Manuscript/Mixed Material Thomas Biggs Harned Collection of the Papers of Walt Whitman: Recovered Cardboard Butterfly and Notebooks, [1847]-[circa 1863-1864]; Notebooks; [1847]
Image 1 of Thomas Biggs Harned Collection of the Papers of Walt Whitman: Recovered Cardboard Butterfly …
Notebook LC #80 Earliest and most important note book of Walt Whitman- Contributor: Harned, Thomas Biggs - Whitman, Walt
- Date: 1847
Image 2 of Thomas Biggs Harned Collection of the Papers of Walt Whitman: Recovered Cardboard Butterfly …
Notebook LC #80 Talbot Wilson st go to corner Division av 7th st Walter Whitman 466½ 71 Prince street and 30 Fulton st Brooklyn 106 Myrtle avenue Brooklyn Mr Stebbins 110 Broadway Room 8 over…- Contributor: Harned, Thomas Biggs - Whitman, Walt
- Date: 1847
Image 3 of Thomas Biggs Harned Collection of the Papers of Walt Whitman: Recovered Cardboard Butterfly …
Notebook LC #80 Be simple and clear Be not occult True noble expanded American character is raised on a far more lasting and universal basis than that of any the characters of of the ntlemen…- Contributor: Harned, Thomas Biggs - Whitman, Walt
- Date: 1847
Image 4 of Thomas Biggs Harned Collection of the Papers of Walt Whitman: Recovered Cardboard Butterfly …
Notebook LC #80 Be simple and clearâ Be not occult True noble expanded American character is raised on a far more lasting and universal basis than that of an the characters of of the gentlemen…- Contributor: Harned, Thomas Biggs - Whitman, Walt
- Date: 1847
Image 5 of Thomas Biggs Harned Collection of the Papers of Walt Whitman: Recovered Cardboard Butterfly …
Notebook LC #80 1 0 37 50 80 75 50 00 00 50 00 50 0 0 0 25 0 5 3 N Jus to 2 Be simple and clearâBe not occult True noble expanded…- Contributor: Harned, Thomas Biggs - Whitman, Walt
- Date: 1847
Image 6 of Thomas Biggs Harned Collection of the Papers of Walt Whitman: Recovered Cardboard Butterfly …
Notebook LC #80 Be simple and clearâBe not occult True noble expanded American character is raised on a far more lasting and universal basis than that of any of the characters of of the gentlemen…- Contributor: Harned, Thomas Biggs - Whitman, Walt
- Date: 1847
Image 7 of Thomas Biggs Harned Collection of the Papers of Walt Whitman: Recovered Cardboard Butterfly …
Notebook LC #80 90 50 00 00 00 pa 0 0 0 0 0 d Be simple and clearâBe not occult True noble expanded American character is raised on a far more lasting and universal…- Contributor: Harned, Thomas Biggs - Whitman, Walt
- Date: 1847
Image 8 of Thomas Biggs Harned Collection of the Papers of Walt Whitman: Recovered Cardboard Butterfly …
Notebook LC #80 N M T 2 Be simple and clearâBe not occult True noble expanded American character is raised on a far more lasting and universal basis than that of any of the characters…- Contributor: Harned, Thomas Biggs - Whitman, Walt
- Date: 1847
Image 9 of Thomas Biggs Harned Collection of the Papers of Walt Whitman: Recovered Cardboard Butterfly …
Notebook LC #80 Be simple and clearBe not aggult True noble expanded American character is raised on a far more and universal basis than that of any of the characters of gentlemen of aristocratic or…- Contributor: Harned, Thomas Biggs - Whitman, Walt
- Date: 1847
Image 10 of Thomas Biggs Harned Collection of the Papers of Walt Whitman: Recovered Cardboard Butterfly …
Notebook LC #80 Be simple and clear Be not occult True noble expanded American character is is raised on a far more lasting and universal basis than that of any of the characters of of…- Contributor: Harned, Thomas Biggs - Whitman, Walt
- Date: 1847
Image 11 of Thomas Biggs Harned Collection of the Papers of Walt Whitman: Recovered Cardboard Butterfly …
Notebook LC #80 death sooner than any mean dependence Prudence is part of it because prudence is the right arm of independence Every American young man should carry himself with the finished and haughty bearing…- Contributor: Harned, Thomas Biggs - Whitman, Walt
- Date: 1847
Image 12 of Thomas Biggs Harned Collection of the Papers of Walt Whitman: Recovered Cardboard Butterfly …
Notebook LC #80 Where is the being of whom I am the inferior it is the of the shy or shallow to divide men like the metals into those more precious and others less precious…- Contributor: Harned, Thomas Biggs - Whitman, Walt
- Date: 1847
Image 13 of Thomas Biggs Harned Collection of the Papers of Walt Whitman: Recovered Cardboard Butterfly …
Notebook LC #80 Ask Mr Dwight about the highest numeral term known 23- Contributor: Harned, Thomas Biggs - Whitman, Walt
- Date: 1847
