Manuscript/Mixed Material George S. Patton Papers: Diaries, 1910-1945; Original; 1914 , 1916 , and 1917
Image 1 of George S. Patton Papers: Diaries, 1910-1945; Original; 1914 , 1916 , and 1917 GEORGE S PATTON DIARIES Original 1914 1916 and 1917 BOX 1 FOLDER 2 Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at crowdlocgov
- Contributor: Patton, George S. (George Smith)
- Date: 1914-01-01
Image 2 of George S. Patton Papers: Diaries, 1910-1945; Original; 1914 , 1916 , and 1917
- Contributor: Patton, George S. (George Smith)
- Date: 1914-01-01
Image 3 of George S. Patton Papers: Diaries, 1910-1945; Original; 1914 , 1916 , and 1917 Left Bliss on 13 Crossed at Columbus 15 Cubertson 16 Notes on Punitive Expedition US Army Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at crowdlocgov
- Contributor: Patton, George S. (George Smith)
- Date: 1914-01-01
Image 4 of George S. Patton Papers: Diaries, 1910-1945; Original; 1914 , 1916 , and 1917 Mar 11 16 I was worried all day for fear the 8th Cav would not go to Mexico as I smoked on the porch after lunch Saw Capt Moses who told me…
- Contributor: Patton, George S. (George Smith)
- Date: 1914-01-01
Image 5 of George S. Patton Papers: Diaries, 1910-1945; Original; 1914 , 1916 , and 1917 He said he would take me if he could I called after supper that night and said I was good with correspondents Mar 12 13 General called up at 830 to say…
- Contributor: Patton, George S. (George Smith)
- Date: 1914-01-01
Image 6 of George S. Patton Papers: Diaries, 1910-1945; Original; 1914 , 1916 , and 1917 off Went to bed Mar 134 Worked all day getting the staff going looking up guides etc very interesting Mar 1413 Selected what part of the baggage was to go each officer…
- Contributor: Patton, George S. (George Smith)
- Date: 1914-01-01
Image 7 of George S. Patton Papers: Diaries, 1910-1945; Original; 1914 , 1916 , and 1917 8 horses for Gen Staff guides etc Column started at 115 am Gen arrived 200 am we started 245 Mar 16 Crossed Border 317 reached Carrijo at 7 am having ridden 20…
- Contributor: Patton, George S. (George Smith)
- Date: 1914-01-01
Image 8 of George S. Patton Papers: Diaries, 1910-1945; Original; 1914 , 1916 , and 1917 locomotive eng in command also helio men as we expected to use Mex RR Mar 18 Moved entire command to river Fine camp plenty of water Took hay and corn from mormons…
- Contributor: Patton, George S. (George Smith)
- Date: 1914-01-01
Image 9 of George S. Patton Papers: Diaries, 1910-1945; Original; 1914 , 1916 , and 1917 10 Cav left on train about 245 pm Put one correspondent in arrest for sending messages with out authority Re arranged duties of Aides Shallenberger charge of Hdqs camp mess etc Collins…
- Contributor: Patton, George S. (George Smith)
- Date: 1914-01-01
Image 10 of George S. Patton Papers: Diaries, 1910-1945; Original; 1914 , 1916 , and 1917 New Casas Grandes to Get Gen Gavila and his two aides I intended to go in auto but all broke down except one which Col Dodd took to go to El Valle…
- Contributor: Patton, George S. (George Smith)
- Date: 1914-01-01
Image 11 of George S. Patton Papers: Diaries, 1910-1945; Original; 1914 , 1916 , and 1917 return Gen and I went to Station and I volunteered to go by Auto to Col Dodd he told me to get ready Then decided to go with me finally his staff…
- Contributor: Patton, George S. (George Smith)
- Date: 1914-01-01
Image 12 of George S. Patton Papers: Diaries, 1910-1945; Original; 1914 , 1916 , and 1917 dinner in dug out Gen slept in Auto Lucas Maj R and I combined our blankets and slept on cots very cold all I took off was my field glasses Thought my…
- Contributor: Patton, George S. (George Smith)
- Date: 1914-01-01
Image 13 of George S. Patton Papers: Diaries, 1910-1945; Original; 1914 , 1916 , and 1917 to us but found they had gone back to C G Gen very mad Maj Howze reported approaching we waited for him Col Gave him order to get on trail of Villa…
- Contributor: Patton, George S. (George Smith)
- Date: 1914-01-01
Image 14 of George S. Patton Papers: Diaries, 1910-1945; Original; 1914 , 1916 , and 1917 Mar 26 Practically nothing to do no news Mar 27 Say around camp all morning At noon Gen told me to get five machines ready to go to Bichiniba in the morning…
