Manuscript/Mixed Material National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Antisuffrage literature; 8 of 36
Image 1 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Antisuffrage literature; 8 of … NAWSA Subject File AntiSuffrage Literature Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at crowdlocgov
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 2 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Antisuffrage literature; 8 of … Man Antisuffrage Legal State of Women Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at crowdlocgov
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 3 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Antisuffrage literature; 8 of … Library Boston Equal Suffrage Association for Good Government 6 Marlborough Street Boston XII I 2 Mrs Shaw P 05 11 Woman Suffrage and Wages No 2 Women interested in the Suffrage question…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 4 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Antisuffrage literature; 8 of … 2 and what they produce is usually valued in the market at a lower rate perhaps because of its smaller quantity sometimes because of its inferior quality In one occupation that of…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 5 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Antisuffrage literature; 8 of … Mass Public interests League see also Public Interest League of Anti Suffragists Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at crowdlocgov
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 6 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Antisuffrage literature; 8 of … In persisting in their untimely struggle in nagging the President in demanding the vote as a reward of patriotic service in giving more money to the cause of Suffrage than to any…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 7 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Antisuffrage literature; 8 of … Do you want LOYAL MEN in Congress or DISLOYAL WOMEN A dispatch to the Washington Post of December 15 1917 says New York Dec 14âPacifists who make up a large percentage of…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 8 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Antisuffrage literature; 8 of … Tax system is wrongânot electoral qualifications and tax collections have increased 159 per cent This variety of record is of course a heavy handicap to city growth and progress and is discouraging…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 9 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Antisuffrage literature; 8 of … M R Pottle VOTES FOR WOMEN MEANS JURY DUTY FOR WOMEN Suffragists leaders are careful never to mention to their audiences in the East or in the South the subject of Jury…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 10 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Antisuffrage literature; 8 of … jury so I got a doctor to give me something which would make me violently sick for a little while then I called another doctor who finding me very sick gave me…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 11 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Antisuffrage literature; 8 of … 14 You Have All Heard of the NINE SUFFRAGE STATES BUT DO YOU APPRECIATEâ THAT Roxbury has a population the equal of the Suffrage State of Wyoming THAT Roxbury and Dorchester combined…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 12 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Antisuffrage literature; 8 of … P 05 C 16 MR VOTER REMEMBER That woman suffrage has produced no reform in social conditions no laws to regulate woman or child labor no improved corporation legislation no prison reforms…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 13 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Antisuffrage literature; 8 of … Massachusetts Association Opposed to the Further Extension of Suffrage to Women The Cambridge Committee Invites you to be present at a meeting to be held at the home of Mrs Frederic W…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 14 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Antisuffrage literature; 8 of … Mass Anti Suffrage Assn Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at crowdlocgov
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 15 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Antisuffrage literature; 8 of … Section of Woman Suffrage Parade Washington DC March 3 1913 We Welcome Every Socialistic Vote ANNA HOWARD SHAW President National American Woman Suffrage Association at Harrisburg Pa March 18 1913 Section of…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 16 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Antisuffrage literature; 8 of … POPULATION DIAGRAM Women Suffrage States Illinois Male Suffrage States in which Question has not been Voted Upon Male Suffrage States Recently Voting No POPULATION IN 1910 United States 91972266 Woman Suffrage States…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 17 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Antisuffrage literature; 8 of … Post Card Domestic One Cent Foreign Two Cents For Correspondence This Side For Address Only son but often even in the best of women it is not as for instance in the…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 18 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Antisuffrage literature; 8 of … causeâlike fever in the human body which is not so much a symptom of illness as a sign of the effort of the body to overcome its invaders To carry our simile…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 19 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Antisuffrage literature; 8 of … Index Child Labor 3 Woman Suffrage and Liquor 4 How Woman Suffrage Works in Practice 7 Woman Suffrage and the Working Girl 12 Woman in Politics 14 What Women have done outside…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 20 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Antisuffrage literature; 8 of … Woman Suffrage and Liquor VicePresident Mary Fleming of the Pennsylvania Suffrage organization is very much annoyed over the activities of the Womans Christian Temperance Union and wants to have the officials called…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 