Manuscript/Mixed Material Mary Ann Bickerdyke Papers: Subject file; Civil War activities; Memoir, incomplete draft
Image 1 of Mary Ann Bickerdyke Papers: Subject file; Civil War activities; Memoir, incomplete draft MARY A B BICKERDYKE Subject File Civil War Activities Memoir incomplete draft Box 3 Folder 9
- Contributor: Bickerdyke, Mary Ann
- Date: 1847
Image 2 of Mary Ann Bickerdyke Papers: Subject file; Civil War activities; Memoir, incomplete draft Before January 1st 1893 sign and return to Secretary of Committee Mrs A G Lord 20th and West streets Topeka Kansas As separate petitions are required for each branch of the Legislature…
- Contributor: Bickerdyke, Mary Ann
- Date: 1847
Image 3 of Mary Ann Bickerdyke Papers: Subject file; Civil War activities; Memoir, incomplete draft Going into reg hos found in bad cond Change caps tent bed syphous fever Mis Arge Can Surg refuses to fill order for med Mis Grant Sher we cant go see hos…
- Contributor: Bickerdyke, Mary Ann
- Date: 1847
Image 4 of Mary Ann Bickerdyke Papers: Subject file; Civil War activities; Memoir, incomplete draft Before January 1st 1893 sign and return to Secretary of Committee Mrs AG Lord 20th and West streets Topeka Kansas As separate petitions are required for each branch of the Legislature signers…
- Contributor: Bickerdyke, Mary Ann
- Date: 1847
Image 5 of Mary Ann Bickerdyke Papers: Subject file; Civil War activities; Memoir, incomplete draft Before January 1st 1863 sign and return to Secretary of Committee Mrs AG Lord 20th and West streets Topeka Kansas As separate petitions are required for each branch of the Legislature signers…
- Contributor: Bickerdyke, Mary Ann
- Date: 1847
Image 6 of Mary Ann Bickerdyke Papers: Subject file; Civil War activities; Memoir, incomplete draft Before January 1st 1893 sign and return to Secretary of Commitee Mrs AG Lord 20th and West Streets Topeka Kansas As separate petitions are required for each branch of the Legislature signers…
- Contributor: Bickerdyke, Mary Ann
- Date: 1847
Image 7 of Mary Ann Bickerdyke Papers: Subject file; Civil War activities; Memoir, incomplete draft Before January 1st 1893 sign and return to Secretary of Committee Mrs AG Lord 20th and West Streets Topeka Kansas As separate petitions are required for each branch of the legislature signers…
- Contributor: Bickerdyke, Mary Ann
- Date: 1847
Image 8 of Mary Ann Bickerdyke Papers: Subject file; Civil War activities; Memoir, incomplete draft Before January 1st 1893 sign and return to Secretary of Committee Mrs A G Lord 20th and West streets Topeka Kansas As separate petitions are required for each branch of the Legislature…
- Contributor: Bickerdyke, Mary Ann
- Date: 1847
Image 9 of Mary Ann Bickerdyke Papers: Subject file; Civil War activities; Memoir, incomplete draft Before January 1st 1893 sign and return to Secretary of Committee Mrs A G Lord 20th and West streets Topeka Kansas As separate petitions are required for each branch of the Legislature…
- Contributor: Bickerdyke, Mary Ann
- Date: 1847
Image 10 of Mary Ann Bickerdyke Papers: Subject file; Civil War activities; Memoir, incomplete draft Before January 1st 1893 sign and return to Secretary of Committee Mrs A G Lord 20th and West streets Topeka Kansas IX As separate petitions are required for each branch of the…
- Contributor: Bickerdyke, Mary Ann
- Date: 1847
Image 11 of Mary Ann Bickerdyke Papers: Subject file; Civil War activities; Memoir, incomplete draft Before January 1st 1893 sign and return to Secretary and Committee Mrs A G Lord 20th and West streets Topeka Kansas As separate petitions are required for each branch of the Legislature…
- Contributor: Bickerdyke, Mary Ann
- Date: 1847
Image 12 of Mary Ann Bickerdyke Papers: Subject file; Civil War activities; Memoir, incomplete draft Before January 1st 1893 sign and return to Secretary and Committee Mrs A G Lord 20th and West streets Topeka Kansas As separate petitions are required for each branch of the Legislature…
- Contributor: Bickerdyke, Mary Ann
- Date: 1847
Image 13 of Mary Ann Bickerdyke Papers: Subject file; Civil War activities; Memoir, incomplete draft seven eight a scarlet fever whooping cough measles typhoid fever and all the diseases human nature is or was heir to These loyal boys from good homes many from christian homes and…
- Contributor: Bickerdyke, Mary Ann
- Date: 1847
