Book/Printed Material [Mrs. Mary Mathews Tolman]
Image 1 of [Mrs. Mary Mathews Tolman] OM A Oirounstanom of Interview NAM 0r 102120 Herold J Moss ADAM 6034 Tramis St Linooln Nob NATI reh 7A 1830 SUSA02 Auorisoo folklore stuff 1 N and address of informant Mrs…
- Contributor: Tolman, Mrs. Mary Mathews - Moss, Harold J.
- Date: 1939-03-07
Image 2 of [Mrs. Mary Mathews Tolman] FORM Personal History of Istormst RUM or mon lareld J Mess AMMO OM 7110818 MATS Stroh TOOSO SUN Ontarios talking stuff XiUt AID ADAMS OF INFORMOT Mr Mary Mathews Wow 1 Anaestry…
- Contributor: Tolman, Mrs. Mary Mathews - Moss, Harold J.
- Date: 1939-03-07
Image 3 of [Mrs. Mary Mathews Tolman] FORM C Text of Interview Unedited NAME or CRIBB Harald J MN AMISS 966 muds t DOB Mareh T4 1939 SUBJECT dosriohm 14401o0 stuff ISA AND ADDISSS OF DWORMAN Ipso Mary Matthaei…
- Contributor: Tolman, Mrs. Mary Mathews - Moss, Harold J.
- Date: 1939-03-07
Image 4 of [Mrs. Mary Mathews Tolman] They really were thc most tannish of the three groups around us Like all GeishaLee most at their affairs of eternity such as weddings funerals its were held in the morning and…
- Contributor: Tolman, Mrs. Mary Mathews - Moss, Harold J.
- Date: 1939-03-07
Image 5 of [Mrs. Mary Mathews Tolman] 3 Out in the yard a pavillion had been built reaehed by little steps and with row of benches arsuud the outside edge The orehestra was legated at sne end and the…
- Contributor: Tolman, Mrs. Mary Mathews - Moss, Harold J.
- Date: 1939-03-07
Image 6 of [Mrs. Mary Mathews Tolman] 4 The Polish girls at that time before they married wore their hair in lmag thiek broils They as a rule have beautiful luzuriant hair a true osomn of glory While they…
- Contributor: Tolman, Mrs. Mary Mathews - Moss, Harold J.
- Date: 1939-03-07
Image 7 of [Mrs. Mary Mathews Tolman] they are SA gime or oesememy las serried smith the meal solemnity end serleasmeee ehish seemed to airtosil all their tradttiemal castoss seem these who bosoms tatemieated did it ta a Uplifted…
- Contributor: Tolman, Mrs. Mary Mathews - Moss, Harold J.
- Date: 1939-03-07
Image 8 of [Mrs. Mary Mathews Tolman] 6 Large geole4k Ibatitege to the Pollak are s asoonteas it and they ge ha great herds to attend thou They aro still tarried as pretty Noah the sow way today altheogh…
- Contributor: Tolman, Mrs. Mary Mathews - Moss, Harold J.
- Date: 1939-03-07
Image 9 of [Mrs. Mary Mathews Tolman] bat still afters to that olsasishaseas This is poirtioalsr17 trio at ths Seism who Am a Maly patio psosishis poops Tbs shush mod to oda is lerbosiaig ays pearls ts this seeistrf…
- Contributor: Tolman, Mrs. Mary Mathews - Moss, Harold J.
- Date: 1939-03-07