Image 14 of Thomas Biggs Harned Collection of the Papers of Walt Whitman: Recovered Cardboard Butterfly …
Notebook LC #80 Different objects which decay and by the chemistry of nature their bodies are into spears of grass American under takes receives with calmness the spirit of the past Bring all the art…- Contributor: Harned, Thomas Biggs - Whitman, Walt
- Date: 1847
Image 15 of Thomas Biggs Harned Collection of the Papers of Walt Whitman: Recovered Cardboard Butterfly …
Notebook LC #80 The soul or spirit transmutes itself into all matter into rocks and cand live the life of a rock into the sea and can feel itself the sea into the oak or…- Contributor: Harned, Thomas Biggs - Whitman, Walt
- Date: 1847
Image 16 of Thomas Biggs Harned Collection of the Papers of Walt Whitman: Recovered Cardboard Butterfly …
Notebook LC #80 The mean and bandaged spirit is perpetually dissatisfied with itself It is too wicked or too poor or too feeble Never speak of the soul as any thing but intrinsically great The…- Contributor: Harned, Thomas Biggs - Whitman, Walt
- Date: 1847
Image 17 of Thomas Biggs Harned Collection of the Papers of Walt Whitman: Recovered Cardboard Butterfly …
Notebook LC #80 effusion or corporation of the The soul is always under the beautiful laws of physiology I guess the soul itself can never be any thing but great and pure and immortal but…- Contributor: Harned, Thomas Biggs - Whitman, Walt
- Date: 1847
Image 18 of Thomas Biggs Harned Collection of the Papers of Walt Whitman: Recovered Cardboard Butterfly …
Notebook LC #80 Wickedness is most likely the absence of freedom and health in the soul If a man babe or woman babe of decent progenitors should grow up without restraint or starvation or 33- Contributor: Harned, Thomas Biggs - Whitman, Walt
- Date: 1847
Image 19 of Thomas Biggs Harned Collection of the Papers of Walt Whitman: Recovered Cardboard Butterfly …
Notebook LC #80 Every soul has its own language The reason why any truth which I tell is not apparent to you is mostly because I fail of translating it from my language into Every…- Contributor: Harned, Thomas Biggs - Whitman, Walt
- Date: 1847
Image 20 of Thomas Biggs Harned Collection of the Papers of Walt Whitman: Recovered Cardboard Butterfly …
Notebook LC #80 and joiner all the whole is the poet because He enters into the has the Divine grammar of all tongues and what says indifferently and alike how are you friend to the…- Contributor: Harned, Thomas Biggs - Whitman, Walt
- Date: 1847
Image 21 of Thomas Biggs Harned Collection of the Papers of Walt Whitman: Recovered Cardboard Butterfly …
Notebook LC #80 and I said to my soul When we become the god enfolders of all these orbs and open to the life and delight and knowledge of evey sic thing in them or…- Contributor: Harned, Thomas Biggs - Whitman, Walt
- Date: 1847
Image 22 of Thomas Biggs Harned Collection of the Papers of Walt Whitman: Recovered Cardboard Butterfly …
Notebook LC #80 Thaten the on breaks water on the sands at my feet and it thy answer was No when I reach there I shall want more to go further still 41- Contributor: Harned, Thomas Biggs - Whitman, Walt
- Date: 1847
Image 23 of Thomas Biggs Harned Collection of the Papers of Walt Whitman: Recovered Cardboard Butterfly …
Notebook LC #80 The run of poets and the learned have When I imagine I see where you show me how the east is greater than the west how where the sound mans part of…- Contributor: Harned, Thomas Biggs - Whitman, Walt
- Date: 1847
Image 24 of Thomas Biggs Harned Collection of the Papers of Walt Whitman: Recovered Cardboard Butterfly …
Notebook LC #80 I cannot understand the mystery but I am always think conscious of myself as two as my soul and I and I qu reckon it is the same with all old men…- Contributor: Harned, Thomas Biggs - Whitman, Walt
- Date: 1847
Image 25 of Thomas Biggs Harned Collection of the Papers of Walt Whitman: Recovered Cardboard Butterfly …
Notebook LC #80 whose sides are crowded with the rich cities of all living philosophy and oval gates Rap that let pass you in to immortal gardens landscaping of hill sides and fields of clover…- Contributor: Harned, Thomas Biggs - Whitman, Walt
- Date: 1847
Image 26 of Thomas Biggs Harned Collection of the Papers of Walt Whitman: Recovered Cardboard Butterfly …
Notebook LC #80 it this road for you It is not far it is within reach the stretch of your arm thumb perhaps you shall find you are on it already and did not know…- Contributor: Harned, Thomas Biggs - Whitman, Walt
- Date: 1847
Image 27 of Thomas Biggs Harned Collection of the Papers of Walt Whitman: Recovered Cardboard Butterfly …
