Book/Printed Material The claims of the Negro, ethnologically considered : an address before the literary societies of Western Reserve College, at commencement, July 12, 1854
Image 1 of The claims of the Negro, ethnologically considered : an address before the literary … THE CLAIMS OF THE NEGRO, ETHNOLOGICALLY CONSIDERED. AN ADDRESS, Before the Literary Societies OF WESTERN RESERVE COLLEGE, At Commencement, July 12, 1854. BY FREDERICK DOUGLASS. ROCHESTER: PRINTED BY LEE, MANN & CO.,…
- Contributor: African American Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress) - Western Reserve College - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1854
Image 2 of The claims of the Negro, ethnologically considered : an address before the literary …
- Contributor: African American Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress) - Western Reserve College - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1854
Image 3 of The claims of the Negro, ethnologically considered : an address before the literary … THE CLAIMS OF THE NEGRO, ETHNOLOGICALLY CONSIDERED. AN ADDRESS, Before the Literary Societies OF WESTERN RESERVE COLLEGE, At Commencement, July 12, 1854. BY FREDERICK DOUGLASS. ROCHESTER: PRINTED BY LEE, MANN & CO.,…
- Contributor: African American Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress) - Western Reserve College - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1854
Image 4 of The claims of the Negro, ethnologically considered : an address before the literary …
- Contributor: African American Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress) - Western Reserve College - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1854
Image 5 of The claims of the Negro, ethnologically considered : an address before the literary … AN ADDRESS. Gentlemen of the Philozetian Society: I propose to submit to you a few thoughts on the subject of the Claims of the Negro, suggested by ethnological science, or the natural…
- Contributor: African American Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress) - Western Reserve College - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1854
Image 6 of The claims of the Negro, ethnologically considered : an address before the literary … 4 usual course, at such times, I believe, is to call to the platform men of age and distinction, eminent for eloquence, mental ability, and scholarly attainments — men whose high culture,…
- Contributor: African American Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress) - Western Reserve College - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1854
Image 7 of The claims of the Negro, ethnologically considered : an address before the literary … 5 and perils. Thoughts, theories, ideas, and systems, so various, and so opposite, and leading to such diverse results, suggest the wisdom of the utmost precaution, and the most careful survey, at…
- Contributor: African American Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress) - Western Reserve College - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1854
Image 8 of The claims of the Negro, ethnologically considered : an address before the literary … 6 parties, will be rewarded with scorn; and the timid man who shrinks from it, for fear of offending either party, will be despised. To the lawyer, the preacher, the politician, and…
- Contributor: African American Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress) - Western Reserve College - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1854
Image 9 of The claims of the Negro, ethnologically considered : an address before the literary … 7 of his own happiness that the White man has, then we commit the greatest wrong and robbery to hold him a slave — an act at which the sentiment of justice…
- Contributor: African American Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress) - Western Reserve College - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1854
Image 10 of The claims of the Negro, ethnologically considered : an address before the literary … 8 to the general rule of humanity, in one direction, as the specimen negroes are in the other, is quite overlooked. Man is distinguished from all other animals, by the possession of…
- Contributor: African American Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress) - Western Reserve College - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1854
Image 11 of The claims of the Negro, ethnologically considered : an address before the literary … 9 proclaim his manhood in speech that all mankind practically and readily understand. A very recondite author says, that “man is distinguished from all other animals, in that he resists as well…
- Contributor: African American Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress) - Western Reserve College - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1854
Image 12 of The claims of the Negro, ethnologically considered : an address before the literary … 10 the Notts, the Gliddens, the Agassiz, and Mortons, made their profound discoveries in ethnological science,) might have been included in the first. It is somewhat remarkable, that, at a time when…
- Contributor: African American Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress) - Western Reserve College - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1854
Image 13 of The claims of the Negro, ethnologically considered : an address before the literary … 11 which mark and diversify its multitudinous inhabitants, the question has been raised, and pressed with increasing ardor and pertinacity, (especially in modern times,) can all these various tribes, nations, tongues, kindred,…
- Contributor: African American Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress) - Western Reserve College - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1854
