Manuscript/Mixed Material Mary Church Terrell Papers: Subject File, 1884-1962; Woman's Centennial Congress, New York, N.Y., 1940
Image 1 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Subject File, 1884-1962; Woman's Centennial Congress, New York, N.Y., … SUBJECT FILE Womans Centennial Congress 1940 Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at crowdlocgov
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1940-01-01
Image 2 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Subject File, 1884-1962; Woman's Centennial Congress, New York, N.Y., … November 1940 WOMANS CENTENNIAL CONGRESS November 25 26 27 1940 New York NY Statement from the Commission on Government and Politics The Commission on Government and Politics has formulated the following general…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1940-01-01
Image 3 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Subject File, 1884-1962; Woman's Centennial Congress, New York, N.Y., … WOMANS CENTENNIAL CONGRESS BANQUET November 25 1940 SPEAKERS TABLE Miss Louise Bache Mrs Dana C Backus Mrs Guilford Dudley Mrs George Gellhorn Mrs George Piersol Mrs Halsey Wilson Mrs Chase Going Woodhouse…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1940-01-01
Image 4 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Subject File, 1884-1962; Woman's Centennial Congress, New York, N.Y., … 3 TABLE NO D 16 Davis Mrs C 35 Davis Mrs Goodman R 99 Davis Mrs Katharine C 71 Decker Harriet 69 Deming Eleanor Guest 8 de Aya Senora Maria Currea 31…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1940-01-01
Image 5 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Subject File, 1884-1962; Woman's Centennial Congress, New York, N.Y., … 5 TABLE NO L 87 Lourie Caroline B 46 Luckie Mrs S Blair 27 Ludington Katharine 55 Lyman Amy Brown 61 Lyons Irene MC SP McCormick Mrs Stanley 80 McCrea Vera Guest…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1940-01-01
Image 6 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Subject File, 1884-1962; Woman's Centennial Congress, New York, N.Y., … 7 TABLE NO S 52 Smith Mrs BW 5 Smith Fayette 10 Smith Mrs Ida B Wise 32 Smith Mrs Herbert Guest 47 SolisCohen Emily 24 Speek Mrs Peter A 51 Spencer…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1940-01-01
Image 7 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Subject File, 1884-1962; Woman's Centennial Congress, New York, N.Y., … Mary Church Terrell1615 S St NW Washington DC Tentative Draft November 25 1940 Not for publication DECLARATION OF PURPOSE of the WOMANS CENTENNIAL CONGRESS OF 1940 One hundred years ago a small…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1940-01-01
Image 8 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Subject File, 1884-1962; Woman's Centennial Congress, New York, N.Y., … 3 characterize our times To teach our children the values of truth and goodness and to build our homes on respect for the personality of each member of the family group will…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1940-01-01
Image 9 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Subject File, 1884-1962; Woman's Centennial Congress, New York, N.Y., … WOMANS CENTENNIAL CONGRESS NOVEMBER 25 26 27 1940 NEW YORK CITY Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at crowdlocgov
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1940-01-01
Image 10 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Subject File, 1884-1962; Woman's Centennial Congress, New York, N.Y., … WOMANS CENTENNIAL CONGRESS NOVEMBER 25 26 27 1940 Hotel Commodore NEW YORK CITY Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at crowdlocgov
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1940-01-01
Image 11 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Subject File, 1884-1962; Woman's Centennial Congress, New York, N.Y., … The purpose of the Congress is to honor the women of 1840 and their successors the leaders in the Womans Century and to consider the problems confronting the women of 1940 WOMANS…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1940-01-01
Image 12 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Subject File, 1884-1962; Woman's Centennial Congress, New York, N.Y., … Afternoon Meetings of all delegates Judge Florence E Allen presiding Meetings of delegates for discussion under the guidance of the five commissions Economic and Social Welfare Dr Theresa Wolfson Chairman Education of…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1940-01-01
Image 13 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Subject File, 1884-1962; Woman's Centennial Congress, New York, N.Y., … We have all been very proud of her record in the diplomatic service She has demonstrated that it is the individual that counts and not sex even in times of military invasion…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1940-01-01
Image 14 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Subject File, 1884-1962; Woman's Centennial Congress, New York, N.Y., … I Speak to American Women MRS SUNG ICHUNG China Nine years ago on September 18th ten thousand Japanese troops marched into Mukden Manchuria The Chinese Government not preparing to resist with armed…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1940-01-01
Image 15 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Subject File, 1884-1962; Woman's Centennial Congress, New York, N.Y., … and wave banners to celebrate Japanese victories the family of the child who refuses to do so may be put into prison Thus the invaders hope to compel the Chinese to betray…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1940-01-01
Image 16 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Subject File, 1884-1962; Woman's Centennial Congress, New York, N.Y., … And the new order she would impose upon the world would be identical in character to the regimes she has forced upon Manchuria and the coastal provinces of China It was because…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1940-01-01
Image 17 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Subject File, 1884-1962; Woman's Centennial Congress, New York, N.Y., … was the first held after the European War and we met under the chairmanship of Mrs Catt The spirit of that Congress was magnificent We were sure that war was over forever…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1940-01-01
Image 18 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Subject File, 1884-1962; Woman's Centennial Congress, New York, N.Y., … for justice for years and had conquered She was going to defend her rights with sticks and stones if not with arms Henceforth every little bit of arms that she was able…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1940-01-01
Image 19 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Subject File, 1884-1962; Woman's Centennial Congress, New York, N.Y., … I Speak to American Women MADAME GENEVIEVE TABOUIS France This Congress reminds me of other Congresses which I myself helped to organize in my own country Congresses where we assembled to hear…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1940-01-01
Image 20 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Subject File, 1884-1962; Woman's Centennial Congress, New York, N.Y., … February In fact the plan has been partly executed Today the diplomatic bureau for Europe is already functioning in Berlin under the direction of Ribbentrop Nine departments corresponding to nine countries under…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1940-01-01
