Manuscript/Mixed Material Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: Notes and Notebooks, 1847-1891; Notes, 1847-1891; Literary; circa 1885; A melange at sixty-six
Image 1 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: Notes and Notebooks, 1847-1891; … FEINBERGWHITMAN Box 39 Folder 30 Notes and Notebooks NotesLiterary 1885 A Melauge at SixtySix
- Date: 1847
Image 2 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: Notes and Notebooks, 1847-1891; … 298 1885 A Melange at Sixty Sixty Six title A MS lp 24 12 x 16 12 cm Written in pencil with a sentence in ink on a pink page torn from…
- Date: 1847
Image 3 of Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection: Notes and Notebooks, 1847-1891; … A Melange at Sixty Six Bringing up the rear Wont this do as in substituion for the other and whatever happens
- Date: 1847