Manuscript/Mixed Material National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Woolley, Mary E.
Image 1 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Woolley, Mary E. NAWSA General Correspondence Woolley Mary E Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at crowdlocgov
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 2 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Woolley, Mary E. Mary E Woolley appreciates your greeting and sends good wishes for the New Year Mary E Woolley appreciates your greeting and sends good wishes for the New Year Transcribed and reviewed by…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 3 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Woolley, Mary E. It is always such a pleasure to hear from you My affectionate good wishes MEW Two months in Florida Masks delayed acknowledgement of Holiday greeting She is now in Jamaica British West…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 4 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Woolley, Mary E. MARY E WOOLLEY Westport Essex County New York March 30 1945 Dear Miss Blackwell I did appreciate and enjoy your unique Easter greeting Thank you so much for thinking of me Letters…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 5 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Woolley, Mary E. Mary E Woolley WestportonLake Champlain New York April 19 1939 Dear Mrs Stantial May I send an informal acknowledgement of the invitation from the Boston University Womens Council to the opening performance…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 6 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Woolley, Mary E. Your Christmas card always brings food for thought something that I enjoy and to quote My affectionate good wishes for you M E M Jan 1 1947 Transcribed and reviewed by contributors…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 7 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Woolley, Mary E. Mrs Park Mrs Park 1837 The Case of Mary Lyon vs The Committee of Nine 1937 Was the Committee of Nine Packed 1934 The Board of Trustees appointed the following Committee on…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 8 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Woolley, Mary E. Woolley Reprinted from Holyoke Dairly TranscriptTelegram Sat Aug 15 1936 Librarian Willcox Revives Protest On Picking Man As Mt Holyoke President Frank G Willcox librarian at the City Public Library has revived…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 9 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Woolley, Mary E. Mt Holyoke Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at crowdlocgov
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 10 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Woolley, Mary E. General Information The North New England Unit consists of all A A U W branches in Maine New Hampshire Vermont and Massachusetts The branches in Connecticut and Rhode Island form another fellowship…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 11 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Woolley, Mary E. MARY E WOOLLEY Taken in Geneva July 1932 Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God DR MARY E WOOLLEY A CHILD in the village of Meriden…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 13 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Woolley, Mary E. friends of Miss Woolley people who are interested in international peace Mount Holyoke alumnae and women member of college faculties General interest in the fellowship is evident in the membership of the…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 14 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Woolley, Mary E. Woolley THE GOOD HEART I do wish again and again to stress the truth that it is only as human relations are shaped by womenas well as by menwith the thinking of…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 15 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Woolley, Mary E. POST CARD PLACE STAMP HERE MESSAGE ADDRESS Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at crowdlocgov
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 16 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Woolley, Mary E. Extract from Address of President Mary E Woolley President of Mount Holyoke College Miss Anthony and her coworkers taught both by preoept and example that women have no right to confine their…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 17 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Woolley, Mary E. Mary E Wooley Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at crowdlocgov
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 18 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Woolley, Mary E. Copyright 1911 Kath EM Clellan Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at crowdlocgov
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 19 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Woolley, Mary E. amid rain of explosives Mt Holyoke Women Cited SOUTH HADLEY Nov 30Of the 100 women named by Mrs Carrie Chapman Catt as holding important positions in a list of women in new…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 20 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Woolley, Mary E. The New York Times Magazine May 2 1937 pg 7 Europes TugofWar Pulls Rumania Two Ways By Henry C Wolfe Democratic and Fascist Powers Have Allies In the Political Groupings of the…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 21 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Woolley, Mary E. rug merchants gay uniforms multicolored peasant costumes Paris gowns orchestras featuring the tango crowded openair cafÃs beggars gypsies a babble of tonguesall are part of the local scene For Bucharest Paris is…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 22 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Woolley, Mary E. The New York Times Magazine May 2 1937 WOMEN AND COLLEGES By Eunice Fuller Bernard Among the budding apple trees of a hilltop campus college girls in the costumes in which their…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 23 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Woolley, Mary E. what like those for the other sex Here in 1937 half a million college girls stride confidently across hundreds of campuses from coast to coast hardly aware that women ever were shut…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 24 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Woolley, Mary E. The New York Times Magazine May 2 1937 AN EVENTFUL CENTURY to become teachers We must look to the other sex for a supply wrote Mount Holyokes committee to address the public…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 25 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Woolley, Mary E. academic procession at Bryn Mawr Archery at Barnard the cooperative dormitories on dozens of campuses today By a system of executive management much like a modern motor manufacturers assembly lines she achieved…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 26 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Woolley, Mary E. he New York Times Magazine May 2 1937 Associated Press The Court of Claims meets in the chamber of the Privy Council in Downing StreetâOn its decisions depends who shall perform various…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 27 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Woolley, Mary E. The Court of Claims has been considering the Kings pajamas This court is the handsomest in Britain It meets only when a coronation is approaching The claims it considers are those made…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839
Image 28 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: General Correspondence, 1839-1961; Woolley, Mary E. WOMEN AND COLLEGES continued from Page 9 and had survived The Western universities yielded with relative ease to the coeducational pressure and literally hundreds of higher institutions suddenly capitulated to women on…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1839