Manuscript/Mixed Material Mary Church Terrell Papers: Miscellany, 1851-1954; Clippings; Trip to Berlin, Germany, 1904-1908
Image 1 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Miscellany, 1851-1954; Clippings; Trip to Berlin, Germany, 1904-1908 MISCELLANY CLIPPINGS Terrells Trip to Berlin 1904 Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at crowdlocgov
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1904-01-01
Image 2 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Miscellany, 1851-1954; Clippings; Trip to Berlin, Germany, 1904-1908 Now Hugh Black and myself speak at Berlin BaptistSocial banquet Nov 71906 Pictures or journal Compliment to our Elkhart Sud Jan 41906 Solvent Savings of theirs plus applus for charter Mar 171906…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1904-01-01
Image 3 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Miscellany, 1851-1954; Clippings; Trip to Berlin, Germany, 1904-1908 Mary Church Terrell The Washington Post Sunday May 29 1904 Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at crowdlocgov
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1904-01-01
Image 4 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Miscellany, 1851-1954; Clippings; Trip to Berlin, Germany, 1904-1908 HONORS MRS TERRELL Washington Colored Woman Wins Recognition TO SPEAK AT BERLIN COUNCIL Delegate to International Gathering Devoted to the Cause of Woman and the Human Race GenerallyHer Work in Washington in…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1904-01-01
Image 5 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Miscellany, 1851-1954; Clippings; Trip to Berlin, Germany, 1904-1908 Congress notes For and Against Mrs Gilmans Ideas As usual Mrs Gilmans speech divided the audience into two hostile forces half of the women declaring they would never hand their children over…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1904-01-01
Image 6 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Miscellany, 1851-1954; Clippings; Trip to Berlin, Germany, 1904-1908 seven or eight oclock a second with eggs and meat at eleven a dinner with many courses at two a hearty supper at seven and a lighter supper at bed time We…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1904-01-01
Image 7 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Miscellany, 1851-1954; Clippings; Trip to Berlin, Germany, 1904-1908 TELEPHONE 3923 MADISON SQ Intended for Mary C Terrell O wad some power the giftie gie us To see oursels as ithers see us HENRY ROMEIKE Inc 110112 West 26th St NY…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1904-01-01
Image 8 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Miscellany, 1851-1954; Clippings; Trip to Berlin, Germany, 1904-1908 The Age TWENTY FOUR PAGES PRICE ONE PENNY MELBOURNE SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 28 1907 SLAVERY IN THE STATES 1907 Miss Mary Church Terrell in the August number of the Nineteenth Century in an…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1904-01-01
Image 9 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Miscellany, 1851-1954; Clippings; Trip to Berlin, Germany, 1904-1908 never seen by civilized white men other than bosses of the turpentine camps girls are said to have grown old in servitude These girls who are said to be the daughters of…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1904-01-01
Image 10 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Miscellany, 1851-1954; Clippings; Trip to Berlin, Germany, 1904-1908 BIG COMPANY AT BANQUET Boston Globe Nov 8 1906 Annual Ladies Festival of the Boston Baptist Social Union REV HUGH BLACK MRS MARY CHURCH TERRELL Of Washington D C The Boston Baptist…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1904-01-01
Image 11 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Miscellany, 1851-1954; Clippings; Trip to Berlin, Germany, 1904-1908 THE BOSTON JOURNAL THURSDAY NOVEMBER 8 1906 SCOTTISH DIVINE SAYS HELL IS CITY MUCH LIKE New York About 700 members of the Boston Baptist Social Union observed their forty second ladies night…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1904-01-01
Image 12 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Miscellany, 1851-1954; Clippings; Trip to Berlin, Germany, 1904-1908 Ladies Night Boston Herald Banquet and Reception of the Boston Baptist Social Union Ladies night of the Boston Baptist 8 1906 Social Union was observed last evening by a reception in the…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1904-01-01
Image 13 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Miscellany, 1851-1954; Clippings; Trip to Berlin, Germany, 1904-1908 Jau 4 1906 DAILY TRUTH elkhart ud PLEA FOR THE NEGRO Made by Educated Colored Woman in Lecture Last Night Despite the disagreeable weather last evening the usual Lecture Association audience assembled…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1904-01-01
Image 14 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Miscellany, 1851-1954; Clippings; Trip to Berlin, Germany, 1904-1908 AfroAmerican Bank in Memphis AfroAmerican Bank in Memphis The Solvent Savings Bank and Trust Company of Memphis Tenn which is owned and controlled entirely by AfroAmericans has made application for a charter…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1904-01-01
Image 15 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Miscellany, 1851-1954; Clippings; Trip to Berlin, Germany, 1904-1908 TELEPHONE 3923 MADISON SQ Intended for 37 Miss M C Terrell O was some power the giftie gie us To see oursels as ithers see us HENRY ROMEIKE INC 110112 West 26th…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1904-01-01
