Manuscript/Mixed Material Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Military buildings and grounds; Schuylkill Arsenal, Philadelphia, Pa., 1875-1877 , undated
Image 1 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Military buildings and grounds; Schuylkill Arsenal, … Frederick Law Olmsted Subject File Military Buildings Schuylkill Arsenal PA and grounds 187577 Undated
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1875
Image 2 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Military buildings and grounds; Schuylkill Arsenal, … Philadelphia Depot of the Q M Department Philadelphia May 19 1875 Mr Frederic Law Olmsted 209 West 46th St New York Dear Sir Enclosed please find a rough draught of this Depot…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1875
Image 3 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Military buildings and grounds; Schuylkill Arsenal, … Captain Rogers 19th May 75 28 May 1875 Captain J F Rogers Schuylkill Arsenal Dear Sir This will be presented by my architectural assistant Mr Milhaim Misdell whom I commended to your…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1875
Image 4 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Military buildings and grounds; Schuylkill Arsenal, … To Capt J F Rodgers May 23 75 Philadelphia Depot of the Q M Department Philadelphia May 29th 1875 Mr Frederic Law Olmsted New York Dr Sir Authority has been granted to…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1875
Image 5 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Military buildings and grounds; Schuylkill Arsenal, … Capt Rodgers May 29 75
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1875
Image 6 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Military buildings and grounds; Schuylkill Arsenal, … M Gnl M C Meigs Q M General U S A My dear General The improvements which I shall propose on the grounds at Schuylkill Arsenal are required simple if a simple…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1875
Image 7 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Military buildings and grounds; Schuylkill Arsenal, … surface especially on the entrance road way and in the central court and flagging or concrete for plank in the rail way platform These are questions of construction which do not necessarily…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1875
Image 8 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Military buildings and grounds; Schuylkill Arsenal, … now which yet lacks certain household conveniences and appliances which are now commonly thought indispensable for a family a household living in a civilized home city Its accompaniments are such to quite…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1875
Image 9 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Military buildings and grounds; Schuylkill Arsenal, … Whatever the exigencies of military service may require of an officer on the frontier I do can not think this house it should can be considered suitable for an offi for the…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1875
Image 10 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Military buildings and grounds; Schuylkill Arsenal, … None of the inconveniences and deprivations which attach to a residence in these houses were pointed out to me by any one at the depot and the two officers most directly concerned…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1875
Image 11 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Military buildings and grounds; Schuylkill Arsenal, … I am sure however that then the defects to which I allude ought not be regarded as irremediable and permanent and as their purpose the simplest remedies for them would affect the…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1875
Image 12 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Military buildings and grounds; Schuylkill Arsenal, … To Genl Meigs 1st June 1875 About improvement of the grounds and urging modification of the plan of two bldgs 7th June 1875 Capt JF Rogers USA Schuylkill Arsenal Dear Sir Excuse…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1875
Image 13 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Military buildings and grounds; Schuylkill Arsenal, … Rogers June 7 75 are there precedents for such an appropriation and might I reasonably recommend an application for the purpose
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1875
Image 14 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Military buildings and grounds; Schuylkill Arsenal, … To Capt J F Rodgers June 7 75
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1875
Image 15 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Military buildings and grounds; Schuylkill Arsenal, … WASHINGTON CITY NO 12 39 VERMONT AVENUE N W JUNE 8 TH 1875 MY DEAR SIR I HAVE RECEIVED YOUR LETTER OF THE 5TH INST HAVING MY SELF BEEN DETACHED ON SPECIAL…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1875
Image 16 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Military buildings and grounds; Schuylkill Arsenal, … Gnl Meigs 8th June 75 War Department Quartermaster Generals Office Washington D C June 15 1875 Mr Fred Law Olmstead Landscape Architect 209 West 46th St New York Sir In reply to…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1875
Image 17 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Military buildings and grounds; Schuylkill Arsenal, … Gnrl Ingalls 15th June 75 Cap John F Rogers Schuykill Arsenal 18th June 1875 My Dear Captain Since I saw you I have read a letter from General Ingalls who recognizes the…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1875
Image 18 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Military buildings and grounds; Schuylkill Arsenal, … The diagram shows half of it enclosed and in this the following additional accommodations 1st a vestibule which is a combination of the present hall 2d a coat and washing room 9…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1875
Image 19 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Military buildings and grounds; Schuylkill Arsenal, … To Capt Rogers 18th June 1875 Philadelphia Depot of the Q M Department Philadelphia June 18th 1875 Mr Fredric Law Olmsted New York Return to FLO Dr Sir With reference to those…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1875
