Book/Printed Material The recuyell of the historyes of Troye. Volumes 2-3
Image 1 of Volumes 2-3
- Contributor: Morris, William - Lefèvre, Raoul - Caxton, William - Appleton, Daniel F. (Daniel Fuller) - Sparling, H. Halliday (Henry Halliday) - Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection (Library of Congress) - Kelmscott Press - William Morris and Kelmscott Press Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1892
Image 2 of Volumes 2-3
- Contributor: Morris, William - Lefèvre, Raoul - Caxton, William - Appleton, Daniel F. (Daniel Fuller) - Sparling, H. Halliday (Henry Halliday) - Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection (Library of Congress) - Kelmscott Press - William Morris and Kelmscott Press Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1892
- Contributor: Morris, William - Lefèvre, Raoul - Caxton, William - Appleton, Daniel F. (Daniel Fuller) - Sparling, H. Halliday (Henry Halliday) - Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection (Library of Congress) - Kelmscott Press - William Morris and Kelmscott Press Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1892
Image 4 of Volumes 2-3 Lr ni 7 n dl re
- Contributor: Morris, William - Lefèvre, Raoul - Caxton, William - Appleton, Daniel F. (Daniel Fuller) - Sparling, H. Halliday (Henry Halliday) - Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection (Library of Congress) - Kelmscott Press - William Morris and Kelmscott Press Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1892
Image 5 of Volumes 2-3
- Contributor: Morris, William - Lefèvre, Raoul - Caxton, William - Appleton, Daniel F. (Daniel Fuller) - Sparling, H. Halliday (Henry Halliday) - Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection (Library of Congress) - Kelmscott Press - William Morris and Kelmscott Press Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1892
Image 6 of Volumes 2-3 Ea
- Contributor: Morris, William - Lefèvre, Raoul - Caxton, William - Appleton, Daniel F. (Daniel Fuller) - Sparling, H. Halliday (Henry Halliday) - Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection (Library of Congress) - Kelmscott Press - William Morris and Kelmscott Press Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1892
Image 7 of Volumes 2-3
- Contributor: Morris, William - Lefèvre, Raoul - Caxton, William - Appleton, Daniel F. (Daniel Fuller) - Sparling, H. Halliday (Henry Halliday) - Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection (Library of Congress) - Kelmscott Press - William Morris and Kelmscott Press Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1892
Image 8 of Volumes 2-3 248 i  fh be
- Contributor: Morris, William - Lefèvre, Raoul - Caxton, William - Appleton, Daniel F. (Daniel Fuller) - Sparling, H. Halliday (Henry Halliday) - Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection (Library of Congress) - Kelmscott Press - William Morris and Kelmscott Press Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1892
Image 9 of Volumes 2-3
- Contributor: Morris, William - Lefèvre, Raoul - Caxton, William - Appleton, Daniel F. (Daniel Fuller) - Sparling, H. Halliday (Henry Halliday) - Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection (Library of Congress) - Kelmscott Press - William Morris and Kelmscott Press Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1892
Image 10 of Volumes 2-3 75 IN the fyrste booke is begonnen 4 the faytes and prowesse of the SJ stronge and puyssaunt geante J Â Derculesand bow be destroyed 57 Fyrste the cyte of Troye vpon…
- Contributor: Morris, William - Lefèvre, Raoul - Caxton, William - Appleton, Daniel F. (Daniel Fuller) - Sparling, H. Halliday (Henry Halliday) - Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection (Library of Congress) - Kelmscott Press - William Morris and Kelmscott Press Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1892
Image 11 of Volumes 2-3 thelyonsin theforest of Nemee and somoche spake Junoand accountid of bem that shesaid to Dercules that bit were wel bis faite for to gete bym bonourand worsbippas forto go vnto the foresteof…
- Contributor: Morris, William - Lefèvre, Raoul - Caxton, William - Appleton, Daniel F. (Daniel Fuller) - Sparling, H. Halliday (Henry Halliday) - Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection (Library of Congress) - Kelmscott Press - William Morris and Kelmscott Press Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1892
Image 12 of Volumes 2-3 lever baue dyed than to baue doon a bonoure Iban bis armes were redy A be adowbyd bym after be toke leue of kynge Creon of âuristeus of Hmpbitrion of the ladyes…
- Contributor: Morris, William - Lefèvre, Raoul - Caxton, William - Appleton, Daniel F. (Daniel Fuller) - Sparling, H. Halliday (Henry Halliday) - Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection (Library of Congress) - Kelmscott Press - William Morris and Kelmscott Press Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1892