21 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Antisuffrage literature; 8 of … The officer of the Equal Franchise Society of Winnemucca Nevada in the public press state that some of the men interested in the saloon business here have shown us not only the…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 22 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Antisuffrage literature; 8 of … Thus we have the precedent established that if the wife has a job the law will not release her from an idle husband merely because he is idle a nonprovider Furthermore you…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 23 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Antisuffrage literature; 8 of … say Oh we are working for the suffrage If they only knew what I know and had experienced what I have experience they would would what a sham it all is They…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 24 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Antisuffrage literature; 8 of … Judge Lindsey saysâColorado has perfected the science of corrupting men Its judges its supreme court judges are owned like office boys Its lawyers it business men all are owned What do the…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 25 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Antisuffrage literature; 8 of … amateur who believes that one or two quick changes in law making would bring about high wages reduce the cost of living and act as a panacea for the ills of all…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 26 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Antisuffrage literature; 8 of … If the Bristow amendment to the constitution for which the National Suffrage Association is working could receive a twothirds vote of both houses it would then go to the state legislatures for…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 27 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Antisuffrage literature; 8 of … The newspapers announce that Miss Jane Addams the suffrage leader will campaign in the western states It is interesting to note that Miss Addams is no longer mentioned in the press in…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 28 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Antisuffrage literature; 8 of … to select the very prime necessity for any improvement in government better candidates for office why must she be a partisan after the candidates are chosen The man who does not vote…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 29 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Antisuffrage literature; 8 of … The Childrens Bureau has recently issued a pamphlet New Zealand Society for the Health of Women and Children which strongly supports the antisuffrage principle that in bettering conditions legislation is less needed…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 30 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Antisuffrage literature; 8 of … Two New York suffrage leaders Mrs John Rogers Jr and Mrs JW Brannan who are executives of the Womans Political Union declare themselves as wholeheartedly against any effort for relief of the…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 31 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Antisuffrage literature; 8 of … JACOB A RIIS I do not think the ballot will add to womans real power which she exercises or can exercise now CARL SCHURZ It is not certain that so tremendous an…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 32 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Antisuffrage literature; 8 of … JOHN BOYLE OREILLY Woman suffrage would be the constitutional degradation of women it would be an appeal to the coarser strength of men and I profoundly believe that it would result in…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 33 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Antisuffrage literature; 8 of … VICTORIA Queen of England The Queen is most anxious to enlist every one who can speak or write to join in checking this mad wicked folly of Womans Rights with all its…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 34 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Antisuffrage literature; 8 of … Francis C Lowell Charles Warren Prof Charles J Bullock Morgan Rotch William D Sohier Rodney Wallace Rev Joshua P Bodfish Samuel J Elder Dr Edward M Hartwell Arthur Lord Charles T Gallagher…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 35 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Antisuffrage literature; 8 of … SUPPORTING MEMBERS Miss Gertrude H Aldrich Miss Annie E Allen Miss Chrissie Ella Anderson Mrs Albert S Apsey Miss Helen W Aubin Miss Margaret Aubin Mrs H R Bailey Mrs Wm A…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 36 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Antisuffrage literature; 8 of … Housewives You do not need a ballot to clean out your sink spout A handful of potash and some boiling water is quicker and cheaper If new tinware be rubbed all over…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 37 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Antisuffrage literature; 8 of … Man Anti suffrage cam Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at crowdlocgov
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 38 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Antisuffrage literature; 8 of … Of What Benefit to Woman The First Question THE question of woman suffrage cannot be treated with indifference it is a practical question If women are to assume the duty of suffrage…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 39 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Antisuffrage literature; 8 of … 2 that state to prescribe qualifications the possession of which shall be the test of right of enjoyment and no restrictions of age or education could be put upon it such as…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 40 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Antisuffrage literature; 8 of … 4 looking toward withdrawal in a few years from the labor market and withdrawing to take with it its acquired skill leaving only inexperience in its stead The wiser of the suffragists…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851