Periodical Statement of Secretary of Defense ... before the House Armed Services Committee on the ... Defense budget and ... program Fiscal Year 1965
Image 1 of Fiscal Year 1965
Annual Defense Department report 1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Until Released by the Senate Armed Services Committee and the Senate Subcommittee on DOD Appropriations 6 9s 4 STATEMEM 1 OF SECRETARY OF DEFENSE ROBERT S McNAMARA…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 2 of Fiscal Year 1965
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Image 3 of Fiscal Year 1965
Annual Defense Department report ii PAGE NO C DEFENSE AGAINST ICBM ATTACK 50 1 Ballistic Missile Early Warning System BMEWS 50 2 OvertheHorizon Radar 50 3 Bomb Alarm System 50 4 NIKEX and NIKEZEUS 51 D…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 4 of Fiscal Year 1965
Annual Defense Department report PAGE NO D AIR FORCE GENERAL PURPOSE FORCES 84 1 Tactical Fighter Forces 84 2 Tactical Bombers 85 3 Tactical Reconnaissance Forces 86 4 KB50 Tankers 86 5 Special Air Warfare Forces…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 5 of Fiscal Year 1965
Annual Defense Department report iv PAGE NO C RESEARCH 110 D EXPLORATORY DEVELOPMENTS 110 1 Army Ill 2 Navy Ill 3 Air Force Ill 4 Advanced Research Projects Agency ARPA 112 a Project DEFENDER 112 b…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 6 of Fiscal Year 1965
Annual Defense Department report v PAGE NO G NATIONAL MILITARY COMMAND SYSTEM 132 H DEFENSE ATOMIC SUPPORT AGENCY 133 I MISCELLANEOUS DEPARTMENTWIDE ACTIVITIES 13 1 Contingencies 13 2 Claims 134 3 All Other 135 J FINANCIAL…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 7 of Fiscal Year 1965
Annual Defense Department report vi PAGE NO XII MILITARY PERSONNEL COMPENSATION AND PERSONNEL CEILINGS 156 A MILITARY COMPENSATION 156 B PERSONNEL REDUCTIONS 159 1 Civilian Personnel 159 2 Military Personnel l60 XIII FINANCIAL SUMMARY l6l- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 8 of Fiscal Year 1965
Annual Defense Department report vii H C1 004 IfN TABLES TABLE HO PAGE HO Financial Summary 162 Summary of Strength Drill Status etc for Reserve and Guard Forces 163 Financial Summary of Civil Defense 164 Department…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 9 of Fiscal Year 1965
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Image 10 of Fiscal Year 1965
Annual Defense Department report 2 I INTRODUCTION A APPROACH TO THE FISCAL YEAR 196569 PROGRAM AND THE FISCAL YEAR 1965 BUDGET Throughout the preparation of the fiscal year 196569 program and the fiscal year 195 budget…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 11 of Fiscal Year 1965
Annual Defense Department report 3 And if we approach the problem from the point of view of a given amount of combat capability we would have to determine whether that given amount could be achieved at…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 12 of Fiscal Year 1965
Annual Defense Department report 4 cycle and tensions in our relations with the Soviet Union are easing Within the last twelve months all of the Soviet combat units in Cuba have been removed although several thousand…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 13 of Fiscal Year 1965
Annual Defense Department report 5 A onethird increase in the number of tactical fighter squadrons A 60 percent increase in the tactical nuclear forces deployed in Western Europe A 75 percent increase in airlift capability A…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 14 of Fiscal Year 1965
Annual Defense Department report 6 Fourth I would list the economic difficulties being encountered by both the Soviet Union and Communist China particularly the failure of their agricultural programs The recently announced reduction in the Soviets…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 15 of Fiscal Year 1965
Annual Defense Department report 7 Thus the struggle against cammunism is far from over and al though the prospects for peace look somewhat more encouraging than they have for many years this is not the time…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 16 of Fiscal Year 1965
Annual Defense Department report 8 of scarce highgrade resources into military and space programs plus the introduction of a shorter workweek has been added the burden of an unusually bad year for agriculture The large Soviet…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 17 of Fiscal Year 1965
Annual Defense Department report 720058 0643 9 reduction is being made in favor of other demands What this reduction may mean in terms of military personnel strength procurement etc is not yet clear The significant point…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 18 of Fiscal Year 1965
Annual Defense Department report to achieve and maintain agricultural selfsufficiency Years are likely to pass before Chinese industry largely obsolete and still halfidle can recover from the setbacks it has suffered Shortages notwithstanding the Chinese Communists…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 19 of Fiscal Year 1965
Annual Defense Department report 11 The principal objective of US policy in Southeast Asia is simply to maintain the integrity and independence of the nonCommunist nations in that area We do not require that they be…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 20 of Fiscal Year 1965
Annual Defense Department report 12 With these further measures in view we felt that a start could be made in reducing the number of US military personnel in Vietnam as their training missions were completed Accordingly…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 21 of Fiscal Year 1965