Image 13 of Volumes 2-3 DE pastour fynysshing bis wordes ther cam leepyng out of a busshe the thre lyonsand marched ayenst Dercu les roryng and criyng and openyng her eyen by so grete felonnye that bit…
- Contributor: Morris, William - Lefèvre, Raoul - Caxton, William - Appleton, Daniel F. (Daniel Fuller) - Sparling, H. Halliday (Henry Halliday) - Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection (Library of Congress) - Kelmscott Press - William Morris and Kelmscott Press Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1892
Image 14 of Volumes 2-3 RRR RRRERRRRREEEEEEEEEmm ml ee with ber pawes burte bym so desmesurably that they losed his armeurs and ber nayles entrynginto bis flessbe they drewe bem oute alle dyed wyth bys âGERCUL ES…
- Contributor: Morris, William - Lefèvre, Raoul - Caxton, William - Appleton, Daniel F. (Daniel Fuller) - Sparling, H. Halliday (Henry Halliday) - Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection (Library of Congress) - Kelmscott Press - William Morris and Kelmscott Press Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1892
Image 15 of Volumes 2-3 EAL as cis 4 EE at Rr ECE EEE Sn ri a Tr Ss a Rest REE gE SSRI JEN mall LAR a i 3 py a eae IR 0 Bh i…
- Contributor: Morris, William - Lefèvre, Raoul - Caxton, William - Appleton, Daniel F. (Daniel Fuller) - Sparling, H. Halliday (Henry Halliday) - Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection (Library of Congress) - Kelmscott Press - William Morris and Kelmscott Press Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1892
Image 16 of Volumes 2-3 hie i prima AT â cursid stepmoder for the retorne sof Dercules augmentyng ber sorowe BE von newe sorowe reseyued fested erculesand made tobym fayntly the grettest chiere that shecoude Pitwas dam…
- Contributor: Morris, William - Lefèvre, Raoul - Caxton, William - Appleton, Daniel F. (Daniel Fuller) - Sparling, H. Halliday (Henry Halliday) - Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection (Library of Congress) - Kelmscott Press - William Morris and Kelmscott Press Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1892
Image 17 of Volumes 2-3 oe lie GY the bataylle fro ferre by grete rowtes ban than Percules bad somoche doon thatbefondenoman to fighte with bym be settedoun bis clubbe adressid bymvntoagretecompanyeof âgipcyensthatstood there assured them thatbe…
- Contributor: Morris, William - Lefèvre, Raoul - Caxton, William - Appleton, Daniel F. (Daniel Fuller) - Sparling, H. Halliday (Henry Halliday) - Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection (Library of Congress) - Kelmscott Press - William Morris and Kelmscott Press Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1892
Image 18 of Volumes 2-3 oT I A So RE âââ oy Megera bow he was made bes 3535 N suche wyse as the yonge vyne LAL bY the labour besynes of the a pHa bourer groweth…
- Contributor: Morris, William - Lefèvre, Raoul - Caxton, William - Appleton, Daniel F. (Daniel Fuller) - Sparling, H. Halliday (Henry Halliday) - Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection (Library of Congress) - Kelmscott Press - William Morris and Kelmscott Press Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1892
Image 19 of Volumes 2-3 bym of bis lady and began to speke and saie to bym sylf softely Shalll bealleway in payne Shallmyn bertencuer beeasedbutalway languyssbyngin loue Lsecoonand other in gretejoye wyth ber loues and la…
- Contributor: Morris, William - Lefèvre, Raoul - Caxton, William - Appleton, Daniel F. (Daniel Fuller) - Sparling, H. Halliday (Henry Halliday) - Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection (Library of Congress) - Kelmscott Press - William Morris and Kelmscott Press Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1892
Image 20 of Volumes 2-3 80 pensyf that bit was meruaille Pe entremeted no thynge to deuyse with the ladyes but be drewe bym asparte in to the gardyn Zhan the ladyes bebeld bym so pensyf dyuerce…
- Contributor: Morris, William - Lefèvre, Raoul - Caxton, William - Appleton, Daniel F. (Daniel Fuller) - Sparling, H. Halliday (Henry Halliday) - Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection (Library of Congress) - Kelmscott Press - William Morris and Kelmscott Press Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1892
Image 21 of Volumes 2-3 7 desired yow nygbt and day and at that tyme putte Y myn bertein your seruytude concludyng to loue you pardurably Madame I knowe and woot well that 1 baue enterprysed thynge…
- Contributor: Morris, William - Lefèvre, Raoul - Caxton, William - Appleton, Daniel F. (Daniel Fuller) - Sparling, H. Halliday (Henry Halliday) - Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection (Library of Congress) - Kelmscott Press - William Morris and Kelmscott Press Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1892
Image 22 of Volumes 2-3 goo to kynge Creon to knowe yf be wold giue bym bis doughter Megera They spake to kynge Creon of this maryage the kynge berde bem spcke ryght gladly for the mater…