Image 20 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Military buildings and grounds; Schuylkill Arsenal, … Capt Rogers 18th June75
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1875
Image 21 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Military buildings and grounds; Schuylkill Arsenal, … Philadelphia Depot of the QM Department Philadelphia June 13 1875 Mr Fred Law Olmsted 209 West 46th St New York Dear Sir If you can make an estimate for the south gate…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1875
Image 22 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Military buildings and grounds; Schuylkill Arsenal, … Capt Rodgers June 2375
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1875
Image 23 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Military buildings and grounds; Schuylkill Arsenal, … SCHUYLKILL ARSENAL PHILADELPHIA June 28th 1875 Mr F Law Olmsted New York City My dear Sir I received the plan of gates today and have written you saying that it was acceptable…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1875
Image 24 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Military buildings and grounds; Schuylkill Arsenal, … and estimates as rapidly as possible so that work may be completed before cold weather sets in I am anxious to know the superficial feet in roadways and walks to decide as…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1875
Image 25 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Military buildings and grounds; Schuylkill Arsenal, … From Capt Rodgers June 28 Philadelphia Depot of the Q M Department Philadelphia June 29 187 Mr Fred Law Olmsted New York Dear Sir Your plans for gate have just arrived Mr…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1875
Image 26 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Military buildings and grounds; Schuylkill Arsenal, … From to Capt Rodgers June 30 75
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1875
Image 27 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Military buildings and grounds; Schuylkill Arsenal, … 30th June 75 To Capin Rogers I have recd yours of 29th and have given Mgr Ellins ofc their instructions accordingly Very Respy FLO Lee 29 Charles Street NY 2nd July 1875…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1875
Image 28 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Military buildings and grounds; Schuylkill Arsenal, … The price for stone coping I obtained from Myers Nyc and is cheaper than the Washington prices Very much hurried I am yours truly Thomas Wisedell I do not know how to…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1875
Image 29 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Military buildings and grounds; Schuylkill Arsenal, … Wisedell July 2 75 6th July 1875 Captain J F Rogers USA Dear Sir The area of roadway proposed to be grav to be concreted vizfrom gate to corner of quadrangle the…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1875
Image 30 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Military buildings and grounds; Schuylkill Arsenal, … To Capt Rodgers July 6 75 Philadelphia Pa July 10th 1875 To Mr Fred Law Olmsted New York City My dear Sir I beg leave to acknowledge the receipt of your letter…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1875
Image 31 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Military buildings and grounds; Schuylkill Arsenal, … be submitted to him at an early day I notice your item of 8000 for improvements of Officers Quarters and think that it will hardly meet the approbation of Genl Ingalls Still…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1875
Image 32 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Military buildings and grounds; Schuylkill Arsenal, … Capt Rodgers July 10 75 NY 13th July 1875 Captain JF Rodgers USA Schuylkill Arsenal Phila Dear Sir I have On returning from Washington I have received your favor of 10th inst…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1875
Image 33 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Military buildings and grounds; Schuylkill Arsenal, … I will have the working plans proceeded with as soon as possible after the return of Mr Wisedell who is now away for a short holiday I regret that a longer detention…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1875
Image 34 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Military buildings and grounds; Schuylkill Arsenal, … To Capt Rodgers July 13_75 Philadelphia Depot of the Q M Department Philadelphia July 15th 1875 Mr Fred Law Olmsted New York Dear Sir Your letter of the 13th inst is at…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1875
Image 35 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Military buildings and grounds; Schuylkill Arsenal, … JF Rodgers July 15 1875
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1875
Image 36 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Military buildings and grounds; Schuylkill Arsenal, … Schuylkill Arsenal Costs of William E Davies Surveyor 1875 July 26 Accompanying Mr Weidenmann and Mr Olmsted Jr to Philadelphia and taking levels and measurements 1 day 10 00 Paid part of…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1875
Image 37 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Military buildings and grounds; Schuylkill Arsenal, … Wm E Davies bill
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1875
Image 38 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Military buildings and grounds; Schuylkill Arsenal, … Captain Captn J F Rodgers USA Schuylkill Arsenal 6th August 1875 My Dear Sir I enclose a suggestion for a different treatment of the central feature of the court As a matter…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1875
Image 39 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Military buildings and grounds; Schuylkill Arsenal, … respect but you will find that in point of fact the difference of time in crossing the ground by the paths as at first proposed and of going around as under this…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1875
Image 40 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Military buildings and grounds; Schuylkill Arsenal, … If you have occasion to pass through S 6th St between Market Chestnut Streets I wish that you would examine and give me your impression of the condition of the pavement thus…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1875