Book/Printed Material Port of New-Orleans shut. By an express arrived this evening the following important intelligence, which we hasten to give to our readers ... Herald Office, Natchez. Thursday night, October 28, 1802.
Image 1 of Port of New-Orleans shut. By an express arrived this evening the following important … Port of New-Orleans SHUT. By an Express arrived this evening from New-Orleans, we have received the following important intelligence, which we hasten to give to our readers. — Extract of a Letter…
- Contributor: Printed Ephemera Collection (Library of Congress) - Herald Office, Natchez, Miss
- Date: 1802
Image 2 of Port of New-Orleans shut. By an express arrived this evening the following important … L. C. 1/9/33 Seville, A. G. I. Papeles de Cuba, leg. 95. (C. I. of W.) Ac. 4550 85/1
- Contributor: Printed Ephemera Collection (Library of Congress) - Herald Office, Natchez, Miss
- Date: 1802