Book/Printed Material [Mrs. Margaret Sauer]
Image 1 of [Mrs. Margaret Sauer] 0 FOSS A Gireumstanoes of Interview NAIL OF VORKER Harold J Moss ADDRESS 6934 Franeis St Llnooln Henry askei 10Cdr 0 Ste DATE Oot 28 1938 SUBJECT Gilman Russian Folklore 1 Name…
- Contributor: Sauer, Mrs. Margaret - Moss, Harold J. - Liekei, Henry
- Date: 1938-10-25
Image 2 of [Mrs. Margaret Sauer] FORM B Personal aistory of Informant NAME OF WORKER Harold J Noss ADDRESS 8934 Francis St Lincoln Nob Henry Licks Ibog d et DATE Oct 25 1936 SUBJECT Gomm Russian folklore NAkE…
- Contributor: Sauer, Mrs. Margaret - Moss, Harold J. - Liekei, Henry
- Date: 1938-10-25
Image 3 of [Mrs. Margaret Sauer] FORM C Text of Interview UXedited NAME OF WCRIER Rarold J MossADDRESS 6934 Francis St Lincoln Nebr Henry Liokei 1602 G 81 DATE Oat 25 1938 SUBJECT German Russian Folklore NAME AND…
- Contributor: Sauer, Mrs. Margaret - Moss, Harold J. - Liekei, Henry
- Date: 1938-10-25