Manuscript/Mixed Material Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; Minneapolis, Minn., 1886-1887
Image 1 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; Minneapolis, Minn., 1886-1887 Frederick Law Olmsted Subject File Parks Minneapolis Minn 1887 1886
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1886
Image 2 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; Minneapolis, Minn., 1886-1887 To the Park Commission of Minneapolis Sirs Public accounts having interested me in your field of operations in planning the trip to the Pacific coast from which I am now returning I…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1886
Image 3 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; Minneapolis, Minn., 1886-1887 to be excused from literally complying with the Presidents request Wishing however to make some such slight return as I am for his courtesy I propose to offer you in this communication…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1886
Image 4 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; Minneapolis, Minn., 1886-1887 views with gentlemen in charge of park works in other countries The more important and characteristic works of Park Commission â those with regard to which there has till lately been no…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1886
Image 5 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; Minneapolis, Minn., 1886-1887 given any duty in the premises Why has it been thought desirable to vary at all from the methods under which the common streets of a city were laid out and the…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1886
Image 6 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; Minneapolis, Minn., 1886-1887 To the Park Commissioners of Minneapolis Sirs Public accounts having interested me in your operations in planning a trip to the Pacific from which I am now returning I gave myself a…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1886
Image 7 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; Minneapolis, Minn., 1886-1887 a city The proper answer is to be approached I think in this way If we go back far enough in the history of all old cities we find that the place…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1886
Image 8 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; Minneapolis, Minn., 1886-1887 have come to be so largely divisable into business streets and domestic streets to reveal a tendency of social progress to which it would now be almost criminal to disregard in extending…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1886
Image 9 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; Minneapolis, Minn., 1886-1887 exclusively by men free from the daily cares of business in Towns third to make the means of communication between these the new semirural residence quarters of a city and its to…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1886
Image 10 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; Minneapolis, Minn., 1886-1887 in the dwelling houses built before the war in Washington and with those built since It may be seen in the more luxurious dwelling houses now building in Chicago which are in…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1886
Image 11 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; Minneapolis, Minn., 1886-1887 what the permanent interests of the community accomplish what is desirable as a whole demand What are called Parkways if judiciously designed are likely to become the stems of systems of streets…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1886
Image 12 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; Minneapolis, Minn., 1886-1887 The essence of the duty of Park Commissions in respect to parks may be come at in a similar manner With respect to parks that is to say so called in distinction…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1886
Image 13 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; Minneapolis, Minn., 1886-1887 When in 1858 Northpark set about making a park of 760 acres there was a general feeling reason for the apprehension that the undertaking was not merely ahead of the times but…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1886
Image 14 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; Minneapolis, Minn., 1886-1887 Â What is at the bottom of the popular want that is to be served by these large bodies of land What is their distinctive essential purpose that could not be served…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1886
Image 15 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; Minneapolis, Minn., 1886-1887 objects of interest the more valuable the park Hence other things being equal within reasonable limits the larger the park the better because the larger it is the smaller relatively the less…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1886
Image 16 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; Minneapolis, Minn., 1886-1887 bring about by their growth under considerable skilled management broad simple ingenous and unaffected passages of natural scenery The second principle should control the situation and the form of all buildings and…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1886
Image 17 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; Minneapolis, Minn., 1886-1887 the principle has been disregarded in parks the consequences have been deplorable regretted There has been no case within my knowledge where when the project of a large park has come to…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1886
Image 18 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; Minneapolis, Minn., 1886-1887 so early in its career and with so much obvious enterprise that and has at its command in Mr Cleveland so experienced excellent a professional counsellor that it is reasonable to hope…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1886
Image 19 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; Minneapolis, Minn., 1886-1887 strongly that after long agitation and many miscarriages each has been obtained at lately acquired at a price ten times greater than would originally have been willingly accepted necessary to pay This…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1886
Image 20 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; Minneapolis, Minn., 1886-1887 masonry and bronze statues on granite pedestals first so placed as to be one of concert with the natural landscape as any landscape gardener a proper professional adviser like Mr Cleveland would…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1886
