Manuscript/Mixed Material National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Boyer, Ida Porter; 8 of 9
Image 1 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Boyer, Ida Porter; 8 … NAWSA SUBJECT FILE Boyer Ida Porter Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at crowdlocgov
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 2 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Boyer, Ida Porter; 8 … Leader No 2 Reporters Note Book Mrs Ida PorterBoyer the Beverly Portland Ore Name Ida Porter Boyer From To Mrs Ida PorterBoyer the Beverly Portland Ore note for Suffrage Lecture Sold only…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 3 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Boyer, Ida Porter; 8 … Leader No 2 Reporters Note Book Mrs Ida PorterBoyer the Beverly Portland Ore Name Ida Porter Boyer From To Mrs Ida PorterBoyer the Beverly Portland Ore note for Suffrage Lecture Sold only…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 4 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Boyer, Ida Porter; 8 … Equal Suffrage means Progress It is not good for man or state to be alone individually or in state government Man cannot represent her in the government He has but one vote…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 5 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Boyer, Ida Porter; 8 … The expression no Taxation without representation originated by Mercy Otis than the witness whose testimony convicted Men dont neglect their business affairs to vote why should women theirs All this talk about…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 6 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Boyer, Ida Porter; 8 … ballotbox In 1848 women first asked for personal freedom an education to earn a living to claim her own wage to own her own property to make compacts to bring suit to…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 7 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Boyer, Ida Porter; 8 … Queens regnant and the son early learns the political inferiority of mother sister The ministry who church which selfishly and wrongly interprets contort the Scriptures so as to apply them politically when…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 8 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Boyer, Ida Porter; 8 … the framers of out Great that great instrument of American Liberty the Declaration of independence No woman with even the slightest instincts of patriotism can be content to be dominated by any…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 9 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Boyer, Ida Porter; 8 … A free country is one that will guarantee to all citizens equal opportunities particularly economic opportunities these are the ideals of American citizenship that have never yet been realized save in a…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 10 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Boyer, Ida Porter; 8 … The dominance of one sex over another is the gravest of all political and social wrongs and the very taproot of all social and international injustice The male sex is not humanity…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 11 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Boyer, Ida Porter; 8 … The dominance of one sex over another is the gravest of all political and social wrongs and the very taproot of all social and international injustice The male sex is not humanity…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 12 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Boyer, Ida Porter; 8 … has never seen again warrior chiefs mighty men of valor kings of the foretime rulers of a royal race holy priests and priestesses of the Deity inventors and builders artisans and artificers…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 13 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Boyer, Ida Porter; 8 … 37 have not a criminal case on the docket In Kansas women have had full municipal suffrage since 1887 If during these 18 years women had neglected their homes for politics as…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 14 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Boyer, Ida Porter; 8 … Ribbon Chart annual Bills for the US Red Alcoholic Liquors 120 ins 1200000000 Brown Tobacco 70 inches 700000000 Pale Yellow Bread 37 inches 370000000 Blue Education 17 12 ins 175000000 Pink all…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 15 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Boyer, Ida Porter; 8 … Most of the adulterated foods were made outside of Kentucky and if the State courts could reach the manufacturers the juries before whom these cases will be tried would very likely send…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 16 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Boyer, Ida Porter; 8 … WOMEN IN POLITICS Members of the National Womens Suffrage Association who have come to Baltimore for their annual convention stand ready to answer all the arguments of their opponents No matter how…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 17 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Boyer, Ida Porter; 8 … FOR LITTLE LABORERS Meeting At McCoy Hall Unanimously Indorses Dorton Bill MISS JANE ADDAMS SPEAKS Answers Argument Which She Says Is Frequently Advanced Mrs Kelley Tells of Conditions Legislators at Annapolis may…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 18 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Boyer, Ida Porter; 8 … The Army of Educators The army of educators in the United States is made up of 450000 teacher of whom 120000 are men and 330000 women The overwhelming majority of the teachers…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 19 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Boyer, Ida Porter; 8 … nominate him but at a caucus the question was finally fairly stated by one of the political bosses I hate him he said rising to his feet I hate him as much…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 20 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Boyer, Ida