Book/Printed Material As to the leopard's spots : an open letter to Thomas Dixon, Jr African American Pamphlet Collection copy
Image 1 of African American Pamphlet Collection copy AS TO THE LEOPARD'S SPOTS An Open Letter to Thomas Dixon, Jr. BY KELLY MILLER Howard University, Washington, D. C. Copyright, 1905, BY KELLY MILLER. SECOND TEN THOUSAND Price 15 Cents. KEYWORTH…
- Contributor: Daniel Murray Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress) - Miller, Kelly - African American Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1905
Image 2 of African American Pamphlet Collection copy AS TO THE LEOPARD'S SPOTS An Open Letter to Thomas Dixon, Jr. BY KELLY MILLER Howard University, Washington, D. C. Copyright,1905. BY KELLY MILLER. Published by KELLY MILLER Howard University WASHINGTON, D.…
- Contributor: Daniel Murray Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress) - Miller, Kelly - African American Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1905
Image 3 of African American Pamphlet Collection copy
- Contributor: Daniel Murray Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress) - Miller, Kelly - African American Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1905
Image 4 of African American Pamphlet Collection copy An Open Letter to Thomas Dixon, Jr. BY KELLY MILLER, Howard University, Washington, D. C. September, 1905. Mr. Thomas Dixon, Jr., Dear Sir: — I am writing you this letter to express…
- Contributor: Daniel Murray Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress) - Miller, Kelly - African American Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1905
Image 5 of African American Pamphlet Collection copy 4 your personal dealings with members of my race. You are merciless, however, in excoriating the race as a whole, thus keenly wounding the sensibilities of every individual of that blood. I…
- Contributor: Daniel Murray Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress) - Miller, Kelly - African American Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1905
Image 6 of African American Pamphlet Collection copy 5 any kind, industrious, classical or religious, can make a Negro a white man or bridge the chasm of the centuries which separates him from the white man in the evolution of…
- Contributor: Daniel Murray Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress) - Miller, Kelly - African American Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1905
Image 7 of African American Pamphlet Collection copy 6 spiritual motive, then your case would be proved. But in default of such demonstration, we must relegate your eloquent pronouncement to the realm of generalization and prophecy, an easy and agreeable…
- Contributor: Daniel Murray Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress) - Miller, Kelly - African American Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1905
Image 8 of African American Pamphlet Collection copy 7 and hickorynuts with the monkeys.” Fancy some learned Jew at that day citing your query about the contribution of the Germanic races to the culture of the human spirit, during the…
- Contributor: Daniel Murray Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress) - Miller, Kelly - African American Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1905
Image 9 of African American Pamphlet Collection copy 8 be superior to most white men; no stretch of ingenuity or strain of conscience has yet devised a plan of franchise which includes all of the members of one race and…
- Contributor: Daniel Murray Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress) - Miller, Kelly - African American Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1905
Image 10 of African American Pamphlet Collection copy 9 a number has an inherent and local value, the latter being by far the more powerful function in numerical calculation. The individual may count for much, but the social efficiency counts…
- Contributor: Daniel Murray Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress) - Miller, Kelly - African American Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1905
Image 11 of African American Pamphlet Collection copy 10 Our own country has not escaped the odium of intellectual inferiority. The generation has scarcely passed away in whose ears used to ring the standing sneer “Who reads an American Book?”…
- Contributor: Daniel Murray Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress) - Miller, Kelly - African American Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1905
Image 12 of African American Pamphlet Collection copy 11 that you and Mr. Watson will be generous enough to concede to the Negro the benefit of the same argument which the defenders of the South resort to in justification of…
- Contributor: Daniel Murray Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress) - Miller, Kelly - African American Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1905
Image 13 of African American Pamphlet Collection copy 12 apply what has already gone before. The white man has no exclusive proprietorship in civilization. White man's civilization is as much a misnomer as the white man's multiplication table. It is…
- Contributor: Daniel Murray Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress) - Miller, Kelly - African American Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1905
Image 14 of African American Pamphlet Collection copy 13 we take all the circumstances into account, Hayti presents to the world one of the most remarkable achievements in the annals of human history. The panegyric of Wendell Phillips on Toussaint…
- Contributor: Daniel Murray Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress) - Miller, Kelly - African American Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1905
Image 15 of African American Pamphlet Collection copy 14 pace? You need not be so frantic about the superiority of your race. Whatever superiority it may possess, inherent or acquired, will take care of itself without such rabid support. Has…
- Contributor: Daniel Murray Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress) - Miller, Kelly - African American Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1905
Image 16 of African American Pamphlet Collection copy 15 are running against fixed principles in God's cosmic plan, he speedily readjusts them in harmony therewith. Has it never occurred to you to reexamine the foundation of the faith, as well…
- Contributor: Daniel Murray Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress) - Miller, Kelly - African American Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1905
Image 17 of African American Pamphlet Collection copy 16 contrary to the law of nature. The Negro refuses to become excited or share in your frenzy on this subject. The amalgamation of the races is an ultimate possibility, though not…
- Contributor: Daniel Murray Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress) - Miller, Kelly - African American Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1905
Image 18 of African American Pamphlet Collection copy 17 and their descendants an odious and despised status. Your oft expressed and passionately avowed belief that the progressive development of the Negro would hasten amalgamation is not borne out by the…
- Contributor: Daniel Murray Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress) - Miller, Kelly - African American Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1905
Image 19 of African American Pamphlet Collection copy 18 surest means of security. The most effective service you can render to check the evil of amalgamation is to do missionary work among the males of your own race. This strenuous…
- Contributor: Daniel Murray Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress) - Miller, Kelly - African American Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1905
Image 20 of African American Pamphlet Collection copy 19 and population are about the same as those of North Carolina, which, I believe, is your native State. When you tell us that tiffs restricted area, without commerce, without manufacture, without…
- Contributor: Daniel Murray Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress) - Miller, Kelly - African American Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1905
Image 21 of African American Pamphlet Collection copy 20 of a bull at a summer's picnic, or raising a false cry of “fire” in a crowded house. Human society could not exist one hour except on the basis of law…
- Contributor: Daniel Murray Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress) - Miller, Kelly - African American Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1905
Image 22 of African American Pamphlet Collection copy 21 Permit me to close this letter with a citation from Goldsmith's Elegy on a Mad Dog. Please note the reference is descriptive and prophetic of the fate of the wreakers of…
- Contributor: Daniel Murray Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress) - Miller, Kelly - African American Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1905
Image 23 of African American Pamphlet Collection copy
- Contributor: Daniel Murray Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress) - Miller, Kelly - African American Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1905