Image 21 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; Minneapolis, Minn., 1886-1887 ments are needed to draw many who will come to it in carriages to leave them and take walking exercise Physicians often urge this Lastly it may be promoted and as a…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1886
Image 22 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; Minneapolis, Minn., 1886-1887 It is not to be reasonably supposed that the habit of preparing a meal have as one mind than begun to be favorably adopted to the new conditions that have there come…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1886
Image 23 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; Minneapolis, Minn., 1886-1887 IV Minn PR FOURTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BOARD OF Park Commissioners OF THE CITY OF MINNEAPOLIS FOR THE YEAR ENDING March 14 1887
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1886
Image 24 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; Minneapolis, Minn., 1886-1887 VIEW IN CENTRAL PARK FOURTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BOARD OF Park Commissioners OF THE CITY OF MINNEAPOLIS FOR THE Year Ending March I4 I887 MINNEAPOLIS MINN TRIBUNE JOB PRINTING COMPANY 1887
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1886
Image 25 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; Minneapolis, Minn., 1886-1887 OFFICERSâ18867 CHARLES M LORING President DORILUS MORRISON VicePresident RUFUS J BALDWIN Secretary See last page of cover for Board and Officers for 18878 PARK COMMISSIONERSâ18867 ALBERT A AMES Mayor Park Commissioner exofficio…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1886
Image 26 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; Minneapolis, Minn., 1886-1887 6 FOURTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE LAKE HARRIET BOULEVARD Has been completed during the year by the final acquisition of 80 rods along the south shore of the lake at a cost…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1886
Image 27 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; Minneapolis, Minn., 1886-1887 8 FOURTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE A statement of the receipts and expenditures of the Board during the year as required by the Park Act is appended hereto Minneapolis March 14th 1887…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1886
Image 28 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; Minneapolis, Minn., 1886-1887 10 FOURTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE June 3 Commissions National Park Bank paying coupons 11 96 July 3 Engraving and printing annual report 130 00 3 Horse board 36 00 3 Stationery…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1886
Image 29 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; Minneapolis, Minn., 1886-1887 12 FOURTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE 15 Electric lights 136 00 15 Lumber 442 25 15 Use of Roller 6 00 15 Grass seed 160 00 June 3 Pay roll for May…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1886
Image 30 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; Minneapolis, Minn., 1886-1887 14 FOURTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE RIVERSIDE PARK 1886 May 3 Pay roll December ice 6 75 3 January 28 77 15 March 2 50 15 April 218 50 June 3 May…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1886
Image 31 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; Minneapolis, Minn., 1886-1887 16 FOURTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE LAKE OF THE ISLES BOULEVARD 1886 July 3 Engineering 63 60 July 17 Engineering 26 75 Sept 18 Damages for lands of Thos Halloran 301 17…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1886
Image 32 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; Minneapolis, Minn., 1886-1887 18 FOURTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE PAY ROLL BALANCES 1886 Aug 30 Payment of balance returned to Park Fund 81 20 Oct 9 68 25 8 77 66 Nov 5 68 52…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1886
Image 33 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; Minneapolis, Minn., 1886-1887 20 FOURTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE was ordinarily under the same roof with his dwelling and it was customary for all classes of mechanics and craftsmen as well as all sorts of…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1886
Image 34 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; Minneapolis, Minn., 1886-1887 22 FOURTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE not originate in any popular demand they were not the property of the cities that made use of them They had been formed and held for…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1886
Image 35 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; Minneapolis, Minn., 1886-1887 24 FOURTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE will not meet with a similar experience Yet a caution against mistaken economy in the respect indicated may yet be timely Within fifteen years after the…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1886
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1886
Image 37 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; Minneapolis, Minn., 1886-1887 28 MINNEAPOLIS PARK SYSTEM same to be surveyed platted and the plat thereof to be filed in the office of the city engineer and upon obtaining title and the right of possession…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1886
Image 38 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; Minneapolis, Minn., 1886-1887 30 MINNEAPOLIS PARK SYSTEM aforesaid shall make and file with the Secretary of said board of Park Commissioners a written report to said Board of Park Commissioners of their action in the…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1886
Image 39 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; Minneapolis, Minn., 1886-1887 32 MINNEAPOLIS PARK SYSTEM the first instance whether there was in the proceeding any such irregularity or omission of duty prejudicial to the appellant and specified in said written objections that as…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1886
Image 40 of Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; Minneapolis, Minn., 1886-1887 34 MINNEAPOLIS PARK SYSTEM land are specially benefited shall be deemed to include all the lands so specially benefited In case of the purchase of lands for any such parks or park…
- Contributor: Olmsted, Frederick Law
- Date: 1886