Annual Defense Department report precarious Although the Communistsupported Pathet Lao have not yet launched a major military attack against the nonCcramunist factions they are taking every opportunity to sabotage the coalition government headed by neutralist Prince…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 22 of Fiscal Year 1965
Annual Defense Department report 14 Our principal commitment is still in Korea where we maintain two of our own divisions and help to support 18 Korean Army and Marine divisions Korea is one of the largest…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 23 of Fiscal Year 1965
Annual Defense Department report 15 Our military assistance to India has deeply troubled Pakistan as you are well aware Nevertheless it is important to the entire free world including Pakistan that India should be able to…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 24 of Fiscal Year 1965
Annual Defense Department report 16 exposed to Soviet power and 2 to help create an environment in which each of the nations in the area can maintain internal stability and develop its economy and society in…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 25 of Fiscal Year 1965
Annual Defense Department report Near East countries membership in any formal regional military organiza tion our interest in supporting stability and peace in the area has been well established and we believe is clearly understood by…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 26 of Fiscal Year 1965
Annual Defense Department report 18 Within the framework of an Africa of emerging or newly independent states struggling to achieve economic and political viability the re ality of and potential for Communist penetration are selfevident Accordingly…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 27 of Fiscal Year 1965
Annual Defense Department report 19 there poses an increasing threat to many Latin American nations since it serves as a base for Castropromoted Communistled subversive activities These activities include the indoctrination and training in Cuba of…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 28 of Fiscal Year 1965
Annual Defense Department report 20 The successful completion of the Presidential election in Vene zuela last December in the face of Communistinspired violence vhich failed in its efforts to intimidate the populace and disrupt the electoral…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 29 of Fiscal Year 1965
Annual Defense Department report 21 but that margin of help will be effective only to the extent that those receiving the aid are wholeheartedly committed to the goal of economic development and can effectively mobilize the…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 30 of Fiscal Year 1965
Annual Defense Department report 22 However much has happened since NATO was first conceived more than a decade ago Then its purpose was to provide time and assistance to our European partners to rebuild their economies…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 31 of Fiscal Year 1965
Annual Defense Department report 23 the common effort And we have made it clear to our NATO partners that we we are prepared to discuss changes in the present arrangements for the direction of the Alliance…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 32 of Fiscal Year 1965
Annual Defense Department report To complicate the situation further relations between Greece and Turkey have again been strained by the outbreak of civil violence in Cyprus Although prompt action by the United Kingdom has helped to…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 33 of Fiscal Year 1965
Annual Defense Department report 720058 0645 25 c THE DEFENSE PROGRAM AND THE ECONOMY As I pointed out last year a program as large as Defense command ing nearly ten percent of our total national output…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 34 of Fiscal Year 1965
Annual Defense Department report 26 b We can try to forecast and to give advance warning to communities end industries liable to be affected by major changes in the defense pro gram and drawing on our…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 35 of Fiscal Year 1965
Annual Defense Department report 27 One final point while there are several opportunities open to the Defense Department for helpful work in this area we can do little to mitigate the adverse effects of Defense program…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 36 of Fiscal Year 1965
Annual Defense Department report 28 You will note that we were able to hold our overseas expenditures relatively constant despite increased deployments abroad and substantial increases in prices and wages in foreign countries Cash receipts from…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 37 of Fiscal Year 1965
Annual Defense Department report 29 II STRATEGIC RETALIATORY FORCES The Strategic Retaliatory Forces are designed to carry out the longrange strategic mission and to carry the main burden of battle in general nuclear war These forces…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 38 of Fiscal Year 1965
Annual Defense Department report 31 But even an assured and persuasive cities only capability would require forces much larger than those implied by the overkill theory It is not simply a matter of calculating the number…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 39 of Fiscal Year 1965
Annual Defense Department report 32 large enough to ensure the destruction singly or in combination of the Soviet Union Communist China and the Communist satellites as national societies under the worst possible circumstances of war outbreak…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 40 of Fiscal Year 1965
Annual Defense Department report 1 Bomber Forces We plan to continue a mixed force of missiles and manned bombers throughout the entire planning period fiscal years 196569 Although most of the aiming points in the Soviet…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??