Image 14 of The claims of the Negro, ethnologically considered : an address before the literary … 12 THE BEARINGS OF THE QUESTION. A moment's reflection must impress all, that few questions have more important and solemn bearings, than the one now under consideration. It is connected with eternal…
- Contributor: African American Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress) - Western Reserve College - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1854
Image 15 of The claims of the Negro, ethnologically considered : an address before the literary … 13 into this subject and settle it for himself, before he ascends the pulpit, to preach redemption to a fallen race. The bearing of the question upon Revelation, is not more marked…
- Contributor: African American Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress) - Western Reserve College - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1854
Image 16 of The claims of the Negro, ethnologically considered : an address before the literary … 14 British West Indies, that the learned and pious Godwin, a missionary to the West Indies, deemed it necessary to write a book, to remove what he conceived to be the injurious…
- Contributor: African American Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress) - Western Reserve College - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1854
Image 17 of The claims of the Negro, ethnologically considered : an address before the literary … 15 temptation, therefore, to read the negro out of the human family is exceedingly strong, and may account somewhat for the repeated attempts on the part of Southern pretenders to science, to…
- Contributor: African American Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress) - Western Reserve College - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1854
Image 18 of The claims of the Negro, ethnologically considered : an address before the literary … 16 institutions, and a chance is left for slavery, as a necessary institution. The debates in Congress on the Nebraska Bill during the past winter, will show how slaveholders have availed themselves…
- Contributor: African American Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress) - Western Reserve College - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1854
Image 19 of The claims of the Negro, ethnologically considered : an address before the literary … 17 conspicuous. I take him as an illustration of what had been alleged as true of his class. The fact that Egypt was one of the earliest abodes of learning and civilization,…
- Contributor: African American Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress) - Western Reserve College - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1854
Image 20 of The claims of the Negro, ethnologically considered : an address before the literary … 18 negro blood. ” Now, mark the description given of the Egyptians in this same work: “ Complexion brown. The nose is straight, excepting the end, where it is rounded and wide;…
- Contributor: African American Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress) - Western Reserve College - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1854
Image 21 of The claims of the Negro, ethnologically considered : an address before the literary … 19 deductions may be justly made from the value of his researches on that account. In everything touching the negro, Dr. Morton, in his “Crania Americana,” betrays the same spirit. He thinks…
- Contributor: African American Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress) - Western Reserve College - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1854
Image 22 of The claims of the Negro, ethnologically considered : an address before the literary … 20 The leaning here indicated is natural enough, and may be explained by the fact, that an educated man in Ireland ceases to bean Irishman; and an intelligent black man is always…
- Contributor: African American Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress) - Western Reserve College - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1854
Image 23 of The claims of the Negro, ethnologically considered : an address before the literary … 21 and degradation. I have seen many pictures of negroes and Europeans, in phrenological and ethnological works; and all, or nearly all, excepting the work of Dr. Prichard, and that other great…
- Contributor: African American Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress) - Western Reserve College - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1854
Image 24 of The claims of the Negro, ethnologically considered : an address before the literary … 22 deny such affinity between the negro and the Egyptian. He might make out as many points of difference, in the case of the one as in that of the other. Especially…
- Contributor: African American Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress) - Western Reserve College - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1854
Image 25 of The claims of the Negro, ethnologically considered : an address before the literary … 23 the same original stock; in a word, to the same family. If it shall be found that the people of Africa have an African character, as general, as well defined, and…
- Contributor: African American Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress) - Western Reserve College - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1854
Image 26 of The claims of the Negro, ethnologically considered : an address before the literary … 24 These are the words by which the complexion and hair of negroes are described. In another passage, he says that “The pigeon, said to have fled to Dodona, and to have…
- Contributor: African American Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress) - Western Reserve College - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1854
Image 27 of The claims of the Negro, ethnologically considered : an address before the literary … 25 present enslaved and degraded negroes, and the ancient highly civilized and wonderfully endowed Egyptians. Sufficient has already been adduced, to show a marked similarity in regard to features, hair, color, and…
