Manuscript/Mixed Material National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Pinkham, Wenona O.
Image 1 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Pinkham, Wenona O. NAWSA GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE PINKHAM WENONA O Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at crowdlocgov
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 2 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Pinkham, Wenona O. P Boston Mass March 31 1918 Dear Miss Osgood I am sorry that the issue of my attitude toward what is loosely termed pacifism has come up in connection with my candidacy…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 3 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Pinkham, Wenona O. Mrs Pinkhams explanation Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at crowdlocgov
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 4 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Pinkham, Wenona O. Mrs Pinkham second page Brookline Mass Dec 30 1920 Dear Miss Blackwell Louisa and I want to thank you for the Christmas cards and Mr Pinkham too for his Red one You…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 6 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Pinkham, Wenona O. I am so glad Mrs Boyer is having this splendid trip She knows how to get the most out of it It seems lonely without her though and you will miss her…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 7 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Pinkham, Wenona O. Massachusetts Civic League Incorporated Organized 1898 Motto Dont tie on the flowers water the plant 3 Joy Street Boston Massachusetts OFFICERS PresidentJOSEPH LEE VicePresidentHERBERT C PARSONS VicePresident NATHAN D BILL VicePresidentDR KENDALL…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 8 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Pinkham, Wenona O. HOW TO JOIN THE LEAGUE Any person may become a member on payment of an annual fee of one dollar which includes subscription to The Lens to all other publications of the…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 9 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Pinkham, Wenona O. Wenona Osborne Pinkham Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at crowdlocgov
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 10 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Pinkham, Wenona O. Wenona O Pinkham In Memory of Wenona Osborne Pinkham 18821930 Jan 8th Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at crowdlocgov
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 11 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Pinkham, Wenona O. A T BLISS CO Printers 60 Pearl St Boston Contents Page INTRODUCTORY NOTE BY MR PINKHAM 5 REMARKS AT THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE MASSACHUSETTS CIVIC LEAGUE BY MR LEE AND OTHERS…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 12 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Pinkham, Wenona O. Wenona Osborne Pinkham It is especially for Wenonas friends in the West that this memorial is printed Eighteen years have now passed since she left Denver a bride of a few months…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 13 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Pinkham, Wenona O. It was as an advocate of woman suffrage that Wenona became widely known in Massachusetts A native of Colorado where women had voted for years she could be presented to an audience…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 14 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Pinkham, Wenona O. were unkind in Wenonas opinion having natural ability superior to her daughters Poverty bore harshly on the Osborne family in the hard times of 1893 and after Wenona never forgot the sight…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 15 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Pinkham, Wenona O. 12th and spoke fitting words regarding her civic devotion and achievement I am told that almost all the social workers of Boston were present Among the flowers there was a wreath sent…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 16 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Pinkham, Wenona O. The Annual Meeting On December 1 1922 Mrs Pinkham became Associate Executive Secretary of the Massachusetts Civic League On February 1 1924 she became its Executive Secretary At the Annual Meeting of…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 17 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Pinkham, Wenona O. you knew it you had promised to help and had probably been told just what to say and how to say it It was her quick sympathy that made her work so…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 18 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Pinkham, Wenona O. seeking the best in them intellectually and spiritually and appealing to that to gain support Third she was eminently practical She knew when to compromise When it became apparent that it was…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 19 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Pinkham, Wenona O. perhaps it would be to say that she but fulfilled the promise in which she had shared that the full civic endowment of woman would release a new power for the worlds…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 20 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Pinkham, Wenona O. MRS PINKHAMâ1915 Praises by Comrades MRS PINKHAM was a woman in ten thousand She united in an extraordinary degree strength with sweetness intelligence with goodness and great gifts with entire simplicity and…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 21 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Pinkham, Wenona O. There was no one upon whom I relied so much for counsel or for help in many different lines and I was but one of a multitude who must have felt with…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 22 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Pinkham, Wenona O. Some persons have towering abilities and shrunken hearts Hers was the greatest warmest heart I ever knew Her abounding love overflowed to a great host of friends of every kind and condition…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 23 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Pinkham, Wenona O. The Child of a Colorado Pioneer By Wenona Osborne Pinkham TWENTYFIVE YEARS ago a large part of the area of Colorado was in the arid region known as the Rainbelt The name…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 24 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Pinkham, Wenona O. For as soon as we were settled my father went away to earn money by teaching with which to buy farming implements and seed for the first planting Weeks often passed without…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 25 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Pinkham, Wenona O. in sight mother screamed to me to stop Then she told me to go for my father as fast as I could He soon came and killed the snake The fright affected…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 26 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Pinkham, Wenona O. get warm She has always been so friendly but today she acted very strangely Two or three times she started to go and then came back as if she had something on…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 27 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Pinkham, Wenona O. and the stories I had heard father and mother tell They were beautiful things to think and dream about and I liked to play that I was going to see them all…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 28 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Pinkham, Wenona O. on my arm When she asked why I was crying I could only stammer I didnt want to come home I cant stand it to live here any longer I dont know…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 29 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Pinkham, Wenona O. Copy CITY OF BOSTON Committee on Public Safety 65 City Hall Victor A Heath Chairman of Executive Committee March 27 1918 Mrs Evelyn Peverley Coe 1213 Beacon Street Boston Mass My dear…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 30 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Pinkham, Wenona O. Meeting of the BOARD OF DIRECTORS Thursday October 2 1930 2 VOTED On motion of Mrs White that a letter of appreciation be sent to the Editor of the Traveler for his…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 31 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Pinkham, Wenona O. ADDENDUM By inadvertence on my part the following appreciations of Mrs Pinkham received from organizations of which she was a member were left out of the memorial booklet They are impressive and…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 32 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Pinkham, Wenona O. WOMENS CITY CLUB OF BOSTON My dear Mr Pinkham We of the Womens City Club have been deeply grieved to learn of the loss which has befallen you and us and our…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 33 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Pinkham, Wenona O. THE PUBLICITY GROUP The Publicity Group of the Boston Council of Social Agencies in meeting assembled voted to express its profound sorrow at the passing of Mrs Wenona O Pinkham Mrs Pinkham…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 34 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Pinkham, Wenona O. HEALTH PAYS DIVIDENDS DISEASE PILES UP LIABILITIES 35 of our men failed to pass the draft But in Massachusetts 47 failed Charles W Eliot President Emeritus of Harvard University says The percentage…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 35 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Pinkham, Wenona O. COMMITTEE DR HARRY A GARFIELD Honorary Chairman MRS WILLIAM TILTON Chairman DR WILLIAM HEALY Treasurer MRS W O PINKHAM Secretary ADVISORY COMMITTEE Henry Abrahams Boston Dr Vanderpoel Adriance Williamstown Superintendent Hector L…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 36 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Pinkham, Wenona O. PINKHAM later as consulting neurologist to the Lying InHospital posts which he held continuously to the end of his life In 1915 he became a member of the neurological department of the…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 37 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Pinkham, Wenona O. STRATEMEYER pioneer in the utilization of the new field of modern invention as a subject for boys adventure stories Tales of a Jules Verne nature in modern style dealing with airplanes submarines…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 38 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Pinkham, Wenona O. left column PARSONS of its incorporation on 14 Apr 1827 was selected as the first president His son James Russell 14 Oct 1830 22 June 1899 who gained wide recognition as an…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 39 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Pinkham, Wenona O.
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 40 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Pinkham, Wenona O. Mrs Wenona Osborn Pinkham film w 13 7 7 x 9 Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at crowdlocgov
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839