- Contributor: Patton, George S. (George Smith)
- Date: 1914-01-01
Image 15 of George S. Patton Papers: Diaries, 1910-1945; Original; 1914 , 1916 , and 1917 natives who told us Col Dodd with the 7th had left the day before we tried to get one to take a message but he said he was afraid of Villa this…
- Contributor: Patton, George S. (George Smith)
- Date: 1914-01-01
Image 16 of George S. Patton Papers: Diaries, 1910-1945; Original; 1914 , 1916 , and 1917 Mar 31 him Started at 1130 which was too late It was very cold we lost our way once Reached Providencia at 7 am where we fed and cooked Breakfast I had…
- Contributor: Patton, George S. (George Smith)
- Date: 1914-01-01
Image 17 of George S. Patton Papers: Diaries, 1910-1945; Original; 1914 , 1916 , and 1917 12 On the way I inspected a hacienda where every one was drunk One old lady had Cyphilis I took one man because he had a soldiers shoes On way to town…
- Contributor: Patton, George S. (George Smith)
- Date: 1914-01-01
Image 18 of George S. Patton Papers: Diaries, 1910-1945; Original; 1914 , 1916 , and 1917 Apr 3 Gen Pershing staid in camp Two troops Maj Howze Sqn got in followed later by other two they came from Bachiniba I left in auto at 1 PM to take…
- Contributor: Patton, George S. (George Smith)
- Date: 1914-01-01
Image 19 of George S. Patton Papers: Diaries, 1910-1945; Original; 1914 , 1916 , and 1917 having come back with two mex Vaqueros saw wild turkeys Col Allens Sqn got in Gen ordered Hdqs moved to Namiquipa and arranged for further movement of troops south Apr 6 Dargue…
- Contributor: Patton, George S. (George Smith)
- Date: 1914-01-01
Image 20 of George S. Patton Papers: Diaries, 1910-1945; Original; 1914 , 1916 , and 1917 stuff to San Antonio Gen R Me Maj Brown left for San Antonio at noon with stuff in truck reached camp at dark found Col Allen one sqn 11 Cav Apr 9…
- Contributor: Patton, George S. (George Smith)
- Date: 1914-01-01
Image 21 of George S. Patton Papers: Diaries, 1910-1945; Original; 1914 , 1916 , and 1917 Lt Davis driving lost dodge bumped truck Dodge and one side car motorcycle abandoned We found two planes in camp Robers commanded Gen Terranza Apr 12 nothing Apr 13 N Capt Reed…
- Contributor: Patton, George S. (George Smith)
- Date: 1914-01-01
Image 22 of George S. Patton Papers: Diaries, 1910-1945; Original; 1914 , 1916 , and 1917 on the phone and from him had word from Maj Howze dated 13 Parral Gen sent wire to Funston also to Howze We past San Ysabel just at dark where a Ford…
- Contributor: Patton, George S. (George Smith)
- Date: 1914-01-01
Image 23 of George S. Patton Papers: Diaries, 1910-1945; Original; 1914 , 1916 , and 1917 9 am with three men and two rifles one man son of Presidenti at Nami Col Cabell decided to go toward Parral with five autos Maj Ryan with one Auto and two…
- Contributor: Patton, George S. (George Smith)
- Date: 1914-01-01
Image 24 of George S. Patton Papers: Diaries, 1910-1945; Original; 1914 , 1916 , and 1917 Buick from Taylor for 21 50100 Wrote several letters Apr 24 Gen P went to San Geronimo and back in afternoon I took five trucks to 7th Cav at Neuarachic Pass Learned…
- Contributor: Patton, George S. (George Smith)
- Date: 1914-01-01
Image 25 of George S. Patton Papers: Diaries, 1910-1945; Original; 1914 , 1916 , and 1917 Apr 30 Gen P Cabell Left at 220 pm Capt Kromer and Collins went to San Antonio Mex to day Gen P let me join a column of the 13th to see…
- Contributor: Patton, George S. (George Smith)
- Date: 1914-01-01
Image 26 of George S. Patton Papers: Diaries, 1910-1945; Original; 1914 , 1916 , and 1917 After dark relieved our sentinels with some Inft under Lt Bridges who had been hiding near by Tried to get information out of uncle failed May 3 Left Camp at 255 AM…
- Contributor: Patton, George S. (George Smith)
- Date: 1914-01-01
Image 27 of George S. Patton Papers: Diaries, 1910-1945; Original; 1914 , 1916 , and 1917 Apr 30 Reached Lake Itascate at 420 inspected camps 5 11 15 Cav Left at 830 reached Sant Antonio 11 PM May 1 Regiments at San Antonio All 6th Inft 6 Troops…