Image 21 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Subject File, 1884-1962; Woman's Centennial Congress, New York, N.Y., … But I can only say that YOU are the women who have the honor and the privilege to take in hand the cause of the people of the world It is to…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1940-01-01
Image 22 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Subject File, 1884-1962; Woman's Centennial Congress, New York, N.Y., … terror and total destruction has a positive side The women of Britain have caught a new vision of the solidarity of the community and the nation They have been drawn together by…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1940-01-01
Image 23 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Subject File, 1884-1962; Woman's Centennial Congress, New York, N.Y., … No matter what demand is made the resources both of men and money are found and the wider field of cooperation and of service both at home and abroad are manned by…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1940-01-01
Image 24 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Subject File, 1884-1962; Woman's Centennial Congress, New York, N.Y., … having in attendance a number of the women who officially represented their countries at the Commission meeting Speaking tonight for Latin America is Senora Ana Rosa de Martinez Guerrero Chairman of the…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1940-01-01
Image 25 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Subject File, 1884-1962; Woman's Centennial Congress, New York, N.Y., … if we can abolish hunger and malnutrition on this hemisphere we will have the answer to our financial problems For such a program it is essential that we have complete economic solidarity…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1940-01-01
Image 26 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Subject File, 1884-1962; Woman's Centennial Congress, New York, N.Y., … one sure way of defeating the forces of totalitarianism American can be defended by arms and cannon But Democracy can be defended and preserved only through the wellbeing and happiness of the…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1940-01-01
Image 27 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Subject File, 1884-1962; Woman's Centennial Congress, New York, N.Y., … Reichstag only meets when its masters wish and it votes as they desire In 1920 at a convention in Geneva new women voters proud of their new privileges came from sixteen European…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1940-01-01
Image 28 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Subject File, 1884-1962; Woman's Centennial Congress, New York, N.Y., … opinion becomes the most dynamic force the human race will ever know Based upon logical thinking centered about the key truth of the situation the simple but all powerful thing to do…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1940-01-01
Image 29 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Subject File, 1884-1962; Woman's Centennial Congress, New York, N.Y., … I introduce Miss Henrietta Roelofs Chairman of the Committee on the Declaration of Purpose who will make further announcements MISS ROELOFS The convention of 1848 adopted a Declaration We too are going…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1940-01-01
Image 30 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Subject File, 1884-1962; Woman's Centennial Congress, New York, N.Y., … Mrs Thomas McAllister Chairman Womens Division National Democratic Party Miss Marion Martin Chairman Womens Division National Republic Party That is the list and now we will start the ball rolling I will…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1940-01-01
Image 31 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Subject File, 1884-1962; Woman's Centennial Congress, New York, N.Y., … The second factor which will condition our present activity and achievements is the tremendously increased scale of production in the economic world which again must necessarily be the background of all our…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1940-01-01
Image 32 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Subject File, 1884-1962; Woman's Centennial Congress, New York, N.Y., … yet she does not share equally in the dividends because the philosophy especially before the depression in the Middle West where I live was that we should raise more corn to feed…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1940-01-01
Image 33 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Subject File, 1884-1962; Woman's Centennial Congress, New York, N.Y., … of endeavor only qualified people should be supported MISS MARTIN But before we patronize women dentists and go to women lawyers and doctors do you think we will stand behind women candidates…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1940-01-01
Image 34 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Subject File, 1884-1962; Woman's Centennial Congress, New York, N.Y., … thing was that the men really wanted Chinese women not to have bound feet In the first place men had learned to dance and they wanted girls to dance with them They…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1940-01-01
Image 35 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Subject File, 1884-1962; Woman's Centennial Congress, New York, N.Y., … There are certainly some traditions that we want to preserve One of the great battles between the totalitarian powers and the democratic powers is inspired by this feeling that the former are…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1940-01-01
Image 36 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Subject File, 1884-1962; Woman's Centennial Congress, New York, N.Y., … today We must fuse our interests into the larger interest of all people if we are going to get anywhere We should have a more general point of view I do not…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1940-01-01
Image 37 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Subject File, 1884-1962; Woman's Centennial Congress, New York, N.Y., … unless he can show power and organization Since that is the case I think it is important to develop and encourage that power and organization I am not here to say that…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1940-01-01
Image 38 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Subject File, 1884-1962; Woman's Centennial Congress, New York, N.Y., … an exslave we can understand the distance we have come in this very real struggle in America We have incorporated into our body politic a group whose presence in this country many…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1940-01-01
Image 39 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Subject File, 1884-1962; Woman's Centennial Congress, New York, N.Y., … much more intent upon their particular job and their particular business than women are and I feel I must rise to the defense of women on the international issue That is all…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1940-01-01
Image 40 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Subject File, 1884-1962; Woman's Centennial Congress, New York, N.Y., … of public opinion that we have on the farms of the United States We have to change it and women have to change it My idea of the way that we can…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1940-01-01