- Contributor: Morris, William - Lefèvre, Raoul - Caxton, William - Appleton, Daniel F. (Daniel Fuller) - Sparling, H. Halliday (Henry Halliday) - Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection (Library of Congress) - Kelmscott Press - William Morris and Kelmscott Press Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1892
Image 23 of Volumes 2-3 I a oy bewas not the more prowde ne enbaunsid bym self but the more meked and lowed bym self Pow the Centaurs rauysshed Ypodame at the wed SF dyng of Pirotbus…
- Contributor: Morris, William - Lefèvre, Raoul - Caxton, William - Appleton, Daniel F. (Daniel Fuller) - Sparling, H. Halliday (Henry Halliday) - Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection (Library of Congress) - Kelmscott Press - William Morris and Kelmscott Press Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1892
Image 24 of Volumes 2-3 et Ee Sil oS Sealy Pe EID rien RT a Ke TT BS em BY ee amd TT II in bym a good begynnyng of a noble man and yf be may…
- Contributor: Morris, William - Lefèvre, Raoul - Caxton, William - Appleton, Daniel F. (Daniel Fuller) - Sparling, H. Halliday (Henry Halliday) - Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection (Library of Congress) - Kelmscott Press - William Morris and Kelmscott Press Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1892
Image 25 of Volumes 2-3 gaf bymastrookwith theaxeso fermlyon bis belme tbat bit entrid in to bis body that be confounded the geant tothe ertbe Hnd so be seruyd in lykewyse Piseon Ledeum Jason and Theseus put…
- Contributor: Morris, William - Lefèvre, Raoul - Caxton, William - Appleton, Daniel F. (Daniel Fuller) - Sparling, H. Halliday (Henry Halliday) - Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection (Library of Congress) - Kelmscott Press - William Morris and Kelmscott Press Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1892
Image 26 of Volumes 2-3 i _â Sin AD zz comfiture be praied bym of mercy and yelded bym  vinto bym Thus were the Centaures destroied more 7 by the strength and band of Percules than…
- Contributor: Morris, William - Lefèvre, Raoul - Caxton, William - Appleton, Daniel F. (Daniel Fuller) - Sparling, H. Halliday (Henry Halliday) - Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection (Library of Congress) - Kelmscott Press - William Morris and Kelmscott Press Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1892
Image 27 of Volumes 2-3 Â 5 TS VV bewold neuerreste in peace vnto the tymetbat bebad ben in Delle for to see Proserpine ZHf ter that be bad eten be sent for bis maronners and bad…
- Contributor: Morris, William - Lefèvre, Raoul - Caxton, William - Appleton, Daniel F. (Daniel Fuller) - Sparling, H. Halliday (Henry Halliday) - Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection (Library of Congress) - Kelmscott Press - William Morris and Kelmscott Press Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1892
Image 28 of Volumes 2-3 serpyne made and sayd to Orpheus tbat yf becoude 80 playe with bis barpe that the lady shold sesse of ber wepyng that be wold gyue bym that bewold axe of bym…
- Contributor: Morris, William - Lefèvre, Raoul - Caxton, William - Appleton, Daniel F. (Daniel Fuller) - Sparling, H. Halliday (Henry Halliday) - Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection (Library of Congress) - Kelmscott Press - William Morris and Kelmscott Press Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1892
Image 29 of Volumes 2-3 24 a knygbt as ye sche for in the fauour of all ladies I 1 shal be your knygbt in this werke and promyse yow vpon myn bonour that I shall transporte…
- Contributor: Morris, William - Lefèvre, Raoul - Caxton, William - Appleton, Daniel F. (Daniel Fuller) - Sparling, H. Halliday (Henry Halliday) - Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection (Library of Congress) - Kelmscott Press - William Morris and Kelmscott Press Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1892
Image 30 of Volumes 2-3 in the payne or shall baue reproche shewyng to all maner knyghtes that a man to kepe bis bonour and worsbippe oughte not to doubte ony paryll what that euer bit bee…
- Contributor: Morris, William - Lefèvre, Raoul - Caxton, William - Appleton, Daniel F. (Daniel Fuller) - Sparling, H. Halliday (Henry Halliday) - Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection (Library of Congress) - Kelmscott Press - William Morris and Kelmscott Press Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1892
Image 31 of Volumes 2-3 O greuous felicyte FWban Theseus and Pirotbus bad espyed this enemy Cerberus come ynto them alle armed makyng the whele in marchyng prowdly vn to them Pirothus sayde to Theseus My broder…
- Contributor: Morris, William - Lefèvre, Raoul - Caxton, William - Appleton, Daniel F. (Daniel Fuller) - Sparling, H. Halliday (Henry Halliday) - Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection (Library of Congress) - Kelmscott Press - William Morris and Kelmscott Press Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1892
