Manuscript/Mixed Material William A. Gladstone Afro-American Military Collection: Confederate documents, duplicate receipts for loss of slave while working on military fortification in South Carolina, $1,000 and $1,800, 1864
Image 1 of William A. Gladstone Afro-American Military Collection: Confederate documents, duplicate receipts for loss of … D27 Compensation receipt for Slave Lost D27 Dec 22 1864 Receipt of 1000 to Slave Master Jus Baker for compensation of his Slave Tom Lost while working for the Confederate Government upon…
- Contributor: Gladstone, William A., Collector
- Date: 1864-01-01
Image 2 of William A. Gladstone Afro-American Military Collection: Confederate documents, duplicate receipts for loss of … DUPLICATE RECEIPT CLAIM NO 175 COLUMBIA S C 22 December 1864 Received of the State of South Carolina One thousand Eight Hundred 1800 dollars being the amount admitted and advanced by the…
- Contributor: Gladstone, William A., Collector
- Date: 1864-01-01
Image 3 of William A. Gladstone Afro-American Military Collection: Confederate documents, duplicate receipts for loss of … WD 1083 Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at crowdlocgov
- Contributor: Gladstone, William A., Collector
- Date: 1864-01-01
Image 4 of William A. Gladstone Afro-American Military Collection: Confederate documents, duplicate receipts for loss of … DUPLICATE RECEIPT CLAIM NO 412 COLUMBIA S C 22 Dec 1864 Received of the State of South Carolina One Thousand 1000 dollars being the amount admitted and advanced by the General Assembly…
- Contributor: Gladstone, William A., Collector
- Date: 1864-01-01
Image 5 of William A. Gladstone Afro-American Military Collection: Confederate documents, duplicate receipts for loss of … WD 1083 Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at crowdlocgov
- Contributor: Gladstone, William A., Collector
- Date: 1864-01-01