Image 14 of Mary Ann Bickerdyke Papers: Subject file; Civil War activities; Memoir, incomplete draft Before January 1st 1893 sign and missing text Lord 20th and West streets Topeka Kansas missing text As separate petitions are required for each missing text attach missing text names to both…
- Contributor: Bickerdyke, Mary Ann
- Date: 1847
Image 15 of Mary Ann Bickerdyke Papers: Subject file; Civil War activities; Memoir, incomplete draft missing text ford the Banker missing text sister Mary The Cairo Angel The Sanitary Commission was now being formed at Chicago it grew to a gigantic institution I shall not attempt to…
- Contributor: Bickerdyke, Mary Ann
- Date: 1847
Image 16 of Mary Ann Bickerdyke Papers: Subject file; Civil War activities; Memoir, incomplete draft Before January 1st 1893 sign and return missing text Lord 20th and West streets Topeka Kansas As separate petitions are requested for each missing text names to both petitions To the Legislature…
- Contributor: Bickerdyke, Mary Ann
- Date: 1847
Image 17 of Mary Ann Bickerdyke Papers: Subject file; Civil War activities; Memoir, incomplete draft missing text petty abuses There was quite a number of men in a hospital tent at Fort Holt Ky There was a case of typhis fever I had a tent put up…
- Contributor: Bickerdyke, Mary Ann
- Date: 1847
Image 18 of Mary Ann Bickerdyke Papers: Subject file; Civil War activities; Memoir, incomplete draft 4 Before January 1st 1893 sign and return to Secretary of Committee Mrs A G Lord 20th and West streets Topeka Kansas As separate petitions are requested for each branch of the…
- Contributor: Bickerdyke, Mary Ann
- Date: 1847
Image 19 of Mary Ann Bickerdyke Papers: Subject file; Civil War activities; Memoir, incomplete draft and quietly for several days when Dr Burk informed me that he didnt wish a woman in his military hospital that it was no place for a woman I told him it…
- Contributor: Bickerdyke, Mary Ann
- Date: 1847
Image 20 of Mary Ann Bickerdyke Papers: Subject file; Civil War activities; Memoir, incomplete draft 5 Before January 1st 1893 sign and return to Secretary of Committee Mrs A G Lord 20th and West streets Topeka Kansas As separate petitions are requested for each branch of the…
- Contributor: Bickerdyke, Mary Ann
- Date: 1847
Image 21 of Mary Ann Bickerdyke Papers: Subject file; Civil War activities; Memoir, incomplete draft you can be employed as a laundress but you cant be in the wards I strictly forbid it Major I said replied Thats my rank sir and passed him leaving the and…
- Contributor: Bickerdyke, Mary Ann
- Date: 1847
Image 22 of Mary Ann Bickerdyke Papers: Subject file; Civil War activities; Memoir, incomplete draft 6 Before January 1st 1893 sign and return to Secretary of Committee Mrs A G Lord 20th and West streets Topeka Kansas As separate petitions are required for each branch of the…
- Contributor: Bickerdyke, Mary Ann
- Date: 1847
Image 23 of Mary Ann Bickerdyke Papers: Subject file; Civil War activities; Memoir, incomplete draft Before January 1st 1893 sign and retupage torn Lord 20th and West streets Topeka Kansas As separate petitions are required for each branch of the Legislature signers should attach their names to…
- Contributor: Bickerdyke, Mary Ann
- Date: 1847
Image 24 of Mary Ann Bickerdyke Papers: Subject file; Civil War activities; Memoir, incomplete draft supplies sent ington Philad K Brooklyn and other eastern cities The voice of the loyal women all over the land was as one to take good care of the soldiers and the…
- Contributor: Bickerdyke, Mary Ann
- Date: 1847
Image 25 of Mary Ann Bickerdyke Papers: Subject file; Civil War activities; Memoir, incomplete draft Before January 1st 1893 sign and return to Secretary and Committee Mrs A G Lord 20th and West streets Topeka Kansas As separate petitions are required for each branch of the Legislature…
- Contributor: Bickerdyke, Mary Ann
- Date: 1847
Image 26 of Mary Ann Bickerdyke Papers: Subject file; Civil War activities; Memoir, incomplete draft did sleep I slept thing My mornings were taken up looking up after the patients and my after noons looking after the laundries and in the evening seeing to the patients Not…
- Contributor: Bickerdyke, Mary Ann
- Date: 1847
