Manuscript/Mixed Material Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; Undated; H
Image 1 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; Undated; H CORRESPONDENCE H undated Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at crowdlocgov
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1886-01-01
Image 2 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; Undated; H Seasons Greetings Mr and Mrs Arthur W Hummel Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at crowdlocgov
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1886-01-01
Image 3 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; Undated; H Dear Mrs Terrell Dont think Im a renegade I didnt get my trip to New York because old China friends came unexpectedly and I needs must entertain them And now Christmas is…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1886-01-01
Image 4 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; Undated; H CONFERENCE ON KINDER FEELING BETTER UNDERSTANDING BT THE RACES Mrs Mollie Church Terrell 1615 S street N W My dear Mrs Terrell A meeting will be held at Rauschers Thursday afternoon of…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1886-01-01
Image 5 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; Undated; H Mrs Hiram J Hays 4863 Potomac Avenue N W Washington 7 D C Oct 30th Dear Mrs Terrell I would like to have been with you some time soon after the celebration…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1886-01-01
Image 6 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; Undated; H in New York a few days before my daughters 50th birthday celebration on the 15th of October A cold prevented and instead I drove in with Betty and Bill on the 15th…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1886-01-01
Image 7 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; Undated; H SAMUEL CHRISTIE 745 2nd St NW WASHINGTON DC apt 7 3rd FLOOR heavenly sleep or give an extra twang to your celestial harp How would that be I am trying to finish…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1886-01-01
Image 8 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; Undated; H forever efforts for the honorary degree had been made It might have helped yet who knows I think the article is very good and coming from Mrs Catt certainly is significant It…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1886-01-01
Image 9 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; Undated; H Mrs Hiram J Hays 4863 Potomac Avenue N W Washington 7 D C Dear Mrs Terrell Mrs Letcher is an active member of our Organizations Committee and suggested a speaker for Saturdays…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1886-01-01
Image 10 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; Undated; H Colored Women at 12th and O St N W Please let either me or Mrs Letcher know at what time you prefer speaking The work of the Organizations Committee as you know…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1886-01-01
Image 11 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; Undated; H BeaverRamapo Democratic Club Regular Tamany Hall Organization of the 21st Assembly District 728 St Nicholas Avenue New York City Executive Members Herbert L Bruce Elizabeth R Haynes Telephone Audubon 38703 Dear Mrs…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1886-01-01
Image 12 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; Undated; H that we would like to set a date convenient to you and to those we are most desirous of having to the initial meeting We are of the opinion that the purpose…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1886-01-01
Image 13 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; Undated; H criticism and suggestions you wish toward the accomplishment of this objective With sincere regards and looking forward to hearing from you Arline D Hays Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1886-01-01
Image 14 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; Undated; H Impossible to attend meeting at the last minute Sorry Many Thanks for you Kindness circumstances unforeseen and unavoidable with it impossible for me to attend the conference I am really disappointed Thank…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1886-01-01
Image 15 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; Undated; H place for you at the conference free for the nights I wish it were in my own home but it has been full for a long time for these days I will…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1886-01-01
Image 16 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; Undated; H Baltimore Md Thursday Morning Dear Mrs Terrell I came to Baltimore last evening in order to be able to make an early start for Philadelphia A friend and I are driving up…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1886-01-01
Image 17 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; Undated; H your lip at me worse than ever when you read this and think I am a perfect reniger Can you by chance take luncheon with me next Monday I will call you…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1886-01-01
Image 18 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; Undated; H Mrs Hiram J Hays 4863 Potomac Avenue N W Washington 7 D C April 27th Dear Mrs Terrell There will be a mass meeting at Odd Fellows Hall for the Rosenbergs on…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1886-01-01
Image 19 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; Undated; H will be Mr Alfred Henley and Mrs Sobell wife of one of the victims Would you kindly add a few words and tell the gathering your thoughts about the matter I will…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1886-01-01
Image 20 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; Undated; H of September at 2 oclock We are to meet at Mr Reins office 711 Fourteenth Street at 130 in order to have time to talk things over before seeing Mr Crouch Can…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1886-01-01
