Periodical Statement of Secretary of Defense ... before the House Armed Services Committee on the ... Defense budget and ... program Fiscal Year 1967
Image 1 of Fiscal Year 1967
Annual Defense Department report For Official Use Only Until Released by the House Armed Services Committee STATEMENT OF SECRETARY OF DEFENSE ROBERT S McNAMARA BEFORE THE HOUSE ARMED SERVICES COMMITTEE ON 5HE FISCAL IEAR 1966feDEFENSE PROGRAM…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 2 of Fiscal Year 1967
- Date: 19??
Image 3 of Fiscal Year 1967
Annual Defense Department report ii PAGE NO D STRATEGIC OFFENSIVE FORCES 60 1 The Maintenance of an Effective Manned Bomber Force in the 1970s 2 Air Launched Missiles 3 Strategic Reconnaissance k Strategic Missile Forces a…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 4 of Fiscal Year 1967
Annual Defense Department report iii PAGE NO III GENERAL PURPOSE FORCES 77 A REQUIREMENT FOR GENERAL PURPOSE FORCES 77 B CAPABILITIES OF THE PROGRAMMED FORCES 80 1 Southeast Asia 80 a Policy Objectives and Military Tasks…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 5 of Fiscal Year 1967
Annual Defense Department report iv PAGE NO 6 Logistical Operational Support and Direct Support Ships Ill 7 Other Navy Aircraft Ill 8 Marine Corps Forces Ill 9 Navy and Marine Corps Reserve Forces 112 10 Navy…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 6 of Fiscal Year 1967
Annual Defense Department report v PAGE NO C RESEARCH 15 D EXPLQRATORr DEVELOPMENT 151 1 Amy 152 2 Navy 153 3 Air Force 153 k Advanced Research Projects Agency ARPA 15 1 a Project DEFENDER 15…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 7 of Fiscal Year 1967
Annual Defense Department report vi PAGE HO E MEDICAL SERVICES 176 F HEADQUARTERS AND SUPPORT SERVICES 1 Headquarters 173 2 Weather Service 173 3 Air Rescue and Recovery 179 h DEEP FREEZE 179 G NATIONAL MILITARY…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 8 of Fiscal Year 1967
Annual Defense Department report vii PAGE NO 2 Military Personnel Strengths 203 B MANPOWER PROCUREMENT 20k C MILUAHf COMPENSATION 206 XI FINANCIAL SUMMARY 208 APPENDIX 210- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 9 of Fiscal Year 1967
Annual Defense Department report viii 206226 0663 TABLES TABLE NO PAGE NO 1 Financial Summary 213 2 Financial Summary of Civil Defense 2lh 3 Comparison of Present and Proposed Army Reserve Component Structures 215 k Summary…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 10 of Fiscal Year 1967
Annual Defense Department report STATEMENT OF SECRETARY OF DEFENSE ROBERT S McNAMARA BEFORE THE HOUSE ARMED SERVICES COMMITTEE ON THE FISCAL YEAR 196670 DEFENSE PROGRAM AND 1966 DEFENSE BUDGET Mr Chairman and Members of the Committee…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 11 of Fiscal Year 1967
Annual Defense Department report 2 ftmding for materiel and services required by US and Military Assistance forces and the elimination of detailed accounting and reporting for materiel and services furnished to Military Assistance forces b Increased…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 12 of Fiscal Year 1967
Annual Defense Department report 3 A APPROACH TO THE FY 196771 PROGRAM AMD THE FY 1966 67 BUDGETS As I have noted in previous appearances before this Committee President Kennedy gave me two general instructions when…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 13 of Fiscal Year 1967
Annual Defense Department report 4 At the same time we did not neglect our nuclear forces Indeed during this period we achieved a 200 increase in the number of nuclear warheads and total megatonnage in the…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 14 of Fiscal Year 1967
Annual Defense Department report 5 this question has three parts First ve are increasing the size of our active farces because we do not wish at this time to call up the reserve forces The new…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 15 of Fiscal Year 1967
Annual Defense Department report 6 forces to take the field and engage in combat I submit that the rapid deployment and support in combat of a force of over onequarter of a million men including those…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 16 of Fiscal Year 1967
Annual Defense Department report 7 that the conflict will continue beyond that date or if it should expand beyond the level assumed in our present plans we will come back to the Congress with an additional…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 17 of Fiscal Year 1967
Annual Defense Department report 8 206226 0662 for all essential military requirements As shown on Table 1 we are requesting for FY 1966 a total of 633 billion in new obligational authority of which 123 billion…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 18 of Fiscal Year 1967
Annual Defense Department report 9 B ASSESSMENT OF THE INTERNATIONAL SITUATION AS IT BEARS ON MILITARY POLICIES AND PROGRAMS For the American people the single most important development in the international situation during the last year…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 19 of Fiscal Year 1967
Annual Defense Department report 10 concerned with the political aims of Communist China It is to quote Secretary Rusk as candid as Hitlers Mein Kampf The longrange objective of the Chinese Communists is to became dominant…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 20 of Fiscal Year 1967
Annual Defense Department report 11 In recent months a number of village officials and policemen have been assassinated in the northeastern areas of Thailand Clashes have occurred with small bands of armed Communists seemingly well equipped…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 21 of Fiscal Year 1967