Porter; 8 … PROPOSED ARIZONA EMPIRE IN EXTENT Vast Area of Territory When Coupled with New Mexico Creates a State Second Only to Texas in Almost Boundless Acres Special Despatch to The Press Washington Jan…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 21 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Boyer, Ida Porter; 8 … Sunday Oregonian Portland March 4 1906 Citizen Capet It was once a common belief that on a certain day unknown even to the angels but sure to come Gabriels trumpet would sound…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 22 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Boyer, Ida Porter; 8 … WOMEN WAGEEARNERS Two young Boston women students at the University of Chicago have set before themselves the difficult task of investigating the problems presented by the gainful employment of women in the…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 23 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Boyer, Ida Porter; 8 … Pasadena Cal NEWS MAR 2 1906 THE PASADENA DAILY VIGOROUS BUT INCONCLUSIVE We may be mistaken but it seems to the News as though the country is undergoing something of a reaction…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 24 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Boyer, Ida Porter; 8 … Pasadena Cal NEWS MAR 2 1906 THE PASADENA DAILY N VIGOROUS BUT INCONCLUSIVE We may be mistaken but it seems to the News as though the country is undergoing something of a…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 25 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Boyer, Ida Porter; 8 … Ballot Search Work in the Study of History By Francis B Atkhinson Editor Little Chronicle Chicago FIRST ARTICLE AS THE third in the series of articles on the application of geography to…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 26 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Boyer, Ida Porter; 8 … BRIDGE Many thoughtful men have believed that the names of things express something of their inner nature Plato thought so and therefore much of his reasoning which seems to us like a…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 27 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Boyer, Ida Porter; 8 … better even than men to receive recognition If she fails her whole sex is discredited Some years ago not many in Cleveland Ohio a man was supposed to have swallowed his false…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 28 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Boyer, Ida Porter; 8 … SEATTLE WASH PostIntelligencer MAR 11 1906 Womans Work 847 The General Federation of Womens Clubs the Womens Trade Union League and the settlement workers have started a movement to look into the…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 30 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Boyer, Ida Porter; 8 … He Defends Woman Suffrage Prof Harry E Kelley formerly of the Iowa State university now engaged in the practice of law in Denver has recently addressed a long letter to State Senator…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 31 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Boyer, Ida Porter; 8 … RACE SUICIDE AND THE BALLOT Some interesting facts are brought out in the bulletin just issued by the Census Bureau on The Proportion of Children in the United States The woman suffrage…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 32 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Boyer, Ida Porter; 8 … WOMAN SUFFRAGE IN THE GRANGE Last Saturday the writer addressed the Pomona Grange of Southeastern Massachusetts on The Relation of Women to International Peace One hundred and fifty representatives of local Granges…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 33 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Boyer, Ida Porter; 8 … ALIENS AND WOMEN The Bureau of Naturalization created by the new naturalization act has issued a statement calling attention to the anomalous conditions prevailing in certain States with reference to the right…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 34 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Boyer, Ida Porter; 8 … The three Ks in politics translated Children Church Cooking Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at crowdlocgov
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 35 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Boyer, Ida Porter; 8 … Restore Ancient Rights BY NELLIE ZEH Ages and ages ago before recorded history women roamed free through the forests and over the prairies with man his equal mentally and physically We know…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 36 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Boyer, Ida Porter; 8 … and were saved with difficulty from the rage of the angry crowd The impulse swelled over Scotland and in every city and hamlet the daring of work by it Transcribed and reviewed…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 37 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Boyer, Ida Porter; 8 …
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 38 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Boyer, Ida Porter; 8 … We make no extravagant claims for the ballot It will not bring the millionaire nor destroy the home it will not make angels of women nor demons of husband it hasnt for…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 39 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Boyer, Ida Porter; 8 … The demand for child workers which came with the application of steam to machinery during the last years of the 18th century was too great to be supplied normally Almshouses and orphan…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851
Image 40 of National American Woman Suffrage Association Records: Subject File, 1851-1953; Boyer, Ida Porter; 8 … The demand for child workers which came with the application of steam to machinery during the last years of the 18th century was too great to be supplied normally Almshouses and orphan…
- Contributor: National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1851