Book/Printed Material Negro plot : an account of the late intended insurrection among a portion of the blacks of the city of Charleston, South Carolina
Image 1 of Negro plot : an account of the late intended insurrection among a portion … Negro Plot. AN ACCOUNT OF THE LATE INTENDED INSURRECTION AMONG A PORTION OF THE BLACKS OF THE City of Charleston, South Carolina. Published by the Authority of the Corporation of Charleston. BOSTON:…
- Contributor: Israel Thorndike Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1822
Image 2 of Negro plot : an account of the late intended insurrection among a portion … CITY COUNCIL, August 13, 1822. “ Resolved, That the intendant be requested to prepare for publication, an account of the late intended insurrection in this city, with a statement of the trials…
- Contributor: Israel Thorndike Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1822
Image 3 of Negro plot : an account of the late intended insurrection among a portion … AN ACCOUNT, &c. ON Thursday, the 30th of May last, about three o'clock in the afternoon, the intendant of Charleston was informed by a gentleman of great respectability, (who, that morning, had…
- Contributor: Israel Thorndike Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1822
Image 4 of Negro plot : an account of the late intended insurrection among a portion … 4 On the assembly of the corporation at five, the slave of this gentleman was brought before them, having previously identified Mr. Paul's William as the man who had accosted him in…
- Contributor: Israel Thorndike Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1822
Image 5 of Negro plot : an account of the late intended insurrection among a portion … 5 had passed between Mr. Paul's man and myself to my master, and not to lose a moment in so doing.* I took his advice, and not waiting, even for the return…
- Contributor: Israel Thorndike Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1822
Image 6 of Negro plot : an account of the late intended insurrection among a portion … 6 who was in possession of the muster-roll of the insurgents. With the hope of still further disclosures, William was conveyed to the workhouse and placed in solitary confinement. The individuals (Mingo…
- Contributor: Israel Thorndike Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1822
Image 7 of Negro plot : an account of the late intended insurrection among a portion … 7 to fear that he would soon be led forth to the scaffold, for summary execution, in an interview with Mr. Napier, (one of the committee appointed to examine him.) confessed, that…
- Contributor: Israel Thorndike Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1822
Image 8 of Negro plot : an account of the late intended insurrection among a portion … 8 information of William was amply confirmed, and details infinitely more abundant and interesting afforded. At 8 o'clock on this evening, the intendant received a visit from a gentleman who is advantageously…
- Contributor: Israel Thorndike Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1822
Image 9 of Negro plot : an account of the late intended insurrection among a portion … 9 did, to the slave of the gentleman in question, his class leader.* * Most of the black religious communities in this place are divided into classes, over which a leader is…
- Contributor: Israel Thorndike Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1822
Image 10 of Negro plot : an account of the late intended insurrection among a portion … 10 succeeding afternoon, at another meeting of the same individuals, such measures were determined on by his excellency, as were deemed best adapted to the approaching exigency of Sunday night. On Sunday,…
- Contributor: Israel Thorndike Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1822
Image 11 of Negro plot : an account of the late intended insurrection among a portion … 11 which was fixed on for its explosion, it now became the duty of the civil authority to take immediate steps for the apprehension, commitment, and trial of those against whom they…
- Contributor: Israel Thorndike Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1822
Image 12 of Negro plot : an account of the late intended insurrection among a portion … 12 to dwell. Their generous devotion and unremitting assiduity to the publick interests and safety, are left to the more appropriate appreciation of a community that witnessed their labours. This committee consisted…
- Contributor: Israel Thorndike Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1822
Image 13 of Negro plot : an account of the late intended insurrection among a portion … 13 which are elsewhere found so important in the exposition of truth; that no slave should be tried but in the presence of his master or his attorney; that the testimony of…
- Contributor: Israel Thorndike Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1822
Image 14 of Negro plot : an account of the late intended insurrection among a portion … 14 BATTEAU was next tried. It was proved that Batteau confessed to two persons, (both of whom were introduced as witnesses,) that be belonged to the conspiracy, and made efforts to induce…
- Contributor: Israel Thorndike Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1822
Image 15 of Negro plot : an account of the late intended insurrection among a portion … 15 was to have been confided to him, for he particularly acquainted one of the witnesses with the combination of stratagem and force with which he proposed to accomplish this object. Peter…
- Contributor: Israel Thorndike Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1822
Image 16 of Negro plot : an account of the late intended insurrection among a portion … 16 On the 25th of June, the court examined the cases of Jim , belonging to Mr. Ancrum; Sandy , belonging to Mr. Holmes, and Friday , the property of Mr. Rout,…
- Contributor: Israel Thorndike Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1822
Image 17 of Negro plot : an account of the late intended insurrection among a portion … 17 beyond a doubt, on the criminal eminence of having been the individual, in whose bosom the nefarious scheme was first engendered. There is ample reason for believing, that this project was…
- Contributor: Israel Thorndike Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1822
Image 18 of Negro plot : an account of the late intended insurrection among a portion … 18 The court tried JESSE, the slave of Mr. Thomas Blackwood. The testimony against Jesse was very ample. His activity and zeal, in promoting the views of Denmark Vesey, in relation to…
- Contributor: Israel Thorndike Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1822
Image 19 of Negro plot : an account of the late intended insurrection among a portion … 19 This man excited no small sympathy, not only from the apparent sincerity of his contrition, but from the mild and unostentatious composure with which he met his fate. Sentence of death…
- Contributor: Israel Thorndike Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1822