Image 27 of Mary Ann Bickerdyke Papers: Subject file; Civil War activities; Memoir, incomplete draft 3 had inspected the laundry as that he didnt wonder the Ma strong case hospital prospered There was a ten acre lot covered over with clean clothing This insured good health
- Contributor: Bickerdyke, Mary Ann
- Date: 1847
Image 28 of Mary Ann Bickerdyke Papers: Subject file; Civil War activities; Memoir, incomplete draft CIRCULAR LETTER FELLOW CITIZENSâ Some of those who have had much experience as teachers in the public schools of Kansas have in conferring together decided to ask through a citizens petition that…
- Contributor: Bickerdyke, Mary Ann
- Date: 1847
Image 29 of Mary Ann Bickerdyke Papers: Subject file; Civil War activities; Memoir, incomplete draft 7 Before January 1st 1893 sign and return to Secretary and Committee Mrs A G Lord 20th and West streets Topeka Kansas As separate petitions are required for each branch of the…
- Contributor: Bickerdyke, Mary Ann
- Date: 1847
Image 30 of Mary Ann Bickerdyke Papers: Subject file; Civil War activities; Memoir, incomplete draft found the floating hospital and prepare for the battle Of Donelson Fort Henry Oh the
- Contributor: Bickerdyke, Mary Ann
- Date: 1847
Image 31 of Mary Ann Bickerdyke Papers: Subject file; Civil War activities; Memoir, incomplete draft 8 III Fort Henry Donalson Feb 1862 Ft Henry Donelson I reported aboard the floating hospital and fitted it up with the best of hospital stores and supposing we had all that…
- Contributor: Bickerdyke, Mary Ann
- Date: 1847
Image 32 of Mary Ann Bickerdyke Papers: Subject file; Civil War activities; Memoir, incomplete draft soldiers had landed at Fort Henry it was dusk there camp fires were burning were thousands of camp fires burning bands of music playing I Everything was buoyant happy to think the…
- Contributor: Bickerdyke, Mary Ann
- Date: 1847
Image 33 of Mary Ann Bickerdyke Papers: Subject file; Civil War activities; Memoir, incomplete draft 9 Before January 1st 1893 sign and return to Secretary and Committee Mrs A G Lord 20th and West streets Topeka Kansas As separate petitions are required for each branch of the…
- Contributor: Bickerdyke, Mary Ann
- Date: 1847
Image 34 of Mary Ann Bickerdyke Papers: Subject file; Civil War activities; Memoir, incomplete draft do to allow many of the troops to remain there at the same time The troop suffered for a cup of coffee and their clothes froze upon their backs they had froze…
- Contributor: Bickerdyke, Mary Ann
- Date: 1847
Image 35 of Mary Ann Bickerdyke Papers: Subject file; Civil War activities; Memoir, incomplete draft 10 Before January 1st 1893 sign and return to Secretary and Committee Mrs A G Lord 20th and West streets Topeka Kansas As separate petitions are required for each branch of the…
- Contributor: Bickerdyke, Mary Ann
- Date: 1847
Image 36 of Mary Ann Bickerdyke Papers: Subject file; Civil War activities; Memoir, incomplete draft missing text and the inclemency of the weather it is impossible to tell the great amount of suffering It was my first hard fought battle And I learned to appreciate our good…
- Contributor: Bickerdyke, Mary Ann
- Date: 1847
Image 37 of Mary Ann Bickerdyke Papers: Subject file; Civil War activities; Memoir, incomplete draft 11 Before January 1st 1893 sign and return to Secretary and Committee Mrs A G Lord 20th and West streets Topeka Kansas As separate petitions are required for each branch of the…
- Contributor: Bickerdyke, Mary Ann
- Date: 1847
Image 38 of Mary Ann Bickerdyke Papers: Subject file; Civil War activities; Memoir, incomplete draft filling the hospital to its fullest capasity I will leave it to the Soldiers to tell of those ladies skilled nursing It is strange to say those two frozen men rem recovered…
- Contributor: Bickerdyke, Mary Ann
- Date: 1847
Image 39 of Mary Ann Bickerdyke Papers: Subject file; Civil War activities; Memoir, incomplete draft 12 missing text return to Secretary of Committee Mrs A G Kansas branch of the Legislature signers should attach their Landing We the undersigned citizens of the State of Kansas realizing that…
- Contributor: Bickerdyke, Mary Ann
- Date: 1847
Image 40 of Mary Ann Bickerdyke Papers: Subject file; Civil War activities; Memoir, incomplete draft the cordial the colored folks soldiers going up Tennessee river should be a matter of history We arrived at Pittsburg Landing on the morning of March 17 62 and after gathering up…
- Contributor: Bickerdyke, Mary Ann
- Date: 1847