Image 21 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; Undated; H Toronto University tomorrow then I had intended to tell you that if you had not an escort or guide and cared to take this one why I would be delighted but usually…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1886-01-01
Image 22 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; Undated; H Raphael 17 Avenue Kieber 17 Paris Dear Mrs Terrell Have thought of you very often and will have much to tell you when I return Have take a number of pictures of…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1886-01-01
Image 23 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; Undated; H Am now on my way home after 3 months in India and some time in Lebanon And Turkey I have really learned a great deal Give my greetings to your daughter her…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1886-01-01
Image 24 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; Undated; H would be a good opening for Mr Rein Always be sure that I abide by your judgement Sincerely Arline D Hays Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1886-01-01
Image 25 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; Undated; H 1819 McCulloh St Balto Md Dear Mrs Terrell It is the plan of the Educational Committee of the YWCA to present several free lectures for the enjoyment and mental improvement of its…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1886-01-01
Image 26 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; Undated; H appreciate your service in giving us a lecture on a subject of your own selection on a date most convenient to you between Dec 1st May 1st We can arrange the time…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1886-01-01
Image 27 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; Undated; H as much time consumed as it would take to go to France Now then re contents thanks awfully for the compliment but your ball was a foul this time dont think I…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1886-01-01
Image 28 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; Undated; H also know a thing or two I really wanted to intended to go to one of the Hostess Houses but there was a matter I just could not ignore I was trying…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1886-01-01
Image 29 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; Undated; H morning for delivery at our home on Saturday afternoon They ask that much advance notice I am sorry you could not taste the cookie and cake two kinds of cookies were bought…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1886-01-01
Image 30 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; Undated; H WESTERN UNION JOHN R HAWKINS 1541 14th Street N W Washington D C I ACCEPT YOUR INVITATION OCTOBER FIRST MARY CHURCH TERRELL Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1886-01-01
Image 31 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; Undated; H Saturday My dear Mrs Terrell Please find enclosed the names together with their address of the members of Committee on Plans and Program A resolution was passed at the last meeting making…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1886-01-01
Image 32 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; Undated; H to me Ardmore 76 when you arrive in West Philadelphia where you can make better connection for Haverford than going to Broad Street We have supper at seven but if you want…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1886-01-01
Image 33 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; Undated; H Glen Hill Dear Mrs Terrell I wrote to you several days ago but I was given your Washington address to ask if you wont give us the pleasure of having you spend…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1886-01-01
Image 34 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; Undated; H may be born in Bay City to bring you here if all things looked satisfactory to you Now this is but a hope suddenly appearing on the horizon as my guest I…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1886-01-01
Image 35 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; Undated; H Now Ill not write much First I want to know you are still here Christabel Pankhurst was here she I became close friends I have a feeling youd like me too conceited…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1886-01-01
Image 36 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; Undated; H this afternoon re the license reduction that you heard spoken of whilst here the opposition every meeting bring in some motion detrimental to the temperance cause and so keep our men constantly…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1886-01-01
Image 37 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; Undated; H you Well dear was not quite sure before your note came that you were Irish save for the slight inclination that way during one of those broken chats that I was fortunate…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1886-01-01
Image 38 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; Undated; H The Helper 1011 New York Ave N W TO THE HOUSEKEEPER OR EMPLOYER I am about to begin the publication of a monthly newspaper to be known as THE EUREKA HELPER to…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1886-01-01
Image 39 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; Undated; H Sunday Feb 3rd Mrs Anna E Hendley 1733 20th Street N W Washington D C My dear Mrs Terrell I am calling a meeting of my committee for Tuesday at 2 PM…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1886-01-01
Image 40 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Correspondence, 1886-1954; Undated; H small at the church I will ask there who will pay tributes including yourself as there is no woman living today who did more for the Cause and to help Miss Anthony…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1886-01-01