Annual Defense Department report 12 by peaceful means using to the full the resources of the United Nations as well as employing direct diplomacy Last year I said to this Committee To the extent that the…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 22 of Fiscal Year 1967
Annual Defense Department report 13 The present conflict in Vietnam is Communist aggression in a different guise I am convinced that if we stand fast again in South east Asia this new aggression will he brought…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 23 of Fiscal Year 1967
Annual Defense Department report 8 We do not desire to retain US troops in South Vietnam after peace is assured 9 We support free elections in South Vietnam to give the South Vietnamese a government of…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 24 of Fiscal Year 1967
Annual Defense Department report 15 with Cananunist China while also reducing conflicts with the West has turned out to be a most difficult enterprise In any event almost from the beginning of their tenure the new…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 25 of Fiscal Year 1967
Annual Defense Department report 16 206226 0664 The primary domestic problem absorbing the attention of the leader ship is the state of the Soviet economy At the time when the advanced nations of the world are…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 26 of Fiscal Year 1967
Annual Defense Department report 17 The same sorts of problems besetting the Soviet Union are also besetting the more advanced countries of Eastern Europe Their defense burdens are lighter but they suffer from the same deficiencies…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 27 of Fiscal Year 1967
Annual Defense Department report 18 capacity to produce U235 was shown in its first two nuclear tests and it will probably attempt to develop a thermonuclear device as soon as possible Ccmmunist China probably has the…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 28 of Fiscal Year 1967
Annual Defense Department report 19 approaches to their host governments and have sought to follow up every possibility for additional assistance both military and non military As a result there has been a significant increase in…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 29 of Fiscal Year 1967
Annual Defense Department report 20 c The removal of foreign military forces from South Vietnam as soon as aggression has ceased d Effective guarantees for the independence and freedom of the people of South Vietnam These…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 30 of Fiscal Year 1967
Annual Defense Department report 21 During the past year the Government of South Vietnam has gradually gained acceptance from a vide variety of elements in the South Vietnamese body politic The great increase in our military…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 31 of Fiscal Year 1967
Annual Defense Department report 22 Communist threat against Laos ie its continued independence and neutrality remains It is clear now that the North Vietnamese and their tool the Pathet Lao had no intention of living up…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 32 of Fiscal Year 1967
Annual Defense Department report 23 During the past year Thailand has strengthened its relations with the Free World maintained internal stability and continued its economic progress becoming an ever more valuable and cooperative partner of the…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 33 of Fiscal Year 1967
Annual Defense Department report 206226 0665 can we predict with any assurance whether the nonCommunist forces emerging in Indonesia will be able to cope with the extremely serious economic problems now affecting the entire country Although…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 34 of Fiscal Year 1967
Annual Defense Department report 25 before Regardless of the eventual outcome in Vietnam our bases in the Philippines will remain at least as important as they are now and perhaps become even more vital as we…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 35 of Fiscal Year 1967
Annual Defense Department report 26 3 Northeast Asia To the north Japan the Republic of Korea and the Republic of China continue to be vitally concerned over the threat posed by Communist China its widening ambitions…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 36 of Fiscal Year 1967
Annual Defense Department report 27 troops including a full combat division are now in Vietnam fighting sidebyside with our own forces These Korean troops will be supported by the US logistic system in South Vietnam as…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 37 of Fiscal Year 1967
Annual Defense Department report 28 reflected in the sustained efforts we have made to limit the projection of Communist influence and power beyond its borders In the subcontinent it is reflected in an investment in the…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 38 of Fiscal Year 1967
Annual Defense Department report 29 While the Cyprus issue remains critical there has been some improve ment during the past year in GreekTurkish relations and I was particu larly gratified to see Greek and Turkish military…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 39 of Fiscal Year 1967
Annual Defense Department report 30 for military support in 193 in fear of an air attack or invasion by the UAR we responded by sending a squadron of Air Force aircraft to Saudi Arabia where they…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??
Image 40 of Fiscal Year 1967
Annual Defense Department report 31 Both major Communist camps suffered some reversals in 1965 In the Congo Leopoldville the Communistsupported rebellion was largely suppressed except for some small uncoordinated pockets of resistance The new Government of…- Contributor: United States. Department of Defense
- Date: 19??