- Contributor: Patton, George S. (George Smith)
- Date: 1914-01-01
Image 28 of George S. Patton Papers: Diaries, 1910-1945; Original; 1914 , 1916 , and 1917 About 2 pm a man came in with news of Col Howze fight at Ojo Azul where 42 Mex were killed Gen much pleased Apr 6 Part of 13 Cav went to…
- Contributor: Patton, George S. (George Smith)
- Date: 1914-01-01
Image 29 of George S. Patton Papers: Diaries, 1910-1945; Original; 1914 , 1916 , and 1917 started 5 pm to bring back 1st Sqn that regiment Truck train with hay came in 20 whites May 10 Gen Arranged march table and sent for truck rains to take away…
- Contributor: Patton, George S. (George Smith)
- Date: 1914-01-01
Image 30 of George S. Patton Papers: Diaries, 1910-1945; Original; 1914 , 1916 , and 1917 corn I was to pay 4 P per heck delivered Itascate Went to Coyote Rubio Salsito secured 250 hecks decided to go to San Migel and see if I could find Julio…
- Contributor: Patton, George S. (George Smith)
- Date: 1914-01-01
Image 31 of George S. Patton Papers: Diaries, 1910-1945; Original; 1914 , 1916 , and 1917 Campenole went to Sant Ana to see Aldarete Jose M Esperansa reported to Gen that had been in town again last night I did absolutely nothing but take a bath 6th Inft…
- Contributor: Patton, George S. (George Smith)
- Date: 1914-01-01
Image 32 of George S. Patton Papers: Diaries, 1910-1945; Original; 1914 , 1916 , and 1917 from Cruses One 11th SW from Cruses All troops to start so as to be in position by midnight May 24 All troops moved out as directed but got nothing About 2…
- Contributor: Patton, George S. (George Smith)
- Date: 1914-01-01
Image 33 of George S. Patton Papers: Diaries, 1910-1945; Original; 1914 , 1916 , and 1917 Got mail and books to day Started new mess made table for Gen Nothing important rumor that Obregon had called all officers to colors May 28 Nothing of importance happened Maj Howze…
- Contributor: Patton, George S. (George Smith)
- Date: 1914-01-01
Image 34 of George S. Patton Papers: Diaries, 1910-1945; Original; 1914 , 1916 , and 1917 June 4 Col Dodd Capt Reed went to El Valle June 5 Nothing June 6 Went hunting with Carson and Bell saw one deer Capt Reed Maj Ryan got back June 7…
- Contributor: Patton, George S. (George Smith)
- Date: 1914-01-01
Image 35 of George S. Patton Papers: Diaries, 1910-1945; Original; 1914 , 1916 , and 1917 found caves recently lived in but no guns rode 25 miles Started to make round up at Geronamo but not June 17 Three Carransa Majors came to Nami to get prisoners and…
- Contributor: Patton, George S. (George Smith)
- Date: 1914-01-01
Image 36 of George S. Patton Papers: Diaries, 1910-1945; Original; 1914 , 1916 , and 1917 at 12 noon Poor camp little water Saw Chinaman who seemed to be a spy recovered mule June 25 Stated 455 AM reached Doublan at 9 AM found General and rest of…
- Contributor: Patton, George S. (George Smith)
- Date: 1914-01-01
Image 37 of George S. Patton Papers: Diaries, 1910-1945; Original; 1914 , 1916 , and 1917 July 5 Bad wind all day had stomach ake July 6 Rode to Old Cases Grandes took some pictures almost got into trouble with presidente July 7 Nothing July 8 General P…
- Contributor: Patton, George S. (George Smith)
- Date: 1914-01-01
Image 38 of George S. Patton Papers: Diaries, 1910-1945; Original; 1914 , 1916 , and 1917 July 16 Gen P went to Colona Juarez One Truck train got in July 17 Nothing until 10 PM when train with Gen Gonzales and Col Chavis with 75 Cav came in…
- Contributor: Patton, George S. (George Smith)
- Date: 1914-01-01
Image 39 of George S. Patton Papers: Diaries, 1910-1945; Original; 1914 , 1916 , and 1917 July 22 No rain or any thing else July 23 Jumped Sylvia also Maj Hines grey horse Discussed the saber with the General he does not think much of it rained a…
- Contributor: Patton, George S. (George Smith)
- Date: 1914-01-01
Image 40 of George S. Patton Papers: Diaries, 1910-1945; Original; 1914 , 1916 , and 1917 from El Valle to go to Columbus to meet Gen Bliss July 31 Johnson and I went antelope hunting I killed one Lobo got away while I was shooting and I had…
- Contributor: Patton, George S. (George Smith)
- Date: 1914-01-01