- Contributor: African American Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress) - Western Reserve College - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1854
Image 28 of The claims of the Negro, ethnologically considered : an address before the literary … 26 of the Ethnological Society, New York—in his admirable work, entitled “Man and his Migrations”—says: “In the languages of Abyssinia, the Gheez and Tigre admitted, as long as they have been known…
- Contributor: African American Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress) - Western Reserve College - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1854
Image 29 of The claims of the Negro, ethnologically considered : an address before the literary … 27 “This very structure may influence the erect gait, which occasions the practice common also to the Ethiopian, or mixed nations, of carrying burdens and light weights, even to a tumbler full…
- Contributor: African American Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress) - Western Reserve College - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1854
Image 30 of The claims of the Negro, ethnologically considered : an address before the literary … 28 Mr. Smith may be pardoned for his ignorance of that fact, as an ethnologist, he is inexcusable for not knowing that the Mpongwe language, spoken on both sides of the Gaboon…
- Contributor: African American Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress) - Western Reserve College - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1854
Image 31 of The claims of the Negro, ethnologically considered : an address before the literary … 29 will now proceed to consider those physical peculiarities of form, features, hair and color, which are supposed by some men to mark the African, not only as an inferior race, but…
- Contributor: African American Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress) - Western Reserve College - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1854
Image 32 of The claims of the Negro, ethnologically considered : an address before the literary … 30 well. I told a boot maker, in New Castle upon Tyne, that I had been a plantation slave. He said I must pardon him; but he could not believe it; no…
- Contributor: African American Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress) - Western Reserve College - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1854
Image 33 of The claims of the Negro, ethnologically considered : an address before the literary … 31 world, than the educated Irish people. The Irishman educated, is a model gentleman; the Irishman ignorant and degraded, compares in form and feature, with the negro! I am stating facts. If…
- Contributor: African American Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress) - Western Reserve College - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1854
Image 34 of The claims of the Negro, ethnologically considered : an address before the literary … 32 Only about one fifth of all the inhabitants of the globe are white; and they are as far from the Adamic complexion as is the negro. The remainder are— what? Ranging…
- Contributor: African American Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress) - Western Reserve College - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1854
Image 35 of The claims of the Negro, ethnologically considered : an address before the literary … 33 the human family, is afforded in the fact that nations, however dissimilar, may be united in one social state, not only without detriment to each other, but, most clearly, to the…
- Contributor: African American Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress) - Western Reserve College - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1854
Image 36 of The claims of the Negro, ethnologically considered : an address before the literary … 34 this reasoning be unsound? What if the negro may not be able to prove his relationship to Nubians, Abysinians and Egyptians? What if ingenious men are able to find plausible objections…
- Contributor: African American Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress) - Western Reserve College - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1854
Image 37 of The claims of the Negro, ethnologically considered : an address before the literary … 35 to knowledge and to civilization, to society and to Christianity, are just and perfect. It is registered in the Courts of Heaven, and is enforced by the eloquence of the God…
- Contributor: African American Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress) - Western Reserve College - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1854
Image 38 of The claims of the Negro, ethnologically considered : an address before the literary … 36 a smiling face above the surface of a sea of agonies, hoping on, hoping ever. His tawny brother, the Indian, dies, under the flashing glance of the Anglo Saxon. Not so…
- Contributor: African American Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress) - Western Reserve College - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1854
Image 39 of The claims of the Negro, ethnologically considered : an address before the literary … have reached here—if you will pardon the egotism—by little short of a miracle; at any rate, by dint of some application and perseverance. Born, as I was, in obscurity, a stranger to…
- Contributor: African American Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress) - Western Reserve College - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1854
Image 40 of The claims of the Negro, ethnologically considered : an address before the literary …
- Contributor: African American Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress) - Western Reserve College - Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1854