Image 16 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Miscellany, 1851-1954; Clippings; Trip to Berlin, Germany, 1904-1908 TELEPHONE 1118 GRAMERCY Intended for 34 M C Terrell O was some power the giftie gie us To see oursels as ithers see us HENRY ROMEIKE INC 33 UNION SQUARE BROADWAY CABLE…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1904-01-01
Image 17 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Miscellany, 1851-1954; Clippings; Trip to Berlin, Germany, 1904-1908 Edmonia Lewis the colored sculptress has lived abroad so long that many people do not know that she was born in the vicinity of Albany N Y She is quite an old…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1904-01-01
Image 18 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Miscellany, 1851-1954; Clippings; Trip to Berlin, Germany, 1904-1908 TELEPHONE 118GRAMERCY Intended for Terrell O wad some power the giftie gie us To see oursels as ithers see us HENRY ROMEIKE Inc 33 UNION SQUARE BROADWAY CABLE ADDRESS ROMEIKE NEW YORK…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1904-01-01
Image 19 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Miscellany, 1851-1954; Clippings; Trip to Berlin, Germany, 1904-1908 Henry Ossawa Tanner is a negro artist who has gained an international reputation He studied in Philadelphia and later in Paris His picture Daniel in the Lions Den was bought by the…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1904-01-01
Image 20 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Miscellany, 1851-1954; Clippings; Trip to Berlin, Germany, 1904-1908 April 1907 Mrs Mary Church Terrell Reports an interview with William T Stead the great English peace advocate on the race problem FRANK G CARPENTER Tells of the caravan routes in the…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1904-01-01
Image 21 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Miscellany, 1851-1954; Clippings; Trip to Berlin, Germany, 1904-1908 35 TELEPHONE 3923 MADISON SQ Intended for Mrs Terrell O wad some power the giftie gie us To see oursels as ithers see us HENRY ROMEIKE Inc 110112 West 26th St N…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1904-01-01
Image 22 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Miscellany, 1851-1954; Clippings; Trip to Berlin, Germany, 1904-1908 with enthusiasm my word for it they made out a good case against us Have you not observed how much greater is the friction today between the white and dark races all…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1904-01-01
Image 23 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Miscellany, 1851-1954; Clippings; Trip to Berlin, Germany, 1904-1908 existed in history that of Mrs Stanton and Susan B Anthony These two women ever afterward continued to work together Miss Anthony with her immense executive ability and Mrs Stanton with her…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1904-01-01
Image 24 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Miscellany, 1851-1954; Clippings; Trip to Berlin, Germany, 1904-1908 PIONEERS HONORED The Evening Times Suffragists Honor Noted Workers at Anniversary of Rights Convention 1908 TABLET UNVEILED Seneca Falls Scene of Imposing Ceremonies Address by Mrs Crossett SENECA FALLS May 28Speeches by…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1904-01-01
Image 25 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Miscellany, 1851-1954; Clippings; Trip to Berlin, Germany, 1904-1908 THREE SCORE YEARS AFTER Rochester NY Women Honor Early Advocates of Their Cause The Union Advertis Unveiled Bronze Tablet on Scene of First Suffrage Convention Seneca Falls Witnessed Memorial Exercises Demonstrative of…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1904-01-01
Image 26 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Miscellany, 1851-1954; Clippings; Trip to Berlin, Germany, 1904-1908 Professor Earl Barnes gave an interesting address taking for his topic The Educational Value of Political Life During this address he pictured vividly the value of an early education in matters which…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1904-01-01
Image 27 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Miscellany, 1851-1954; Clippings; Trip to Berlin, Germany, 1904-1908 Seneca Falls May 23Seneca Falls will witness a notable event next week the sixtieth anniversary of the first convention of the womens rights movement which had its beginning in Seneca Falls through…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1904-01-01
Image 28 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Miscellany, 1851-1954; Clippings; Trip to Berlin, Germany, 1904-1908 Seneca Falls Reveille HENRY STOWELL Editor Largest Circulation in Town or County Seneca Falls NY May 29 1908 Great Anniversary Gathering The anniversary celebration on Wednesday of the 1848 Womans Rights convention…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1904-01-01
Image 29 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Miscellany, 1851-1954; Clippings; Trip to Berlin, Germany, 1904-1908 The celebration was a magnificent success in all ways in its purpose and character in the intelligence earnestness and eloquence of its speakers and in the attention and welcome which they received…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1904-01-01
Image 30 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Miscellany, 1851-1954; Clippings; Trip to Berlin, Germany, 1904-1908
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1904-01-01
Image 31 of Mary Church Terrell Papers: Miscellany, 1851-1954; Clippings; Trip to Berlin, Germany, 1904-1908 Need To Be Polyglot What American Women Have Learned in Berlin hington Post Triumph of Mrs Terrell 10 1904 Washingtons Distinguished Colored Woman Given an Ovation After Having Made a Fine Speech…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
- Date: 1904-01-01