Manuscript/Mixed Material Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; 1950, Oct.
Image 1 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; 1950, Oct. CORRESPONDENCE OCT 1950 Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at crowdlocgov
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1950-10-01
Image 2 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; 1950, Oct. October 1 1950 My Dear Friend Doubtless you have received notice of the production of my Hatian Opera Ouanga by the DraMu Opera Company in Philadelphia on Friday evening October 27 at…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1950-10-01
Image 3 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; 1950, Oct. Tuesday Evening Club of Social Workers Inc 1114 O Street N W Washington D C There will be a special regular meeting at the above address WHEN Tues 800 PM Oct 3…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1950-10-01
Image 4 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; 1950, Oct. WORKERS DEFENSE BULLETIN FALL 1950 WDL PENETRATES IRON CURTAIN CLARENCE JACKSON RETURNED TO GEORGIA June 1950 saw the end of the more than yearlong judicial battle to save Clarence Jackson from return…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1950-10-01
Image 5 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; 1950, Oct. Editorial WDL Policy Continued from page 1 system Why use such terms as iron curtain Stalinists and Stalinoids Does this not gratuitously add to the war fever Here the answers are equally…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1950-10-01
Image 6 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; 1950, Oct. INDONESIANS CONTINUE TO FACE DEPORTATION AND JOB DISCRIMINATION Abdulhalik Ben Dollah Indonesian seaman has been sailing American ships since 1942 His record is good Now he can no longer sail the seas…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1950-10-01
Image 7 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; 1950, Oct. Norman Thomas 112 E 19th Street New York 2 N Y Dear Mr Thomas For the continuing work of the Workers Defense League I enclose my contribution of ______ Please send copies…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1950-10-01
Image 8 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; 1950, Oct. The Evening StarThe Sunday Star WASHINGTON 4 DC October 6 1950 Mrs Mary Church Terrell 1615 S Street NW Washington DC Dear Mrs Terrell I have received and read with interest the…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1950-10-01
Image 9 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; 1950, Oct. Methodist Episcopal Zion 3 Colored Methodist Episcopal 4 National Baptist Inc and others 5 African Orthodix 6 Methodist Central Jurisdiction 7 Disciples Christian 8 The Church Of Our Lord Jesus 9 Conference…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1950-10-01
Image 10 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; 1950, Oct. BRIEF ANSWERS TO BASIC QUESTIONS 1 What is the National Fraternal Council of Churches U S A Incorporated Ans It is a cooperative movement made up of the major Negro Church denominations…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1950-10-01
Image 11 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; 1950, Oct. I want to join you in endorsing the statement calling upon Presi dent Truman to explore all possi bilities for the peaceful settle ment of present international tensions Name ______ Address ______…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1950-10-01
Image 12 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; 1950, Oct. 1615 S St NW Washington DC Oct 10 1950 It is a genuine pleasure for me to testify to this excellent service rendered by Dr Ambrose Caliver in the important position he…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1950-10-01
Image 13 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; 1950, Oct. United Community Services of Washington 1101 M St NW Washington 5 DC Decatur 7330 October 10 1950 TO MEMBERS OF SETTLEMENT HOUSE BOARDS In connection with the selfstudies now being done by…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1950-10-01
Image 14 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; 1950, Oct. The National Association of Negro Business and Professional Womens Clubs Incorporated Official OrganResponsibility 1950 Annual Convention October 272829 Office of the President 1011 You Street N W National Officers President Mrs Geneva…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1950-10-01
Image 15 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; 1950, Oct. Reprinted from SEE Sept 1950 Issue Millions in Misery Clutching his pinched stomach in pain dying Chinese farmer falls by wayside His daughter 4 got the last of his food but also…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1950-10-01
Image 16 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; 1950, Oct. Famine in China Continued Youth and age distraught with hunger are typical of millions fleeing to West for food Many hundreds of thousands have already perished in new China disaster Asias Four…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1950-10-01
Image 17 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; 1950, Oct. Photo TATTERED TORTURED WITH HUNGER CHINESE BOY SINKS EXHAUSTED IN SUCHOW STREET Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at crowdlocgov
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1950-10-01
Image 18 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; 1950, Oct. 2 which I have done There are no matters to discuss concerning the committee anymore because it does not exist The final financial statement was sent out as of Sept 1 1950…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1950-10-01
Image 19 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; 1950, Oct. matter is a closed affair Those who worked before will continue to do so in spite of all difficulties of the times and obstacles Sincerely Maude White Katz Committee to Abolish Discrimination…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1950-10-01
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1950-10-01
Image 21 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; 1950, Oct. MRS MARY CHURCH TERRELL 1615 S Street N W Washington 9 DC Oct 20 1950 Mrs Geneva K Valentine President of the National Association of Negro Business and Professional Womens Clubs 1011…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1950-10-01
Image 22 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; 1950, Oct. Organized 1896 National Association of Colored Women Inc Incorporate 1904 Affiliated with the National Council of Women USA Inc 1906 Maintains Frederick Douglass Memorial Home and Property1916 Established National Scholarship Fund and…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1950-10-01
Image 23 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; 1950, Oct. MUNICIPAL COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Appellant vs JOHN R THOMPSON COMPANY INC No 967 Appellee Brief of the Coordinating Committee for the Enforcement of the…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1950-10-01
Image 24 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; 1950, Oct. Left Page 3 made a derogatory remark to the colored patron or within the hearing of the checker or left his seat to indicate a negative reaction The checkers reported that occas…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1950-10-01
Image 25 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; 1950, Oct. 5 was refused In eight additional cases however services was refused at first and then secured after one or more conversations between the Committee representatives and management The reasons for their final…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1950-10-01
Image 26 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; 1950, Oct. 7 A similar request was made by a taxicab driver who says he is likely to find himself remote from the Negro sections of town at meal times 5 Request received April…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1950-10-01
Image 27 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; 1950, Oct. APPENDIX Restaurants covered in the Restaurant Survey April 8 1950October 7 1950 Showing Number of Checks Made Number of times Served Number of Times Refused Restaurant Checks Times Times Made Served Refused…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1950-10-01
Image 28 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; 1950, Oct. EMMA J ANDREWS WOMANS CLUB Organized December 21st 1932 Object Perpetual Memory MOTTO TO HIGHER HEIGHTS Flower Poinsetta Bertha Scott President Ruth Courch Cor Secretary Address 4 5532 LaSalle Address 4514 Evans…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1950-10-01
Image 29 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; 1950, Oct. HOWARD UNIVERSITY WASHINGTON 1 D C October 26 1950 Dear Mrs Terrell Please do not think that I have forgotten my promise to come over and help you with your clippings I…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1950-10-01
Image 30 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; 1950, Oct. ca102750 1945 THE DRA MU OPERA COMPANY 1950 Raymond Smith Founder 130 N Sickels Street Telephone GRanite 40059 Philadelphia 39 Penna Dear Friend On Friday evening October 27 1950 the Dra Mu…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1950-10-01
Image 31 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; 1950, Oct. AMERICAN SPONSORING COMMITTEE FOR REPRESENTATION TO THE WORLD PEACE CONGRESS 135 Liberty Street Room 409 REctor 29351 New York 6 NY URGENT M E M O R A N D U M…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1950-10-01