Notebook LC #80 If I am hungry and with my money buy a loaf of last dime get me some meat and bread and would have appetite enough to eat relish it all But then…- Contributor: Harned, Thomas Biggs - Whitman, Walt
- Date: 1847
Image 28 of Thomas Biggs Harned Collection of the Papers of Walt Whitman: Recovered Cardboard Butterfly …
Notebook LC #80 The ignorant man is demented with the madness of owning things of having to unreadable deeds and court all his records the right to mortgage debt give wives a raise money on…- Contributor: Harned, Thomas Biggs - Whitman, Walt
- Date: 1847
Image 29 of Thomas Biggs Harned Collection of the Papers of Walt Whitman: Recovered Cardboard Butterfly …
Notebook LC #80 He cannot share with them his friend or his wife because no man owns these of them he is no owner except of He except of by their love and if as…- Contributor: Harned, Thomas Biggs - Whitman, Walt
- Date: 1847
Image 30 of Thomas Biggs Harned Collection of the Papers of Walt Whitman: Recovered Cardboard Butterfly …
Notebook LC #80 The dismal and measureless fool called a rich man or a thriving What folks call a thriving or rich man is more likely some dismal and measureless fool who leaves the fields…- Contributor: Harned, Thomas Biggs - Whitman, Walt
- Date: 1847
Image 31 of Thomas Biggs Harned Collection of the Papers of Walt Whitman: Recovered Cardboard Butterfly …
Notebook LC #80 the sidewalks of eternity they are the freckles of Jupiter 3 every bite I put between them and if I my belly is the victor it that my will not cannot then…- Contributor: Harned, Thomas Biggs - Whitman, Walt
- Date: 1847
Image 32 of Thomas Biggs Harned Collection of the Papers of Walt Whitman: Recovered Cardboard Butterfly …
Notebook LC #80 The being I want to see you develope become If I walk with Job in Heaven and he If God himself assume to be intrinsically greater than I it offends me and…- Contributor: Harned, Thomas Biggs - Whitman, Walt
- Date: 1847
Image 33 of Thomas Biggs Harned Collection of the Papers of Walt Whitman: Recovered Cardboard Butterfly …
Notebook LC #80 be an exception to the universal and affectionate yeo of the earth The first effnocious inspiration of real wisdom in l our souls lets us know that all human beings the selfishness…- Contributor: Harned, Thomas Biggs - Whitman, Walt
- Date: 1847
Image 34 of Thomas Biggs Harned Collection of the Papers of Walt Whitman: Recovered Cardboard Butterfly …
Notebook LC #80 I will not descend among professors and capitalists and good society I will turn up the ends of my trousers up around my boots and my cuffs back from my wrists and…- Contributor: Harned, Thomas Biggs - Whitman, Walt
- Date: 1847
Image 35 of Thomas Biggs Harned Collection of the Papers of Walt Whitman: Recovered Cardboard Butterfly …
Notebook LC #80- Contributor: Harned, Thomas Biggs - Whitman, Walt
- Date: 1847
Image 36 of Thomas Biggs Harned Collection of the Papers of Walt Whitman: Recovered Cardboard Butterfly …
Notebook LC #80 I am the poet of the slaves and of the masters of slaves I am the poet of the body And I am I am the poet of the body And I…- Contributor: Harned, Thomas Biggs - Whitman, Walt
- Date: 1847
Image 37 of Thomas Biggs Harned Collection of the Papers of Walt Whitman: Recovered Cardboard Butterfly …
Notebook LC #80 With tremendous breath I force him to dilate sleep For i and this stand guard this night and when you see in the morning you find what I told you is so…- Contributor: Harned, Thomas Biggs - Whitman, Walt
- Date: 1847
Image 38 of Thomas Biggs Harned Collection of the Papers of Walt Whitman: Recovered Cardboard Butterfly …
Notebook LC #80 And now I know understand that it is what the It is Those are all positive and dense every one And that what it they seems to the child it is they…- Contributor: Harned, Thomas Biggs - Whitman, Walt
- Date: 1847
Image 39 of Thomas Biggs Harned Collection of the Papers of Walt Whitman: Recovered Cardboard Butterfly …
Notebook LC #80 And that the primitive equally perfect and ally lovers grains of sand and every egg the oven and the true toad is a chef do wonder for the highest and the morning…- Contributor: Harned, Thomas Biggs - Whitman, Walt
- Date: 1847
Image 40 of Thomas Biggs Harned Collection of the Papers of Walt Whitman: Recovered Cardboard Butterfly …
Notebook LC #80 And that the primitive equally perfect and ally lovers grains of sand and every egg the oven and the true toad is a chef do wonder for the highest and the morning…- Contributor: Harned, Thomas Biggs - Whitman, Walt
- Date: 1847