Manuscript/Mixed Material National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Jeffrey, Jeannette A. S.
Image 1 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Jeffrey, Jeannette A. S. NAWSA GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE Jeffrey Jennette AS Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at crowdlocgov
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 2 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Jeffrey, Jeannette A. S. 47 Lakeview Av Cambridge August 24 1943 My dear Mrs Stantial In my zeal to get the founders of the Womans Suffrage Party their meed of praise I did not reply to…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 3 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Jeffrey, Jeannette A. S. National Womans Party Massachusetts Headquarters ROOM 408 PHILLIPS BUILDING 120 TREMONT STREET BOSTON TELEPHONE FORT HILL 2825 OBJECT To secure the following amendment to the Constitution of the United States Sec I…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 4 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Jeffrey, Jeannette A. S. Equal Suffrage Mr Ederd Jeffrey We are asking men who are going to vote on this question to clear their minds of the fog of conservatism and prejudice to stop and think…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 5 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Jeffrey, Jeannette A. S. 3 in the day before the war Wendell Phillips Julia Hand Horne Emerson and our own townsman N Higginson with many others staunchly advocated votes for women even before their oratory roused…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 6 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Jeffrey, Jeannette A. S. 4a that much of this misery was preventable that for society in the one hand to license drink and the social evil with all their attendant abominations on the pretext of revenue…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 7 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Jeffrey, Jeannette A. S. 6 that women are not politically minded There In that case facts do prove that where women vote they do not seek office being content to elect as their representatives men of…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 8 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Jeffrey, Jeannette A. S. 8 of good morals partly of elimination of waste For we have waste always before us No govt on earth is more extravagantly administered than our US we are beginning to talk…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 9 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Jeffrey, Jeannette A. S. CAMBRIDGE POLITICAL EQUALITY ASSOCIATION EXECUTIVE OFFICERS President Mrs Lewis J Johnson 90 Raymond St First VicePresident Mrs Edward C Jeffrey 47 Lakeview Avenue Corresponding Secretary Miss Margarette B Krebs 78 Lakeview Avenue…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 10 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Jeffrey, Jeannette A. S. This is a government of the people by the people Women are people Open Air Mass Meeting for Woman Suffrage Speaker Miss Florence Lusiomb at on Massachusetts Avenue near Walden Street at…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 11 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Jeffrey, Jeannette A. S. 47 Lake Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at crowdlocgov
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 12 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Jeffrey, Jeannette A. S. Mrs Edward C Jeffrey member of the Publicity Committee for the great Dudley Field Malone meeting which is to be held at the Park Square Theatre on March 24 is the wife…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 13 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Jeffrey, Jeannette A. S. SPECIAL ARTICLES AND ILLUSTRATIONS APPEAR IN THIS SECTION THE CAMBRIDGE TRIBUNE SATURDAY MAY 31 1913 SECOND PART PAGES 9 AND 10 Now Ready STYLISH SUITS FOR Decoration Day 100 A WEEK ITS…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 14 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Jeffrey, Jeannette A. S. Lehigh Furnace and Egg 25c per ton Extra These Prices Are for Prompt Delivery and Are Subject to Change Without Notice We Believe that NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY 157 MAIN…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 15 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Jeffrey, Jeannette A. S. 10 THE CAMBRIDGE TRIBUNE SATURDAY MAY 31 1913 REAL ESTATE __________________________ Robert J Melledge Succeeding Ellis Melledge Real Estate and Insurance 1388 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE HARVARD SQUARE _________________________________________ Buys Sells Insures Rents Edward…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 16 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Jeffrey, Jeannette A. S. George H Rent 1354 Massachusetts Avenue FW Hastings C F Pierce WB Hastings Co Insurance 225 Cambridge Street cor Third Street Boston Office 107 Water Street Office Hours Boston 1 to 8…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839