks, 1847-1891; … MOLTKE AS AN ARCHAEOLOGIST His Account of Old Troy 1872 Marshal von Moltke during his military mission in Turkey found time to pay a visit to the supposed site of Troy and…
- Date: 1872
Image 23 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: Notes and Notebooks, 1847-1891; … ear If he is a merchant he must wait ntil his business is established if a profes onal man until he has a good practice or osition Every class as a rule…
- Date: 1872
Image 24 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: Notes and Notebooks, 1847-1891; … HOMERIC TRANSLATIONS A CLEVER writer in Blackwood lately discussing the French language confirms us in a longformed opinion that there is hardly any such thing as a translation possible There may be…
- Date: 1872
Image 25 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: Notes and Notebooks, 1847-1891; … 294 GOBELIN TAPESTRY we see the windy plains of Troy the barren heaving sea the distant craggy Isle of Tenedos the sandy beach lined with the blackbeaked galleys then appear the tents…
- Date: 1872
Image 26 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: Notes and Notebooks, 1847-1891; … Ãgean Sea a great northern inlet of Eastern Meditterranean stretching between Greece Asia Minor Troy Ionia see Authors Dict p 679 A district of Asia Minor extending from river Hermus along the…
- Date: 1872
Image 27 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: Notes and Notebooks, 1847-1891; … Distance of Troy from Greece from the nearest part of the Grecian Mainland of the Grecian about 170 miles from Athens about 200 miles Syria is not to be called in Asia…
- Date: 1872
Image 28 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: Notes and Notebooks, 1847-1891; … Odyssey criticism resumà see Authors Class Dict p 914 see N A Review for I think April 1871 for a fine criticism on Homer
- Date: 1872
Image 30 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: Notes and Notebooks, 1847-1891; … 1872 WHITMAN STUDIES HOMER two notebooks AMS with portrait laid in 27 and 4p 21½ x 14 cm Two handbound notebooks titled Homeros Iliad Odyssee Notes and references to different editions of…
- Date: 1872