Image 20 of Negro plot : an account of the late intended insurrection among a portion … 20 street, was a place at which many meetings were held; at all of which he was present, lending the most zealous aid, and affording the strongest countenance; and if any confirmation…
- Contributor: Israel Thorndike Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1822
Image 21 of Negro plot : an account of the late intended insurrection among a portion … 21 to make. By day-light, on the morning of the 10th, this message was conveyed to the person for whom it was intended, and Charles was visited at sunrise. He was found,…
- Contributor: Israel Thorndike Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1822
Image 22 of Negro plot : an account of the late intended insurrection among a portion … 22 and Monday were separated (having been respited by his excellency, the governour, at the request of the court) and Charles, on his re-examination afforded much important information, which he had derived…
- Contributor: Israel Thorndike Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1822
Image 23 of Negro plot : an account of the late intended insurrection among a portion … 23 prescribed to this brief memoir, to go over all the trials that subsequently ensued, on these fresh discoveries. As the most important part of the testimony, adduced on these trials, is…
- Contributor: Israel Thorndike Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1822
Image 24 of Negro plot : an account of the late intended insurrection among a portion … 24 By reference to the calendar marked (S.) in the appendix, the names of the prisoners committed will be found, and under a proper column, the mode in which they were disposed…
- Contributor: Israel Thorndike Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1822
Image 25 of Negro plot : an account of the late intended insurrection among a portion … 25 the whites. Although he had been fifteen or twenty years in this country, yet he appeared to be untouched by the influences of civilized life. If the part which he was…
- Contributor: Israel Thorndike Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1822
Image 26 of Negro plot : an account of the late intended insurrection among a portion … 26 handles were provided for them by Polydore Faber a Gullah, who met his fate on the same scaffold with Tom Russel. This farm was one of the principal rendezvous of the…
- Contributor: Israel Thorndike Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1822
Image 27 of Negro plot : an account of the late intended insurrection among a portion … 27 Glen was a preacher, Billy Palmer, exceedingly pious, and a communicant at the church of his master; and Jack Purcell no less devout. The case of the latter was not without…
- Contributor: Israel Thorndike Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1822
Image 28 of Negro plot : an account of the late intended insurrection among a portion … 28 This court, having disposed of all the cases before them, adjourned on the 26th of July. At this stage of our investigation we were satisfied that of all the ringleaders in…
- Contributor: Israel Thorndike Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1822
Image 29 of Negro plot : an account of the late intended insurrection among a portion … 29 it was not only proved that he was actively engaged in recruiting others, but that he was to have led a troop of horse, at the rising, composed of all such…
- Contributor: Israel Thorndike Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1822
Image 30 of Negro plot : an account of the late intended insurrection among a portion … 30 We moreover believe that all, who were active agents (though not ringleaders) in the conspiracy, have expiated their crimes, or are about to do so, by an eternal exile from our…
- Contributor: Israel Thorndike Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1822
Image 31 of Negro plot : an account of the late intended insurrection among a portion … 31 been distinctly proved, that, without scarcely an exception, they had no individual hardship to complain of, and were among the most humanely treated negroes in our city. The facilities for combining…
- Contributor: Israel Thorndike Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1822
Image 32 of Negro plot : an account of the late intended insurrection among a portion … 32 which were sported with a wanton recklessness of their consequences, as applied to the condition of a certain portion of our common country. It is consoling to every individual, who is…
- Contributor: Israel Thorndike Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1822
Image 33 of Negro plot : an account of the late intended insurrection among a portion …
- Contributor: Israel Thorndike Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1822
Image 34 of Negro plot : an account of the late intended insurrection among a portion … 34 when he said to me, we intend to see, if we can't do something for ourselves, we can't live so. I asked him, where he would get men? He said, we'll…
- Contributor: Israel Thorndike Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1822
Image 35 of Negro plot : an account of the late intended insurrection among a portion … 35 At which I struck the tree box with my knuckles and said, as firm as this box—I'll never say one word against you. Ned then smiled and nodded his head, and…
- Contributor: Israel Thorndike Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1822
Image 36 of Negro plot : an account of the late intended insurrection among a portion … 36 man, who can't be killed, shot, or taken , is named Jack; a Gullah negro. Peter said there was a French company in town of three hundred men fully armed—that he…
- Contributor: Israel Thorndike Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1822
Image 37 of Negro plot : an account of the late intended insurrection among a portion … 37 but five men like him, they would destroy the city. This was on last Sunday week, (the 16th June,) he said, that before 3 o'clock, that night, all the white people…
- Contributor: Israel Thorndike Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1822
Image 38 of Negro plot : an account of the late intended insurrection among a portion … 38 numbers would come from all about, and it must succeed, as so many were engaged in it; that they would kill all the whites; that they would leave their masters' houses,…
- Contributor: Israel Thorndike Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1822
Image 39 of Negro plot : an account of the late intended insurrection among a portion … 39 (E.) Examination of Witness , No. 10, a Negro Man. Peter Poyas was the first man who spoke to me, and asked me to join, I asked him what, the church?…
- Contributor: Israel Thorndike Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1822
Image 40 of Negro plot : an account of the late intended insurrection among a portion … 40 would not protect him from the treachery of his own colour. He went away, and I have not seen him since. Harry Haig has since seen me several times, and told…
- Contributor: Israel Thorndike Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1822