Manuscript/Mixed Material [I Managed to Carry On]
Image 1 of [I Managed to Carry On] Eugenia _Martin 1028Westmoor Drive NW WPA 6orker HousedcWaping Aide By Gzieva Tonsil Tufc
- Contributor: Martin, Eugenia - Tonsill, Geneva
- Date: 1939-11
Image 2 of [I Managed to Carry On] I MANAGED ir ON Is am the offsPrin3 of Thomas nnd Lucy Collier Their rarents were slaves Mother 71d father were also slaves Illy mother was a descendant of the Cherokee Indians…
- Contributor: Martin, Eugenia - Tonsill, Geneva
- Date: 1939-11
Image 3 of [I Managed to Carry On] They were also well liked by their master and when they were married they were FiVn a wedding with nll the actendants They were mnrried a white Baotit minister a Rev C…
- Contributor: Martin, Eugenia - Tonsill, Geneva
- Date: 1939-11
Image 4 of [I Managed to Carry On] living conditions and educational advantageS Nothr apd father have died He did however live t see some of h_s dreams realized For he lived to see aome of his children through college…
- Contributor: Martin, Eugenia - Tonsill, Geneva
- Date: 1939-11
Image 5 of [I Managed to Carry On] meetings other times I WaF working Ath the Missionary Society or withthe choir as organist In fact anything tnat was to be done I did it cheerfully to help my husband succeed…
- Contributor: Martin, Eugenia - Tonsill, Geneva
- Date: 1939-11
Image 6 of [I Managed to Carry On] 1110b 011 4 A11W V IOWA 10M11101 e nd oversee the work done in the home to do the heavy work in the home for me ue end hired semeone II The…
- Contributor: Martin, Eugenia - Tonsill, Geneva
- Date: 1939-11
Image 7 of [I Managed to Carry On] humilities tint go with the process of securincr this work and it was disfrenointing at times but I VIPS giowing more nd_ more in need Pnd this caused t e keep on…
- Contributor: Martin, Eugenia - Tonsill, Geneva
- Date: 1939-11
Image 8 of [I Managed to Carry On] I found or experienced on this rojeot I never realiied bef just what ws out there in those alleys in the slums thespovO and illiteracy qiat existed there I TM glad I…
- Contributor: Martin, Eugenia - Tonsill, Geneva
- Date: 1939-11
Image 9 of [I Managed to Carry On] than any other itide She is unable to do for herself now and has to be dependent upon her Social Security compensation and WPA She gets her pension and surplus food She…
- Contributor: Martin, Eugenia - Tonsill, Geneva
- Date: 1939-11
Image 10 of [I Managed to Carry On] take her body in charge any of her relatives and found to my dray thqt nn one ever did and finally the little neighborhood church the hurCh of God sent Fame of…
- Contributor: Martin, Eugenia - Tonsill, Geneva
- Date: 1939-11
Image 11 of [I Managed to Carry On] by him nutting a soPlll on her She was I had another woman who believed she had been conjured her hrsband pfld that her suffering for many years was caused suffering from…
- Contributor: Martin, Eugenia - Tonsill, Geneva
- Date: 1939-11
Image 12 of [I Managed to Carry On] using gloves or other precaptions Theyd say we thought orr pelrec better 11qr theyOf corrse we world have to be diploma tic to get tlose things ot of their htqlds 1 177177…
- Contributor: Martin, Eugenia - Tonsill, Geneva
- Date: 1939-11
Image 13 of [I Managed to Carry On] 12 horse work and the heavy duties aooIlt home were done oy women he hired washtng hesvy cleaning sn the like Of course you know it was a bit strange at first…
- Contributor: Martin, Eugenia - Tonsill, Geneva
- Date: 1939-11