Image 32 of Volumes 2-3 tobe died with theirnoble blood as bebad aforesaid Chebataill was bard and mortallat the begynnyng Theseus and Pirothus resseyuyd many woundes by aspre strokes their armes were all tosbewen and broken Thebataillendured…
- Contributor: Morris, William - Lefèvre, Raoul - Caxton, William - Appleton, Daniel F. (Daniel Fuller) - Sparling, H. Halliday (Henry Halliday) - Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection (Library of Congress) - Kelmscott Press - William Morris and Kelmscott Press Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1892
Image 33 of Volumes 2-3 thatbe fonde the palais of kynge Pluto and that be cam in to the same balle where Pluto was with Pro serpine Hlle they that were there meruaylyd of bym whan they…
- Contributor: Morris, William - Lefèvre, Raoul - Caxton, William - Appleton, Daniel F. (Daniel Fuller) - Sparling, H. Halliday (Henry Halliday) - Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection (Library of Congress) - Kelmscott Press - William Morris and Kelmscott Press Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1892
Image 34 of Volumes 2-3 COÂ OY Ban Rd Sl Sell SS mR me Rel TR m T â4 ber and was conforted with the wordes of Bercules and folowyd bym FIERCUIL ES opend the balle wente…
- Contributor: Morris, William - Lefèvre, Raoul - Caxton, William - Appleton, Daniel F. (Daniel Fuller) - Sparling, H. Halliday (Henry Halliday) - Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection (Library of Congress) - Kelmscott Press - William Morris and Kelmscott Press Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1892
Image 35 of Volumes 2-3 bewe bis armesworchyngand gyuyng to bym many woundes and be buried many of them inthe see but the stronge resistence prouflited bym but lityll for inthe endebe was taken and bounde and…
- Contributor: Morris, William - Lefèvre, Raoul - Caxton, William - Appleton, Daniel F. (Daniel Fuller) - Sparling, H. Halliday (Henry Halliday) - Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection (Library of Congress) - Kelmscott Press - William Morris and Kelmscott Press Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1892
Image 36 of Volumes 2-3 kyng Creon ban the kyng Creon knewe the com yng of the kyng Hndromadas that with oute def fiance be maad bymwarre be sowned to armes as sembled a grete puyssance Hnd…
- Contributor: Morris, William - Lefèvre, Raoul - Caxton, William - Appleton, Daniel F. (Daniel Fuller) - Sparling, H. Halliday (Henry Halliday) - Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection (Library of Congress) - Kelmscott Press - William Morris and Kelmscott Press Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1892
Image 37 of Volumes 2-3 sance Chus was taken the vengeance of the Cen taures F In the tyme of this vengeance the quene Juno cam in to Thebes and bad grete joye whan she fonde bit…
- Contributor: Morris, William - Lefèvre, Raoul - Caxton, William - Appleton, Daniel F. (Daniel Fuller) - Sparling, H. Halliday (Henry Halliday) - Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection (Library of Congress) - Kelmscott Press - William Morris and Kelmscott Press Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1892
Image 38 of Volumes 2-3 X5 nd on i a eo ADAN Dercules bad receyuid these ty 7 de dingesbewas enplenisshid with grete danger said that be wold auengebym YF be mygbte Than be cladde bym a…
- Contributor: Morris, William - Lefèvre, Raoul - Caxton, William - Appleton, Daniel F. (Daniel Fuller) - Sparling, H. Halliday (Henry Halliday) - Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection (Library of Congress) - Kelmscott Press - William Morris and Kelmscott Press Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1892
Image 39 of Volumes 2-3 wbyche bad than enprysed for to sayle to the yle of Colceos maad bis thynges redy ZIban Percules bad be fested of Jason and of ducPelleus and tbat bekneweof thenterpryse that Jason…
- Contributor: Morris, William - Lefèvre, Raoul - Caxton, William - Appleton, Daniel F. (Daniel Fuller) - Sparling, H. Halliday (Henry Halliday) - Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection (Library of Congress) - Kelmscott Press - William Morris and Kelmscott Press Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1892
Image 40 of Volumes 2-3 â hs 4 NIN this poort of Lennos Percules was aduertysed that there by was a kynge AG named Pbyneus whiche suffrid bym Jo to be gouerned of an auarycyous wo 5…
- Contributor: Morris, William - Lefèvre, Raoul - Caxton, William - Appleton, Daniel F. (Daniel Fuller) - Sparling, H. Halliday (Henry Halliday) - Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection (Library of Congress) - Kelmscott Press - William Morris and Kelmscott Press Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1892